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��ioo�s3� <br />the Authority. The Subaward and other charges provided for herein shall, at the option of the <br />Authority or holder of this Recapture Deed of Trust and the 1602 Agreement securing the same, <br />become due and payabl� on the failure of the Grantor to keep and perform any of the covenants, <br />conditions and agreem�nts of the 1602 Agreement. This Recapture Deed af Trust is a <br />construction mortgage under the Nebraska Uniform Comrnercial Cade, to secure an obligation <br />incurred for the construction of improvernents an land. This Recapture Deed of Trust secures the <br />Obligations, and it will be subject to the terms of the 1602 Agreement between Grantor and <br />Authority. Any materials, equipment or supplies used or intended for use in the construction, <br />development, or operation of the Premises, whether stored on or off the Premises, shall also be <br />subject to the lien of this Recapture Deed of Trust and Grantor, or Grantor's contractor if <br />Subaward proceeds are paid to such contractor, shall apply the Subaward proceeds to the <br />payment of lawful claims for labor and material furnished for such constructian. <br />19. The Grantor is liable for any Rents collected by Grantor from the property after a <br />default by Grantor under the 1602 Agreement, or an Event af Default under this Recapture Deed <br />of Trust or a default under any ather instrument securin� or referring to the Obligations, and <br />security deposits rnade by tenants of the property, and real estate taxes, assessments, water rates, <br />levies and ather charges as d�fined in this Recapture Deed of Trust and insurance premiums, <br />payment af which is required to be made by Grantor under this Recapture Deed of Trust, and <br />insurance proceeds and Condernnation Awards, payments and consideratian which Grantor <br />receives and to which the Authority is entitled pursuant to the terms of this Recapture Deed of <br />Trust ar of any other instrument securing or referring ta the Obligations, and damages to the <br />property frorn waste comrnitted or perrnitted by Grantor or frorn a failure by Grantar to rnaintain <br />the property in the manner required by this Recapture Deed of Trust, and damages suffered by <br />the Authority as a result of the failure of Grantor ta pay any of the faregoing, and loss ar damage <br />occurring by reason af the failure of Grantor to observe its covenant respecting the release or <br />discharge of Hazardous Materials or the keeping of asb�stas or lead based paint on the praperty <br />as set forth in this Recapture Deed of Trust, together with attarney's fees incurred in connection <br />with the collection of the amounts set forth herein. <br />20. This Recapture Deed of Trust has been duly authorized by Grantar, and the <br />individuals are instructed to execute on behalf af Grantor the 1602 Agreement and this <br />Recapture Deed of Trust securing same. <br />2l. So lang as the Recapture Deed of Trust and Obligations secured hereby are <br />outstanding, Grantor will not (a) rent dwelling accommodations in the Premises in excess of the <br />rates approved by the Authority; (b) rent the Premises as an entirety; (c) rent the Premises or any <br />part thereof to any persons for the purpose af subleasing; (d) rent the Premises or permit its use <br />for hotel or transient purposes; or (e) require of any tenant as a condition af occupancy life-lease <br />contracts, fees or other payments over and abave those far rents, utilities, and collateral services. <br />The initial lease period shall not be less than six months and subsequent leases shall not be less <br />than one month. <br />22. When and if Grantor and the Authority shall respectively become the Debtor and <br />secured party in any Uniform Commercial Cade financing statement affecting the Premises <br />eith�r referred to or described herein, or in any way connected with the use and enjoyment of <br />13 <br />Recapture Peed of Trust and Security Agreement <br />4848-2546-7143.3 <br />
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