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201007�35 <br />EXHIBIT C <br />DUE DTLIGENCE RE UTREMENTS <br />Section 1,.._ Dili e� nce Rec,�,uired„at,,Closing: <br />1. Draft Construction Loan docurnents. Drafts of the construction loan docurnents. <br />2. Letter af Commitm�nt. Copy of an executed LIHTC commitment agreement bctween <br />the Tax Credit Investor and the Owner. <br />3, Return af LIHTC. If the project propased to return a portion of its Tax Crcdits, <br />please execute and submit an Agreement ta Return LTHTC and return one copy to the <br />AuChority, <br />4. Warranty,Deed. Copy of the record Warrant Deed For the Project. <br />5. Canditional Award, Receipt hy the Authority pf any remaining diligence set forth in <br />the Conditional Award dated F�bruary 26, 2010. <br />6. Title Polic Commitrnent. Copy of the Title Policy Comnlitrnent <br />Scction 2_ Due Dili_gence Reauired Prior to First Disbursement: <br />l. Construction Loan dacu�ents. Copy of the executed construction loan documents. <br />2. Executed Partnership r� eement. Capy of the executed Partnership A�;reement with <br />the Tax Credit Investor. <br />3. Axchitect Certification. Certification (Part 1) from the Project architect in the forrn <br />attached hereta as Attachment l. <br />4. Title Policv. Copy af the Title Policy with extended lien and survey coverage. <br />5. Builder's Risk Insurance. Copy of Builder's Risk Casualty Insurance Palicy which <br />shall include an endorsement adding the Authnrity as an additional insured. <br />6. Canstruction Contraci. Copy of the executed Construction Contract for the Project. <br />7. 1602 Documents. Recorded copy af the Sectian 16Q2 Subawaxd Agreement and <br />Recapture Deed of Trust. <br />4841-2135-3478.2 <br />