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<br /> ' 1i.QOfrow�f's Ri�it�O R�1�l�N: 1f 8onow�r��MS e�hh oa�foi�.6deow�r th/A�w Nt ii¢►!fo i�wKao�nwt .
<br /> , bo�Nd�t ay 1i�vdor to IIN�(�oF (a S 4�y�(or�ndNr p�lod r appioM�Y iwn nrl►��1►���M1�� ,
<br /> -� _ -����ts-t�-�owr nf �taMit ar pZ.w�lL��!!K�nfadn�Wi�nr1y __ --
<br /> -- � InMnewr.tNow eon�tons�th�t�onow«:p3 P�1►s l�nds a�w�a wl�h M waid b�aw rnQr-1TiN� -- -- -
<br /> - � 1M troM�Y� n�iooia�on hw ooan�!bI��Y����lt a�r evwn�a w g�tc�v�Ys a�o�n*�s tna�rt'b tn
<br /> — -_ _--;'=:�" , a�fa�o6q Mts Sw�Kft hlt�a�t. IaabQu�.but nd ImLd t� t�ta��6ts.aYornyi:f� an� (di ti1c�t wdr �clian�s L��nrl► ' -
<br /> =-t�`�z ��arbQf nquk�to�ttuni thd tlw Mt d Wt S�o�hstian��t l��d�f�t(�Rs In 1ht R�aprtY and dartoYri's ot�tion b�ayt�, •
<br /> —� • w�ns s�a�rrd b!f��Y���sIW canBn��unc[wg�d. tlpon�1n�+t g►��1NS�► t�anw�t and th� , -
<br /> �'�4,�' abf�Ions a�ared#rsubjl.��w�h 1�1e�Il�Iks at 11 na aa+�M�tioie Ad�miard�ttaw�r�.M�it tt�fM to�h�d�ahar not appry tn c_�
<br /> '� - -- -s.��v ..
<br /> �:-�- tIN t�ot am�wlton u�P�Dh�T.
<br /> -� " � of Loae�S�rvic�� 71K Nol� or a prYd tntuNt tn the Nati (topether wi�hh tl�ts Sso+ty • _
<br /> �;�:= 1�..Sid�d Nab;Cl�sn�
<br /> � _; ' tnslnnMnq m�y b�sotd on�a mon imrs w�faut pta no�e�to BarowR A�aM iny nwlt in a chug�in the mtiry QQiown ai the _ ____
<br /> '�-'-:- •l�Swviarl 1h� e0i�cb na�AMY P�Y�a dw tnd�r 1t�e tiol�s�d tli 3r�/ry in�tunwR 7tNn ako may De ana ar mas _ -
<br /> ii�g�s d tAs lo�n Serioer u�ceW�d tn R sali d ih�Nu� If tAn Is a q�p�d the iar�Savicer.BoROwer wi be�vw�w�Itee, _-___-_
<br /> -�',t' ��. : eolio�d the ehs�ye b�om���wiA pra�aph 1��atiiW�and appRc�Ei�f�w TM eali00 t�ipiq tIN twns and address et tfle new =__ - _-
<br /> , °,: � to�r,s.nrioa ana uie.edr.�:w wnkA p.rnnts at�ara a nMda n,. ndto.w�aT�a;;�n a�y aNer fMomiMion roquUsd by► : - ----- ---
<br />. y.��c���.-;.,,=s,,;,-��6i.' _ :,q!^..�^�VIM.- �- . , , .' . ' . . ..: ... �,�.� �. .._ .. ' - - --- :� 4' �'�_ _ _-
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<br /> ' f�11L ��•` , a1L/.WYi�Q���i.��.',�.��.'J�i�l��.���i���w�ir"����•l�'�'i�^^�LML.�■/ _ v��
<br /> • � E� . � --i � ... .. .. .
<br /> # t �� J ' w�i"on et i�ry��K..aw� "�ID�#�aan�aos at,.f nac,ippy w In.p�sen�usa ar ataaye«�the RopeRjr oT� r.. ,�� ___
<br /> _ '% 'r t!;!i?'tr4;•`.•^'��'' �'�ii1�1i Sfi1�¢1G�fh�E'T!e c�[iH7/y t+l�d t0 bC appropf�10 ffolRld(eSidllltW Ytf3�Itd t0 t11tYt[e1fi[1Ce oT ths ,. -_ �.�,�
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<br /> ••`I 80/1'OYYd ihM pf011lafly�YE Llfldlr MRktl11�Of�fly i1MlQ311Qd�01/.C� drllrld,MMfiY�O���iCtI0f1 �]I�Y 9���a =-
<br /> ..:�_:•=., _: .... ��W/ �/ •`_ �/��/ ��/���� �(�.,�.{��.p�,..�`_-����{ _ W_.
