<br />acquired by Grantor to the full extent of Grantor's right, title, and interest therein, includirig
<br />hereafter acquired ri�;hts, interesls, and property, and all products azad proceeds thercaf and
<br />additions and accessions th�reto (sornetimes collectively referred to herein as the "Pxoperty"):
<br />TOGETHER with the rcal property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a
<br />part her�of as if set Forth verbatim (the "Land"); and,
<br />T�GETHER with the buildings, structures, fixtures, additians, enlargernents, extensians,
<br />moClifiC�tipn8, repairs, rcplaccments and improvements now or hereafter erectcd or locat�d on
<br />the Land (the "Improvements"); and,
<br />TOGETHER with all easernents, rights-of-way or use, rights, strips and gores of land,
<br />streets, ways, alleys, passages, sewer rights, water, water courses, water rights and powers, air
<br />rights and development rights, riparian rights, and all estates, rights, titles, interests, privileges,
<br />liberties, sezvitudes, tenements, h�reditaments and appurtenances of any nature whatsoever, in
<br />any way now or hereafter belongin�, relating or pertaining to the Land and the Improvernents
<br />and the reversion and reversions, rernainder and remainders, including any homestead or other
<br />claim at law or in equity and any afler-acquired title, franchises, licenses, and any reversions and
<br />re:mainders thereof, and all land lying in the bed of any street, road or avenue, opcned or
<br />proposed, in front of or adjoining the Land, to the center line thereof and all the estates, rights,
<br />titles, interests, dower and rights oF dower, curtesy and rights of curtesy, property, possession,
<br />claizn and demand whatsoever, both at law and in equity, af Grantor of, in, and to the Land and
<br />the Improvements and evexy part and paxcel thereof, with the appurtenances thereto; and,
<br />TOGETHER with all inventory, machinery, furniture, equipment, and fixtures (including
<br />all heating, air conditioning, plumbin�, ]ighting, cornmunications and elevator fixtuxes) and oiher
<br />property of every kind and nature whatsoever located upon the Land or th� Improvements ar
<br />appurtenant thereto or used in connection with the present or future operation or accupancy af
<br />the Land ar the Impravements, including all materials iritended far construction, reconstruction,
<br />refurbishment, renovation, alterations, and repairs to the Property (whether storcd or localed on
<br />or aff the Property) (all of the items described below are herein son�etimes collectively called the
<br />"Pexsonal Prapert�'), including the right, title and interest of Grantor in and to any of the
<br />Personal Property that may be subject to any security intcrests, as de�ned in the Uniform
<br />Commexcia] Code, as adopted and enacted by any state or states where any of the Property is
<br />located (the "Uniform Comznercial Cade") superior in lien to the lien ofthis Security Instrument,
<br />such Personal Property to include, for example, the following; (a) all furniture and furnishings,
<br />including carpets, rugs and other floor coverings, draperies, drapery rods and brackets, awnings,
<br />window shades, Venetian blinds, curtains, lighting fixtures, deslc chairs, stools, pictures, lamps,
<br />ash trays, waste baskets, clocks, radias, and all other furniture and furnishings of every kind and
<br />nature whatsoever; (b) all cash registers, coin machines, computers, word processing equipment,
<br />adding machines, calculators, check protectors, postage meters, desks, chairs, tables, roozn
<br />dividers, filing cabinets, safes, vaults, time clocics, titne card machines, and other office furnitur�,
<br />equipment and supplies of every kind and nature whatsoever; (c) all right and intcrest af the
<br />Gxantor in and to all equipmcnt leases, persanal property leases, conditional sales contracts and
<br />sirnilar agreeznents in and to the telephone sysiem (including the switching components thereo�,
<br />television sets, computcr systems, refrigerator/bars, and point of sale compuCer systems and/or
<br />z
<br />Recapture Peed nf Trust and Security Agreement
<br />4839-8956-0838.2
<br />