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2o�on7s3� <br />recitals in such reconveyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the <br />truthfulness thereof. <br />28. This Recapture Deed of Trust, the rights af the Authority hereunder and the 1602 <br />Agreement shal I be canstrued and enforced according to the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br />29. In the event that any provision or clause of any of this Recapture Deed af Trust <br />conflicts with applicable lavvs, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Recapture <br />Deed af Trust which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. <br />30. This Recapture Deed of Trust applies to, inures to the benefit of, and binds all <br />parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees, administrators, executors, successars and assigns. <br />The word "Grantor" shall include any future owner of the Premises. The use of the singular <br />number shall include the plural and the use of any gender shall include all genders. <br />31. No waiver by the Authority of any right under this Recapture Deed of Trust shall <br />be effective unless in writing. Waiver by the Autharity af any right granted to the Authority <br />under this Recapture Deed of Trust or af any provision of this Recapture Deed of Trust as to any <br />transaction or occurrence shall not be deemed a waiver as to any future transaction or <br />accurrence. By accepting payment or perfarmance af any Obligations after its due date, or by <br />rnaking any other payrnent or perforrning any other act on behalf of Grantor for which Gratttor <br />was abligated hereunder, but failed ta make or perfarm, or by adding any payment made by the <br />Authority to the Obligations secured hereby, the Authority does not waive its right to require <br />prompt payment when due of, or to require prompt performance of, any Obligation, or to declare <br />an Event of Default for failure so to pay or perform. <br />32. Grantor and the Autharity hereby waive trial by jury in any actian, proceeding ar <br />counterclaim brought by any party against any other or on any matter arising out of ar in any <br />way connected with this Recapture Deed of Trust, the 16p2 Agreernent or the permitted <br />encumbrances, or any sums due under the same, the relationship between Grantor and the <br />Authority, or the Prernises. <br />33. This Security lnstrument secures future advances and future obligations of. <br />Grantor and shall b� governed by Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 76-238.01, as may be amended from <br />time to time. The tatal face amount of the present and future advances and obligations which <br />may be secured hereby, including, without lirnitation, all of Grantor's obligations is $1,496,825. <br />This provision shall not constitute an obligation upon or commitment of the Authority to make <br />additional advances or loans to Grantor. <br />34. A CREDIT AGREEMENT MUST SE IN WRITING TO BE ENFORCEABLE <br />UNDER NEBRASKA LAW. TO PROTECT AGAINST ANY MISUNDERSTANDINGS OR <br />DiSAPPOiNTMENTS, ANY CONTRACT, PROMISE, UNDERTAKiNG OR OFFER TO <br />FOREBEAR REPAYMENT OF MONEY QR TO MAKE ANY OTHER FINANCIAL <br />ACCOMMODATION IN CONNECTION WITH THIS LOAN OF MONEY OR GRANT OR <br />EXTENSION OF CREDIT, OR ANY AMENDMENT OF, CANCELLATION OF, WAIVER <br />OF, OR SUBSTITUTION FOR ANY OR ALL OF THE TERMS OR PROVISI�NS OF ANY <br />19 <br />Retapture Deed pf Trust and Security Agreement <br />4848-2546-71433 <br />