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2oioo�5s4 <br />Borrower has entered into a home equity line of credit agreernent (the "T,ine of Credit Agreement") with the <br />Lender, dated Septenr►ber OS, 2007, in the original maximum prin,cipal amount of $ 15,000.00. The Line of <br />Credit Agreement is secured by a Deed of Trust dated the sanae date as the Line of Credit Agreement (together <br />with any renewals, extensions, and modifications to it made prior to tlxe date of this Agreement, which is <br />recorded in Book/Roll N/A at page(s) N/A of the County of HALL County, State of NESRASKA as document <br />No. 020070908p (the "Security Instrument"), and covering real paroperty located at <br />1415 BASS RD, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 <br />(the "Property") and described as follows: <br />THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE (AS DEFINED IN NEB. REV, STAT. 76-201): LOT <br />EIGHT (8), RAINBOW LAKE SECOND SUBDIVISION, HALL COITNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />The Borrower has requested and the Lender has agreed to modify certain terms of the Line of Gredit Agreement <br />and the Security Instrument as set forth below. All terms not defined in this Agreement shall have the same <br />meanings as set forth in the Line of Credit Agreement. <br />In consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: <br />Change in Credit L'tmit. The Lender and the Borrowar agree that the credit limit under the I,ine of Credit <br />Agreement is hereby increased to $25,000.00 and that the lien of the Security Instrument shall secure the <br />line of credit up to that amount as it is advanced and autstandin.g from time to time. <br />Each reference in the Security Instrument to the maximum amouant of the line of credit is hereby <br />amended to the extent necessary tv reflect the modified credit limit. <br />Extension of the Dr�w Period and the Maturity Date. The Security Instrument is hereby amended to <br />extend the Maturity Date from October 08, 2032 to October 08, 2047. <br />As a precondition to making the changes set forth above, the Borrower hereby agrees to pay to the Lender at the <br />time of signing this Agreennent the other finance charges and other charges that are enumerated and disclased on <br />the attached final HUD Settlement Statement which is integrated by rcference into this Agreement. <br />Excepc as amended by this A�reement, all terms and conditions of the Line of Credit and the Security Instrument <br />(including any previous modifications) shall remain in full force and effect, and this Agreement shall not affect <br />the Lender's security interest in, or li�n priority on, tre Property. The Borrower agrees to be bound by and to <br />perf'orm all of the covenants and agreements in the Line of Credit Agreement and the Security Instrument at the <br />time and in the manner therein provided. <br />This Agreement shall not be construed to be a satisfaction, novation or partial release of the Line of Credit <br />Agreement or the Security Instrurnent. <br />By si�ning this Agreement, the Borrower represents and wazrants to the Lender that the Bor�'ower has no <br />counterclaims, set-offs ar defenses ta the Bank's rights undear the Line of Credit Agreement or the Security <br />Instxurnent. <br />The Borrower agrees to pay or reimburse the Lender for any and all fees payable to public officials in connection <br />with this Agreement, and the recording thereof, including any mortgage registry tax that may be due. <br />Borrower hereby acknowledges Borrower has received, read and retained a copy of the Agreement and the HUD <br />Settlement Statem�ent provided to me by Lender, all of which I agree to by signing this Agreernent. <br />LOC Modification A rmt, HCWF#155v21 02/21/09) �/S <br />�I���I��p���������������������N�l���l�l����� DocumentsProcessed09-21-2010, 13:46:18 <br />
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