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�U1007E23 <br />the ProperCy. 'I'he notice shall £urther in�orm Borrower of the right ta reinstate after designation o£ a default and the right to <br />bring a court accion to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrawer to a designation of default and <br />sale. If the default is not cured by Borrower on or befora the date specified in the notice, and Seniar Lien Holder has not <br />exercised its right to cure tl�e default, then ��nder at its option may designate a default and require immediate payment of all <br />sums not fargiven secured by this Mortgage witl�out further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other <br />remedies pezmitted by applicahle law. Notwithstanding Lender's right to invake any remedies hereuander, Lender may nat <br />commence foreclosure proceedings or accept a deed in lieu of £oreclosure, or exercise any other rights ar retnedies hereafter <br />until it has given Senior Lien Holder at least 60 days priar written notice. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses <br />incurred in pursuing tha rem�dies provided in this section 2, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs <br />pf title evidence. <br />I� Lender invokes the power a£ sale, Lender shall mail copies of a notice of sale in the rnaivaer prescribed by applicable law to <br />Borrower, Senior Lien Holder and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law. Lender shall publish the notice of sale <br />by public advertisement for the time and in tl�e rnanner prescxibed by applicable law. Lender, without demand on Borrower, <br />shall sell the Praperty at public auction to the laighest bidder for cash at the tizne and place and under the terms designated in <br />the notice of sale in one or more parcels a�nd in any arder Lender determines. Lender may postpone sale of all or any parcel of <br />the Property to any later time an the sarne date by public ani�aunceinent at the time and placa of any previously scheduled <br />sale. Lender or its designee znay purchase the Property at any sale. <br />Lender shall deliver to the purchaser Lender's deed conveying the Property without any covenant or warranty, expressed or <br />implied. The recitals in L�nder's deed sliall be pz'ima facie evidence of the truth of the statemenCs made therein. Lender shall <br />apply the praceeds of the sale in the followin� order: (a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable <br />attarneys' fees; (b) to all sums not forgiven by this Mortgage; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it. <br />3. SUBORDINATION. This Mortgage is subject and subordinate in all respects to Che liens, terms, covenants and conditions <br />of Che First Martgage and to all advances heretaFore made or which may hereafter be made pursuant to the First Mortgage, <br />including all sums advanced for the purpose of (a) proCecting or further securing the lien of the First Mo�tgage, curing <br />defaults by Borrower under the First Mortgage or for any other purpose expressly permitted by the k'irst Mortgage; or (b) <br />constructing, r�novating, repairing, furnishing, �xturing or equipping tlie I'roperty. The terms and provisions of the First <br />Mortgage are parannount and controlling, and they supersede any other terms and provisions hereof in conflict therewith. In <br />the event of foreclosure of the First Mprtgage, any provisions herein or any provisions in any other collateral agreement <br />restz the use of tha Property or othearwisa restricting Bor� ability to sell the Property shall have no further force or <br />effect on subsequent owners or purchasers of the Propercy. Any person, including his successors or assigns (other than <br />Borrawer or a related entity of Borrower), receiving tiCle to the Property through a foreclosure of the First Mortgage sha11 <br />receive title ta the Property free and clear from such restxictians. <br />4. NOTICES. Any notice ta Borrower provided �or in this Mortgage shall be given by dalivering it or by nnailing it by first <br />class mail unless applicable law requires use of another methad. The �otice shall be directed to the Property Address or any <br />othar address Borrower designates by naCice to the Lender. <br />5. RELEASE. Upon satisfaction of all sums secured by this Mortgage (whether by payrnent or forgiveness), I,ender shall <br />release this Mortgage without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay any recordation costs. <br />6. MODIk'ICATION OF FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN DOCUMENTS. The Lender cnnsents to any agreement or <br />arrangement in which Senior Lien Holder waives, postpoues, extends, reduces or rnodi�es any pravisions of the First <br />Mortgage Lnan Documents, including any provisions requiring the payment of money. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOP, Borrower has executed this Mortgage. <br />. ,- . <br />Borr wer: V V � Borrower: <br />asha M Birch <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />The foregoing instrument was <br />yt�T�sha M Sirch, an u�ay�i <br />) <br />) ss. <br />) <br />before me on this' �'' day of , 20 .�� <br />Notary Fublic <br />My <br />Commission <br />GENERAL Np7ARY-State of Nebraska <br />� I!N'� SWERRI L. b'GALLAGMAN <br />�: �� My Comm, Exp. Sept. 28, 2011 <br />(seal) <br />Expires: �/� �� � <br />Revised September 2, 2Q10 <br />paqe 2 of 2 <br />
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