<br /> � _ •'C"'_`, •. ��'�•^7���^•��HR��'•��•l���G�NII�A�1��{i�A�IM�PMIVAN ,W�riY� �. —
<br /> "..,...�.;'. .w��• , a
<br /> ,., ,� . . wwwl.dpr. N e«row.►iwms.or is eotit.a Oyr ar�►acn«Mn�nW a ny�M�Y+�+uwrM�r.tlwt arnr��or oth.r rariaBdton a any `• '��__-
<br /> '- - . FMardous SubsWw�w tlf�eBn�th�RoDa�Y ts neoessrlh Bonwwr thi portplly f�M n�o�ssary t�n�BY aeflans in aeCOrd'na wilt� � ' .- -- --
<br /> . ' : .. ` EmrirwmMnW taw.. � � ' ---
<br /> .. ..�;..�:,�...... . 114 us�0.fn Mis p�ia¢�ph 20. 'Haardous Substances' an thof�,a��tai�as d/ned af toxte or Nnardoua aubstances bY . . � ` . .�.__- -
<br /> � ` EmgotwnmtY Lfw and th�IoNowk►� wb�nus: arains. k�os�. othw rnnrOb a toxia pNrotaxn products. toxfe pestiddes and � . _.
<br /> � ` n«eieta.s, voWi. .oMwtts. m.urlds wnhr�(np aae�seo: «wn�raN�ye.. ana naa.ew• m.t.riUs. a usso Tn ws p�ra�ravn 20. !. �
<br />. - • r. . : .
<br /> ` - T�wironm«�n� �.aw• m.�ns tadual t.ws and aws a tn. Ju�aiqton wh.r.u,. PtoO«qr h toatad en�t rot�te io ne.ah. satdy o►_ � �` �;�
<br /> «�v�w o�«�. ( �`� - . � -
<br /> , NON-UNIfORM COVENANTS. Borrarar aad t�nder furtheF eovmant and s�e a tolows: �" , , ;
<br /> • -�J 21. Accd�n�tio�; R�m�di�s. L.�nd�r ahall ptv� notte� to 8orrow�r p►tot to acc�l�ration followtnp ,
<br /> . � � 8orrow�r's brtsCh of ury cov�nant ar aQr��m�nt In this S�curity tnstrum�nt (but eot prtor to� . E
<br /> << . sccd�nitlon undir psn�nph 17�unt�ss sppecsbl�!sw pravid�s oth�rwts��. Tht notie� sf�ll sp�ciiy: (a) °;. -,
<br /> � � •� th�d�isul� (bj tiw action r�quirad to cur� th� dN�utt; (c) s dat�, not bss than 3Q days frorte th� date �'� ��
<br /> �-— � th� eotic� is �iv�n to Borrow�r, by which th� d�fault must b� cur�d; and �d� ihat fiilura to cur� tho ! � 2�.
<br /> d�iwlt on or bNor�th�dstf specifl�d in th� notic� mry nwlt in accolsrattoa of the sums saaur�d by �. �
<br /> . • lhia S�eurity Inst�umont and s�l� ot th� Property. �n,. aoe�c• a�s�� �urth.r rnform eo�rowe� ot tn. .rQ�e ,j:. �,
<br /> � � to ninsht� att�e scceluation and th� rlght to brin� s court action to assert tho non-oxist�nc� of a � ; � � .,.
<br /> � , �' drfauR or any otlwr detana� of Borrow�r to accalanition snd salo. If th� dofauti is not curad on or ; ;
<br /> � - � bNon t[w dat�spvctfiad in ths notic�, L�ndor at its option may roquirs immediat� payment in tuti af all ;. , . '";
<br /> wms setur�d by tt�is S�curfty Instrum�nt wlthout turthar damand a�d mry I�votu tfw pow�r of sat�and • , � . " :
<br /> � � arry ctlwr r�m�dt�s p�nnitt�d by sppUca61� law I.�ndu shall b� o�titted W collect atl �xp�na�s ;L:._::�,.
<br /> ' . ;rcentd in punuing fhe remedias prowt�ed in thts pangraph 21, tacluding, but nct qmit�d to, �:;,�� ;:; . '"
<br /> r�ssonsbls attom�ys'f�s and costs ot tiits avtdanca. ;� .. ,
<br /> . � H th� pow�r of sal� is tnvoked, Trust�� sha0 �acord s notic� M default tn �ach county ln which any = .
