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2oioo�542 <br />EXH�F3IT "A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quartex (NE1/4� of Section Twenty <br />(20), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6 P.M., in Hall County <br />Nebraska, more part�icularly described as follows: <br />Begizuung at the northwest corner af sa�id No:rtheast Quarter (NE1/�); thence running <br />Southerly on tla.e West line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), on an asswmed b�aring of <br />500�06' 15"E, a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy and Sixteen Hundredths (870.16) feet, <br />to the Actual Point of Begintung; thence running N90 a distance of Forty <br />(40.00) feet; thence �.uuung N00 15"W, a distance of Two Hund�red Sixty Five and <br />Tvventy Seven Hundredths (265.27) feet; thence zunning N89°36'�0"E, a distance of One <br />Hundred �'ifty Si�c and Sixteen Hundredths (156.16) feet; thence ruiuiing S02 a <br />distance o£Ninety Six at�d Niraety Six Hundredths (96.96) feet; thence ninning S$8° <br />45'�44"E, a distance of Ninety Tvvo and Fifty Eight Hundredths (92.5$) feet; thence <br />rw�u�.ing S01 a distance of Sixt�en and Twenty One Hund.redths (16.2x) �eet; <br />thence aruruiing S16 a distance of Seventy Eight and Seventy Two Hundredths <br />(78.72) feet; thence nuu�.ing SO1 a distazice of Qne Huridred Twenty One and <br />Fifty Hundredths (121.50) feet, to a point an the no�rtherly right ofway line of U.S. <br />Highway No. 30; thence S68 l 5"W, on the northerly right of way line ofU.S. <br />Highway No. 30, a distance o£ Two Hundred Eighty Three and Forty Seven Hunclredths <br />(283.47) feet, to a point on the west line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4); thence <br />running N00°06' 15"W, on tla.e West line af said Northeast Quarter (NE1/�), a distance of <br />One Hundred Farty Eight and Sixty Eight Hundredths (].48.68) feet, to the actual point o� <br />beginning. <br />