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2010�763; <br />(ii) the coznmencement by such Person of a voluntary case under the federal <br />bankruptcy laws, as now constituted or h�reafter amended, or any ather applicable federal <br />or state bankruptcy, insolvency or ather sirnilar law, or thc consent by him to the <br />appointment of or taking possession by a receiver, liquidator, assignee, trustee, custodian, <br />sequestrator (or sinailar official) of such Person or for any substantial part of his praperty, <br />or thE making by him of any assignment for the benefit of creditors, ar the taking of <br />action by the Person in furtherance of any of ihe foregoing. <br />"Event ofi Default" shall rmean any event set forth in 10.1(a) of this Agreement. <br />"Excess Amount" shall have the meaning set farth in Section 2.1(c) of this Agreernent, <br />"Excess Develo ment Costs" shall have the rneaning set forth in Section 7.2 af this <br />Agreeznent. <br />"Ex iration Date" n�eans December 31., 2010, as such date rnay be extended 'rn <br />accordance with Sectian 4.1(�. <br />"Fiscal „Quarter" rneans any of the three (3) consecutive month periods of each �"iscal <br />Year ending on March 31, June 30, September 30 a.nd Decernber 31. <br />"Fiscal Year" means the twelve (12)-month period which begins on January 1 and ends <br />on December 31 of each calendar year. <br />"Governmental Authorft " means the Authority, the TRS or any other federal, state or <br />local governmental agency or authority having jurisdiction over the particular niatter to which <br />reference is being rnade. <br />"Guidelines" means the "Application and Terms and Cotrditions: Grants to States far <br />Low-Inconie Hausing Projects in Lieu of Low-Income Housing Crec�its for Z009" published by <br />Treasury in 1VIay 2009, and any updates, modifications or successor guidelinES thereto. <br />"HUD" rneans the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and its <br />successors. <br />"1RS" m�ans the Internal Revenue Service. <br />"Land" rneans tl�e real property which the Qwner will own, upon which the Project will <br />be constructed and which is described in Exhibit A. <br />"Lender" means ��orizon Bank. <br />"Lovv-Income Unit" rneans l2 of the 12 dwelling units in the Project that are to be held <br />for occupancy by the Owner and occupied in such a znanner as to qualify such units as <br />"low-income units" under Section 42(i)(3) of the Code. <br />"LURA" means the Land Use Restricti�n Agreement For Low-Tncome Housing Tax <br />Credits to be entered into by lhe Authority and the Owner in which the Owner agrees ta maintain <br />-4- <br />4646-6923-13G7.3 <br />