<br /> �. part of th� Prop�rty �s tacatad and sha0 mail coptos of such noti�� In th� maaner praacrlb�d by - , ..
<br /> ;;;::-;�.:, sppllc�bf� law to 9orrawor and to ths otfNr p�rsons pr�scrib�d.by a�ppllcabt� law. Ait�� th� tlmo ;,°;: •
<br /> `��'�.` � r�qutnd by spplicabt� taw, Yrusta� shatl qiv� public nottc� ot sat� ta tho parsons snd in th� mann�r ?�
<br /> 1 •� prKCrib�d by sppltaabf� law. Trust��, without d�mand on 6onow�r, shall s�ll !h� Proputy st publtc ��` � �
<br /> . :
<br /> � auatton to th� hfqh�st btdd�r at tha tim�and plac�and uadu th�tarms dasignat�d in tho notle� of sat� ;
<br /> � . � in on� a mor� parcats �nd in any ord�r Trust�� dot�rmin�s. Truste� mry postpon� sal�ot�11 or any � . •
<br /> ` � � ' parcd of th� Prop�rty by puWio announc�m�nt at th� ttm� snd plac� of any prsviousty schedul�d aafa.
<br /> � . L�ndu or its d�sipn�� may purchas�th�PropeAy a!any salo. �
<br /> Upan rooalpt of payment of the prlco bld, T�ustee shall delivar to ths purchaser Trustao's doed
<br /> corn�yin�th� Proporty. Th� recitats tn the Trustee's daed ahatl ba prlma facie evidence of th� truth of
<br /> � th�stn�m�nts mad�th�nia. Trust�� shall appty th� proc��ds o}th� sal� in th�following ordo�: (a) to
<br />� 'It costs and �xp�ns�s of �xa�cising the power of aat�, and tha sata, inctuding !hs paym�nt of tha
<br /> . TrunN's t��s actually incur��d, not to �xceed 3.00 'K of th� princlpal amount of th� notv at the ,• .
<br /> , tim� of th� daataratlon ot ddautt, and �easonabt� attorn�y's t��s as p�rmittad by law; (b) to all sums
<br /> � . � �' �aur�d by this S�curtty Instrument; and�c)any oxcass to th�pvrson oe p�raons tegally�ntitted to it. '
<br />�. . 22. R�eonv�yane�. Upon payment ot aY aums sacured by this Security Instrumenl. Lendcr ah�11 request Trustee to reeonvey �
<br /> ' � • the PropeAy and ahal aurrender this Secudty Insuument and all eota� e�ldenctng debt secured by this Securiry Instrument to Trus2ee. �
<br /> � TruatM thall�ecomay tfie Property withouf wananty artd without charge to the person o�persons tegally enUtled to it. Such persan or
<br /> • peroons ahall P�Y�Y recard�Uon costs. ' .
<br /> 23. Sut»titut�T�ust�e. Lende�.at its opUon, may trom Ume to Ume remove Trustee and appolnt �successor Uustee to any
<br /> Trustee appolnted hereunder by an Instrument reeorded in the caunty in whicb this Securily tnsUUment is reeorded. Without conveyance '
<br /> ot the Preperty,successar trustee shaN succeed to aY the UUe.�owef end QuUe9 conterred upon Trustee fiereln artd by applicable Iaw. �
<br /> . , 24. R�qu�s!to� NOftCA�. Borcower requests that copies oi the noUces at CehuN and sate.be sent to 8oaower's address .
<br /> . ' which b the Roperty AdQress.
<br /> 25. Rld�r�t0 this S�eurity Instrument If one or more dder�are mcecuted by Borrower �nd tecorded together wifM this . �
<br /> • � � 8ecxxity tnshusnent,tM�venants and agreements ot each snch rider shall be lncorporated into and•sfiaU amend and supptemenf the ,
<br /> .. ,•: .. ,
<br /> eoveMnts anQ agree�rfenis Gi this Securily InsUument as it tha dder(s)were a put ot th1�8ecurity tnstrumeM.
<br /> ,. .: 1:.:.�'. Pege 0 ot 5
<br /> form 3028 9190
<br /> , . _ , F1029LM0(3192)
<br /> � •
<br /> •
<br /> i . '
<br /> ,
<br /> ;:
<br /> . .
<br /> .
<br />- =��, • ' _ _
<br /> _. _ -
<br />