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<br /> 4 _xa� ���.�._� i . . �, r� . . _ ` .. . ' .. . ` ` . ,..�.`' � • • ._� . — ���` f/��� ��. . . .
<br /> � ' � . DEED OF�E�QNVEY�II�TCE` � � ` , � �
<br /> -- - _ - � � -- . Js�es B McElroy �na oevre A. McEl�co�►,
<br /> ��sb�ed�seeund bf-t�ie:Deed-ot TsnaL.suecatatbl .. El
<br /> . -• �n � � �_ber arn�ri�ht snd�s sa�use�of each o��.- .
<br /> as`Trnstbc, ' `
<br /> ss:Trostee.for t6e Ixnefit of TI�e Equitsbk Bw'IdinB aa�Loan As�oci�►tion oi tir�nd IsLnd.as BeaeSeiarT. .
<br /> - -�t,��; _- -_----_:le,ly. g = _ .. .i9 9I ,�recoedediatbeoffice.aft6eRe�LterotD`seds
<br /> ty Nebrsska aa Doc3ment No._ g -i �� _ �
<br /> � ef Hsll Coan , . .
<br /> � a�a Bcu� P�� - �,,.._ � _,ba.s-been paid,and ti�Bene�dsr�Iw requated
<br /> . wrtting tLst this De�d a��coriveyaace be czeented��ered as con5rmed by its endoesement belmir.
<br /> � . :..., ..: :. 1:
<br /> ,. �y� ��::i�c;,i�t oi tLe HeneSeisr�.t6e Trwtee
<br /> . _In�consideratioa oi�u�1i"_ �nt and.in.. ..
<br /> nconve�►�to the.pe.r�n.�r persons entitted t�tct� � .:: s�":�
<br /> si�#tie elum a�°9!iirsd b�
<br /> '.._._ Trustee �urs�t to t3�e Deed v€ ' in ; ' � : . .:. .. ...:..:.':intenst sn • _ of_Section,.
<br /> a
<br /> � �.:�.. _,. ..:. .
<br /> Psrt of plut Seveit�;�T�-of ths CourtEy, u �v �.�¢:�art`a�£-the Sovth.Ha]f- (S�)--- - __ ----�
<br /> ' �. Five t5?. i.�r:Ti�hip Mine �93 �'�°�• Range Nine'��t�9�`Ll�s� of t[ie Sixth (6tbj�P.l1., in,. -,.::' '
<br /> : Hsll County; Nebraska. more Particulerly descrfbed ss follows, to-wit: Begirmug et g `�` .
<br /> point 28.1,�fe��,t�-�=of the Northeast Corrter of ssid !ot 7; thence.running�Sa�'f�er_.Iy .. _ . , .
<br /> �� a�.�::�';�aia 25.1 feet Nest of and parallel to the Eest line of ssid��Lflt 7; a �
<br /> distance �;:�8�:;�"�i thencg running I�testerly parallel to the Na�tit line af asid Lot 7;
<br /> . :a;d�atence:ii€`�.t� f�et; thence ruanin� Northerly parallel to the East lias af sai,Q Lot `
<br /> . ,�-.:�S;'�:e distsnce of iBl:fl,feet; thence ru�ing Eeaterly along::and upon the Na�th ].i.r�e of � -
<br /> , . ';�id Lot 7, a diata� of 327.0`feet tg.:.�tte Place of begici+�Yng. .
<br /> - ;� . .. �;�- , . � ..,_ . .. . . ::�::_..::,::.,
<br />- � :��. Rari3.`24. 1992� ; ". . , ..
<br /> . . . 1'rustee.. .
<br /> `,. . . • -
<br />_ ST�TE OF NEBRASKA �S . �.. : .. , . . . .. . .
<br /> COUNTY OF �tAll � � ..
<br /> �� : The foregoing in�trament wss ackno�►ledged before me on April 24, 1892 -
<br />. � . by Earl 0. h1scM+ede a Member of the Nebraska State 8ar Associatfon as Trustee. =
<br /> _ •" � �lIfMLNOiMrS1111rMKr... _ �
<br /> 9 -is9� �—_
<br /> No ry Public ���� ��
<br /> qro�..6r►�tR1� ���,:
<br /> ��-
<br /> . _.._-
<br /> . � liEqUEST FOIi RECONVEYANCE �":'
<br /> ti�: The Beneficiary regueata the Trustee to reconvey the real estate deacribed sbove to the peraon or per- _ ,:,�
<br /> ��
<br /> `' �`, aons entitted thereto. . •
<br /> � The Equ ble Buil g an oan asoctstion '-
<br /> � �' r 1 n ;.,.;,:
<br /> __•r„
<br /> � . �� (Title) '
<br /> Beneficiary
<br /> � - STATE 0�NEBRASKA �
<br /> �. ss
<br /> �f. COUNTY OF HALL
<br /> , t...... .
<br /> � ��'� The foregomg in�trnment was ackaowled ed before me on April 24 _19 g?�..�.by r •
<br /> � ,�:�: .
<br /> . � „ *�'�. J,W, Olson � President�EO (titte) for' he Equitsble Building and Loan °j�
<br /> -"°�"'�'� Aaaocistion oi Grand Island,as�emetic9ary. E '�
<br /> , .r
<br /> � ' ��..:. r. �
<br /> ``�"� Np1MY31M�dIMrpMt _ � �: �' ��� . `�, r .
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<br />, • (Spue�etow TLi�Line Reserved For Reaording Uata]
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