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�o�oo�s3� <br />"Repuired Percenta�e" means the rninimum percentage of Low-Income Units in the <br />Project, which shall be the greatex of the Minimum Set-Aside Test or the Subaward Fractian. <br />"Requisition" means a requisition fox disbursement af the Subaward submitt�d by the <br />Owner in the form attached hereto as Exhrbit D . <br />"Sectiorn 16D2 Proeram" and "Section 1602 Pro raa�i Funds" shall have lhe meanings <br />attributed thereto in the Recitals. <br />" State " rneans Nebraska. <br />"Subaward" means the grant of Section 1602 Frogram Funds in the aggregate arnount of <br />up to $935,295 ta be made by the Authority to the Owner to assist in the financing of the <br />canstruction of the Prnject pursuant to all of the terms and canditions of this Agreernent; <br />pravided, however, that the Subaward, determined at the time of the Cost Certificatian, may not <br />exceed 8S% of each such building's Eligible Basis, as af th� end of the first year of the of the <br />"credit period" applicable to such building, as defined in Seetian 42( fl( l) af the Code <br />"Subaward Fraction" means the lesser of (i) the fraction obtained by divrding the <br />arnount af the Subaward, once fully disburaed, into the Eligible Basis of the Project, determined <br />in accordance with the Section 42(d) of the Code (including any increase in basis pursuant to <br />Section 42(d)(S)(B)), or (ii) the "applicable fraction" as defined in Code Section 42(c)(1). <br />"Tax Credit A1locatipn" means the allocation of Tax Credits ta the Owner with respect <br />to the Praject pursuant to the QAP or a previously effective Quali�cd Allocation Plan of the <br />Autharity, which allocation is anticipatcd to produce Tax Credits for the bene�t of the Tax <br />Credit �nvestor. <br />"Tax Credit Investar" means the party identified as such in the Recitals who has �rmly <br />committed to rnake an equity investment in the Owner in exchange for Tax Credits, tagether with <br />any party authori�ed to act on behalf of the Tax Credit Investor hereunder or und�r the operating <br />agreernent of the Owner. <br />"Tax Credits" means the federal ]ow-income housing tax credits under Section 42 or <br />1400N of the Cade. <br />"Treasurv" means the United States Department of Che Treasury, includin� the <br />United States of Arnerica acting through the Treasury. <br />"Treasury Reg,u,lations" means the tempoxary and final regulaCians promul�ated under <br />the Cad�, as such regulations rnay be amended from time to time (including corresponding <br />provisions of succeeding regulations), <br />-b- <br />aaa� -z� 3s-�a�s.z <br />