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�_.�,�-- � . . : <br />201007543 <br />A tract of land comp:rising a part of the Nartheast Quart�r (NE1/4� of S�ction Twenty <br />(20), Township Ten (14) North, Range Eleven (11) West of tlae 6 P.M., in Hall County <br />Nebxas�a, more particularly descxibed as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said No�rtheast Quarter (NE1/4); thence running <br />Southexly on the West line of said Noztkaeast Quartex (NE1/4), on ar� assunr�ed bearing of <br />5�0�06' 1 S"E, a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy and Si�teen Hundredths (870.16) feet, <br />to the Actual Point o�Beginning; thence xumung N90 a distance of Forty <br />(40.00) feet; thenca running NOQ 15"W, a distarice of Two Huz�.dred Sixty Five and <br />Twenty Seven Hundredths (265.27) feet; thence running N89 a distance of One <br />Hun.d�red Fifty Six and Sixt�en Hundredths (l 56.16) feet; thence running 50�00'34"W, a <br />distance ofNinety Six and Ninety Six Hundredths (96.95) feet; thence nuxning S88 <br />45'44"E, a distance of Ninety Two and Fifty Eight Hundredths (92.58) feet; thence <br />ruruung SO1"31'14"W, a distance of Sixteen and Tvventy One Htuadredths (16.2J.) �eet; <br />thence �.uuung S 16 a distance a� Seventy Eight and Seventy Two Hundredths <br />(78.72) feet; thence running SO1 a distance of One Hundred Twenty One and <br />Fifty Hundredths (121.50) feet, ta a point on tlle nartherly right of way line of U.S. <br />Highway Na. 30; thence running S6$ 16"W, on the northerly z�ght a£way line o�U.S. <br />Highway No. 30, a distance of Two Hunclred Eighty Three and �'arty Seven Huz�dxedths <br />(283.47) feet, to a point on th� west line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4); thence <br />running N00 15"W, on the West line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), a distance of <br />One Hundxed Forty Eight and Sixty Eight Hundxedths (14$.68) feet, to the actual point of <br />beginning. <br />