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<br /> � t . . , [. � ' � � ' , . !.. ' ' � —"_�."_ ' __' __.. _� _ . . � � . ._ ._ .. -
<br /> - ,�1,�„�nY _ -� = � . . _ ` �ii�►�Qs.�2.v - ` � ::
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<br /> . _ . .. . � „ . f" c _ .
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<br /> _ . ,�t�j.C1faC�ICt1tti�. �1LLS4t�&_C�'�Ylalfl�1�iG 111S11f�1CC Shi��11G C�IOfilO��01NW07 Si1��CCt 1t1 I.C1�Ct`S _
<br /> _ - .. . . . ._ __!—J�..__±y. ..
<br /> - not y wi . Yr���,i�'=iv:��wai_i _�._
<br /> < Lendec8 option,obtain coverage to p�otect Laider's slghts in tlK Ptoperty in zccord�nce vqith Quagraph 7.
<br /> � ` ' Atl ins�wture Pdicies`aed�wais slnll be avicepable to Lendet and s1t�l!inctude a standand maatgai��cndrr all�sce'i `r -
<br /> .shall Na�e tbc right w hotd t6e policies u�d�encw�ts. If L.ender�equines.8a�ov►'er si�ali P�l�Y 8� PSs .
<br /> � of paid pe+emiw�lc atd cenevra!ro�. It�ttie evrnt of losc.Sarower sttall give pr�npt notice to the insurance carrier aa�
<br /> . . �.ender. t�endrr mt}'mate pcoof of loss if not nf�de P�PUY bY�a�es. �
<br /> . : tintess I�r artd Baiower ott�ecwise ag�e in writisg.smur�ttet proce�s sha!!tX.�FPlied tu�storatinn ar a�pair vf
<br /> � . the prnpeety d�naged.if'tde testorstion or repaic is ecaiomicalIy feasible�nd L.ender's Security is not ip� 'di ttle .
<br /> trsionMion.nr cepair is not ec�ara�nically feuibk o3r Lender's security wauld be lessened.the ias�ice s1�a11 be
<br /> • ' ��ta��s securcd by this Security I�uuumcnt,whether or not then due,with any aacess paid to 8orrower. If
<br /> Bamwer ab�dons ttr ProQerty.oc do�s not answer within 30 daps a naice fmm,Lender thaf the insurunce carrier h1s
<br /> �offered w settk a clwn.iben Lender may evitett the insuranca peioceeds. Leadec may use the proceeds t�O will Degin when , .
<br /> tLe pt,npecty or to paY sums secun:d by thls Se�atity Instrtunen�whether or not then due� 'i'Ne 30��iY P�
<br /> tl�ratiee.is given.
<br /> Untess Lender and Bomower olherwise agree in writing.any�pptication of p�oceeds to princip�!shall not eatend or �-
<br />-__ _ p�stp�ie the da�date of tlie monthlY PaY�nts rcfemed co in pazagraphs t�2 ar ch�nge the amoant�f ttie paymert�'If
<br /> _ under puagraplt,2t thF P�opat�is acquired 6p lxnder.Borcower's right to any inswance policies�nd pmceeds asulting
<br />-_ ` : {��age to tbe Ptupetty pci�to t6e acquisition shali pass to Lender Ra tiie extent of the swns secured by this Security
<br /> s' � , Inshument immediauty preor to the acquisition. - � g��rer's Lo�n Application;
<br />� i. Occop�ecy, Ptestrvation. Mai�teaaooe ynd Protectios of tbe Pcoperty:
<br /> I,aselw{ds.`BoROwer sball occupy.e.dtablisb:and use the Property as Bonower's princ�pal tesidence within sixty days afrer
<br /> - -- tNe execution of this Security Iastrwnent and shall cortinue to occuQY the Property as Borrower's principal trsideace for at �
<br />--`=� lease une year after the date of occupancy..untess {.ender otherwise.agrees in writing.,which conscnt shall not be _
<br />�_�. `�• ururs�caaabiy withi�eld.or untas extenuating cz�u�`n.stances exist wbich ac�e i�eyond Bo�tnwer's control. Borrnwer shall not _ -
<br /> - . dcstroy,damage or impair the PropercY,allow the Prnperty to deteriarate.or commit waste an the Ptoperty. Bavmwer shafl .—_
<br />���' ke tn default if any farfe�tu�+e actinn or proceEdinB-whether civ�'1 or crirtiinal.is begun that in Lender's good fait6 judgmem
<br /> - could�+esult in farfeiture of the Ptoperty or othem3se materially impair the lien created by this Security instrument or . �.,r__
<br /> �• y p h 1 S.b caustn the action "'��=�
<br />- ,Lender�s s�curi mteres� Bmmwer ma cute such a defauit aad reinstate.as rovided in paragrap Y S ��-,.;
<br /> � or pmceeding to be dismissed witA a ruling tha�in Lender�s gaod faitb determinatiop.precludes forPeiture af the Horrowcr's �,,�,
<br />- interest ia the Property or other matecial impaim�nt of ihe lien created by Ihis Security Insm�ment or Lender's- seeurity ��--;
<br /> ��� � interest. 6orrower shall also,be in defautt if Bortower. during the loan application process,gave materially fal.+e os . �;�-_
<br /> inaccurate infomiarian or statements to Lender(or faited[a provide l.ender with any material informauon)in connectian witi� �;�-
<br /> the toan evidence��y the Note.:including. bat not limited to, representations sonceming Borro«ec's occupancy af the �°�
<br />.;;�`� P ro p e r t y as a pria�.=�a 1 residence. If this Secariry In.�trument is on a leasehatd,Bormwer shail comply with all the provisions --
<br /> ,;;..;, , i of�he lease. If Boe�ower acquires fee title to the Property.the teasehold artd the fee title sha0 not merge unless l.ende�asrec.w =_
<br /> 1 to the merger in w riting. �---
<br />= 7, protectioa oT l.ender's Rights in tht Property. If Borrowe�fails to,pedorm the cavenants and agreements _
<br /> .:� , contained in this Security lnstcument.or the�e is a tegai praceeding that may sign�cantiy affect Lender� righu in the ��__
<br />, ' �; 4 pmperty(such as a proceeding in bankncptcy,prot�ite,for wndemnaaon oz�Fti�rfeiture or to en force laus or regu fatians).then =_._�_-
<br /> �.�e r tect the vatue of t�.Pro rt and Lender's�ri�htc in thc PtopeRy.
