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2oioo7s35 <br />(o) The Owner will develop and operate the Praject in accordance with (i) the <br />applicable provisrans af Section 42 af the Code, (ii) the terms of this Agreement, (iii) the <br />Program Requirements, (iv) all applicable federal, State, and lacal statutes, rules and regulatians <br />with respect to the Prajcct including, without limitatian, the Fair Hausing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601, <br />et seq.}, as amended, and (v) all applicable eequircments nf any Governmental Authorities having <br />jurisdiction over the Project. � <br />(p) The Owner shall not sell, lease (ather than by residential leases in the ordinary <br />course af business), transfer or otherwise dispose of any material portion af the Project, without <br />the priar written consent af the Authority, provided transfers in the Owner's memhers as <br />permitted pursuant ta the Owner's First Amended and Restated Operating Agreement shal] nat <br />be prohibited pursuant to this Agreement or ather Scctian 1602 Program docarnents if prior <br />written notice is given to the Authority as set farth in Sectian 11.1. <br />Section 7.2. Covenant of Comaletion <br />The Owner unconditianally covenants and warrants that it shall meet the Construction <br />Carnpletion Date. The �wner shall cause the Praject to satisfy all constntctiQn related <br />requirements af the Mortgage Loans, including any requicement related ta completian of the <br />Project. The Owner shall pay all costs to carnplete the constructian of the Project in accordance <br />with the Plans and Specifications when and as incurred, regardless af whether such casts exceed <br />the amnunts anticipated for such items in the Budget or the sources otherwise available to pay <br />such casts (in either such cvent, said costs being referred to as "Excess Develapmcnt Casts"). <br />The Owner shall pay any Excess Development Costs by the earliest of (a) the date required to <br />avaid a default or pcnalties under the Martgag� Laans, (b) the date required to keep all souxces <br />of funding for the Praject "in balance," (c) ths date required ta keep all expenses without a <br />specific maturity date paid on a sixty (60)-day current basis, or (d) such eaxlier date as may be set <br />forth in this Agreement. <br />ARTICLE VIII <br />BOOKS AND REPORTING <br />Sectian 8.1. Financial Status Reports <br />(a) The Owner shall maintain ar cause to be maintained far the term af this <br />Agreement a complete and accurate set of baoks and supporting documentatian of transactions <br />with respect to the canduct af the Owner's business. The Autharity shall have the right ta <br />exarnine the books of the Qwner and all athcx records and information cancerning tlie aperatian <br />of the Project from time ta time without prior notice during regular business hours pravrded that <br />such examination shall not unreasonably disrupt or interfere with the Owner's business or <br />operations. <br />(b) The Qwner shall send to the Authority na later than twenty (20) calendar days <br />following the clase af each F'iscal Quarter the fallowing information (which need not be <br />audit�d): (i) a balance sheet as of the end of each Fiscal Quarter, (ii) a statement of incorne far <br />each such Fiscal Quarter, (iii) a statement af cash flows and (iv) (collectively, the "Quarterly <br />�'inancial Status Reports"). If the Quarterly �'inancial Status Reports are not delivered to the <br />-15- <br />A841-2135-3478.2 <br />