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� ��r��i <br />201047541 <br />A tract of land comparising a part of th� Northeast Quarter (NE1/4� of Section Twenty <br />(20), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (].1) West o�the 6 P.M., in Hall County <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the narthwest corner of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/�); thence ninrLg <br />Southerly on the West line of said Noztl�.east Quarter (NE1/4), on an assumed bearing a� <br />S00'06' 1 S"E, a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy and Sxxteen Hundredths (870.1 G) feet, <br />to the Actual Point of Beginning; thence ruauung N90 a distance of Forty <br />(40.00) �eet; thence running N00 l. S"W, a distarice af Two Hundred Sixty Five and <br />Twenty Seven Hundredths (265.27) feet; thence ninning N89 a distance of One <br />Hundred Fifty Six and Sixteen Hundredtla.s (156.16) feet; thence ninning S02 a <br />distance af Ninety Six ar�d Ninety Six Hundredths (96.96) feet; thence xuanning S88 <br />45'44"E, a distance ofNinety Two and Fifty E�ght Hundredths (92.58) feet; thence <br />running SO1 a distance of Sixteen and Twenty One Hundredths (�6.21) feet; <br />thence aruraning S16 a distance of Seventy Eight and Seventy Two Hundredths <br />(78.72) feet; thence running SO1 a distance of One Hundred Twenty One and <br />Fifty Hundredths (121.50) feet, to a point on the northerly right of way line of U.S. <br />Highway No. 30; �lience runnx�g S68 16"W, on the northerly right of way line of U.S. <br />Highway No. 30, a distance of Two Hundred Eighty Three and Foriy Sev�n HundredtXas <br />(2$3.47) feet, to a point on the west lirie af said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4); thence <br />running N00°p6' 1 S"W, on the West line of said Northeast Quartex (NE1/4), a distance of <br />One Hundred Forty Eight and Sixty Eight Hundredths (148.68) feet, to the actual point o� <br />begizaxa.i_ng. ' <br />