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�oioa��s7 <br />��� ���.,� <br />,A tract o� I,and Xoc�ted an part of the North F�1� (Nl/2) of Section Eleven (11), Towan�hip <br /> (12) No�t7a, R,�age Twelv� (12) West o�the 6th P.M., Hall Cotm,ty, Nabraska, and <br />mare pa�t:icularly described as follow�s: Camn�enci� at �.e Nartheast Comcx of gection <br />Elev� (11), Towns�afp Twelve (I2) Ncu�th, �an�� Twelve (12) West, said po:�t alsca <br />beiug the Poivat o�B�ginr�ing, �'h�nce or� am as�um�d be�inig of �Qb°17'38"W Upon a�nd <br />along the East liu� of the �To�cb. �alf (Nl/2) of Se�tior�. Eleven (11) a clistan.ce c� 14U3.11 <br />feet ta the F�t 1/4 Comer of said N1/2; thence cvntiuuirag 506°17'3$"W upon anc3 alang <br />sai.d Eas�t line a distanc�: vf 14�3.12 f�et ta the East �/4 co�n�.' af said Section E�ve�. <br />(11); thence N89° 1$'SO"W upc>n and along the S�uth line of said Nl /2 � di.�a.r,e af 33.00 <br />feet 1:o the V�est Righ� -o� Way (RQ� lin� of ISOt,�. �,q�d; then,ce N88°56'OS'"W tzpc�n <br />�nd alnng sai,d south line a clistauce of 234p,40 fe.�t ta th� ceni�er af said �eu�i.on El�ve� <br />(11); t}�ence r.�nti�r"± � N$8°56`24"W upo�: and along said SQU�h line a clistance of <br />170�.9Q feet; thence NQ�°00'00"E parallel with th� west lin� of seid Nl./2 a dis�nce o#' <br />9�339 fe�t; the�.ce N8$°�6'24"W para11e1 �vith said south line a tlistance a� 40U.38 f�et to <br />��ast Row � o£ Cax�arvn R�ad, th�ce contin.uin� N88°5d'24"W' ga7tallel rovith saad <br />South lin,� a di.s�tance of 33.QQ feet ta said W�st line; thence N04°QQ'00"� upan and alang <br />said west lin� a distazi.cs ��38U.�4 feet to the west 1/4 carner of s�.id 1rT1/2; Lhence <br />S89°�l'S7"E u}aan and along the sou�h. lin� o�the N4�1/4, I�iWl/4 a d.istance �f 33.00 feet <br />tn said East Row line of Cam.�ron Rcrad; th�nce coz�tiub�uing 589°51'S"7"E upa�a. arid along <br />said south Iin� of�th.e NW'�/4, NW1/4 a di4tauce a�2616.20 �eet; thenee Nf}o°2$`47"E <br />u�on and along the east line NW�/4rCW'1/4 a dis�axiCe of 1307.99 � to tkle Suu�h. l�.aw <br />line of Prairie Road; thence continu�ing N00°�8'47"E upon a�.d �l.ang said East line <br />NW'1/4, N�VI/4 a daist�xce af 33.00 f�et tn the North line of said Section Eleven (1 ].)> <br />rhence N$8°SS'09^E upon �ud aloug s�d North lin� a distanc� of ��58.�$ ��k �a �'he <br />point nf beginniaa.�- <br />