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T. <br />�� �� <br />r <br />� <br />PO�WER OF ATT�RNEY <br />`Z'hat I, NORVAL W, SCHWIEG��, residi,ng at P,rimrose <br />Retirem�nt Community, �950 West Capita.l Avenue, Apt. 104, Grand <br />Island, Nebraska 68803, Social Security Nn. 712-09--08$2, have <br />�1QW ALL MLN HY THESE PRESENTS: <br />made, consti�.uted and a.ppo.7.z7tGd� and by these presents do make, <br />constitu�e and appain� my wife, B��TY E. SCHWTEGER, and my <br />24100'76�'1 <br />Nebraska, and SHERYL <br />my true and �awful <br />place and st�ad tr� <br />1. �xecute all checks and/or vouchers in my nam� and on my <br />b�half, and to process checks payable �a myse�.�, and �a <br />take con�rol c�f p�her property or ass�ts may b� owing <br />to me. <br />daUgh�.e�'s D�ANN K. SCHENDT t�f Ainswarth, <br />R. HERMAN o� Missouri Va�ley, �pwa, as <br />a�torneys £a� mysel� �nd in my nam�, <br />speca.fica�.ly: <br />2. �'o prepar�, execute and �ile legal d�cuments or a�.her <br />�pplications ar returns nf any natu�e requi�ed. <br />3. And g�nera�.�y to perform a11 and every ac�, d�ed, matter <br />and thinq wha�soeve� in and about my estate, property and <br />a��airs, as fu11y a� if T migh� o� coul.d da in my awn <br />prop�r person, with th� above].y enum�rated <br />powers bcing in aid a� �he fu11, compl�:te and general. pawer <br />h�rein gran�ed, and no� i�n ].imitation th�r�eof; and � <br />prqm�se to ratify all that m.y said a�ta�neys shall 1.awfully <br />do ox cause to be done by vi��ue c�� �his �aw�r. <br />�. And tc� have access to �he cantents af my Sa�e�.y Deposit <br />Box, as well as my various checicing accounts and al�. <br />savings accounts whe�eso�v�r they m�y be loca�ed. <br />5. '�o ca1.3�ect a�l. sum� due ta me frozn any insurance carri�r or <br />tk�eir r�presentatives. <br />6. To sign medical authorizatian �orm�, to s�ek xnedical <br />attention from any dac�o�, haspa,�a1 or nursing hom�, if <br />nec�ssary, ta obtain copies af inedical records �rcam any <br />dactor, hospi�al. ar othe� h�alth care providers. 'Shis <br />provision pf this �'ower o� A�tprney would extend to mEdical <br />