<br /> 5S3 LO O y
<br /> o d for whatever is nece p Pe , �
<br /> ,�.. nd r mu d an ry . .
<br /> Le e .
<br /> �
<br />. . Y
<br /> PaY ,
<br /> . .
<br /> Lender's actions may include paymg any sums secured by a lien which har pricmty oz�er�`:s Secunty Instrumen�appearing �,,�.v�,;
<br /> � �, in court,paying reasonablc attomeyc'fees and entering on the Praperty to make re��is�.Althaugh Lender may wke acdnn ���r:
<br /> - under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. :
<br /> • Any amounts disbutsed by ixnder under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> � Securiry Insuument. Unless Borrawer and l.ertder agree ta ather terms o�rpa�ment.ihese amounts shall bear inter'est from ihe °'=
<br />� date of dis,bursemcnt at the Note rate and shali be payable.witb intenst. u�on natice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting ,
<br /> ,. �y��- � . ; _
<br />, 8, �i�ga�e Insurance. If 4ender raquired moctgage insurance�s a condition of making the loan+ecured by ihiz ��•�•=
<br /> Securiiy inssr�mrnt,Borrower shall pay the pre�sium�required ta maintain thc mnngage insurance in effect. If.for Any _
<br /> . .� • reason.,the moagage insurancc coverage reguirec! by L.ender lapses or cca+es to be in effect. Borr•aw�er shall pay the ��
<br /> prelniums reqa+red ta obiain coverage sub.ctanti�ily cyuivalcnt ta the mortgage insur.+ttcc previousl} s�s effect, at a cast t
<br /> sca�aantially equivalent ta the cos!ta Borrower nf the marigage imurance previously in effect,ftum aa altemate martgage
<br /> • instir�t'approved by Lender. !f substuntially equiv�lent mortgage intiurunce covcrage i�no1 availabte.Hnrraner shall pay to `�'"`
<br /> t,en�er each momh o sum ecival w one•twe(ftb of the ycarl�mortgagc insumnce premium bcing paid by BorrnK�er when the �;'
<br /> " insurance coverage lapred ar ccased t�f�in ef'fec�. l.cnder wiU accept.use and retain['h:�e paymcats ac a yc++�reserve in lieu '-�'�-:�_
<br /> _ -�
<br /> of mortgagc insuranee. Loss rescrve payment�may no tonger he rrquircxi�at ihc aption of l,cndrr,i€rn�rtgage insurance
<br /> � caveruge(in the amoun��nd Far the peri�d shat Lcndcr rcquires)pravided by a»in.ures approvcd by i.e:�der usain becomes
<br /> " � availuble and it c�b�ained.Horrmver tihall paX thc premium�r�quired to maintain m�mga�e insur:mcc in cffect,or to providc a = �
<br /> , tass reserve,umil the rcquirement for murtg�gc intiu�ancc end�in:�ccordanre wi�h any ur:ttcn.►grcemcm betwccn Barrawer :.` �;.
<br /> � ��. ; ;K.�.r�, • � " and Lender ar applicuble luw.
<br /> .. j � 9 lnspettion. Lender or itx ugent may make reasonablc entric��m�,n and in.r,c�ionti uf thc:t'rupc�ty. Lcnctcr�hall
<br /> . _ ,' , '`��` �: give Bonower notice s�t thc timc of ar priot tv an inspcction tipccil'ying raa�naablr r.iu�e ti�r Ihe in�pcction. _
<br /> • 10. CondemnaUon. Thc pr�xecd�oi any aw:ud��r claim frn damaR�,,dircct ur run�rqucmial,in conncctinn with:my
<br /> SinefcPamify..EannkSlae�F�eQd1e1}act'�IF/)R�11�ti7Rti�1k�'C•-Enifurm('„�en.mh �%�0 �putrt,qn�vre.�i
<br /> - .. .' �*.•.•� I Irt�»laka fta.mrc,ibran.'.:c.� � .
<br />. y. � ' ' ' ?olKdef 1;111 (•ISO(�:7f111,17,1 C F�[.1G7`�ld}:�)
<br /> �. � `
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