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<br />_ ___� _�_ _ _ -_ � �. COLLECTII�; DEBxS AND �!lNDLING LI�'�G11TIOp. To d�euaAd, < ` •
<br /> -_ _- � �svle for. ` .reccive and�btherwise<take t steps to co eCt or recqver .� ---_-= _.
<br /> �a�,i debts, da�ages and . all other Property tQ�which �I .;�ay� .be �� , `
<br /> . entitleS or wbich ar� or may �liecame 'd�e s�e �rom a�ay peteon or �
<br /> _�__-_ _ o�tganizationp_tv,.commencsR Ox to defen8, and to abaicdon ail legal `
<br /> � picoceedings in which i am or may hereafter be fatesested�t autd te- , . -
<br /> settle: any accounts, debts, claimss, � 8isputes and matt�rs now-
<br /> ' � - existiag or whiah may hereafter arise .between me aad any ather .
<br /> perscn ar orqanization and to grant any extensian of time for the -
<br /> _ pay�eat. _.or; _satisfaction thereof on any terms. .witb or witAout
<br /> -,- ,
<br /> secnrf�y. . �
<br /> b. � INSURl�NCE. To continue to carry-, purclaase, cancel ar .
<br />- .dispose of fire, casualty, psoperty .or incame protectfo�a, � , ,
<br /> . medical, hospital, life, liabilit� or other fnsuranae and to pay �
<br /> any pYea�iums thereon. � ' � �
<br /> 7. VOTING OF ;STOCR. To vote and qive proxies to vot� stock
<br />�-:;"- and other securities ia all matters which may .come befare the `
<br /> - - � shareholders o£ aup organization. ' � -
<br /> - - 8. �T�i7[L'S. �a appear and represent�aie ia all tax matters. � _
<br />. `y4.
<br /> To prepare, sign and file federal, state, or loca2 income, gift, _
<br /> — other� tax returns of all kinds, . cZaims for xefunds, requests for .
<br /> extensions of time, ruling requests, petitions �o the Tax Court
<br /> � or other courts regarding tax matters, and any and all vther tax
<br /> = . � related documents including• without limitation, recefpts, -_-
<br /> offers, waivers, consents, clos3.ng agreements aad any power o� � -�
<br /> ; attorney form required by the Internal Revenue Service, the S�ate • .4_.f�-_
<br /> " � Department of Revenue, or ather taxinq suthorfty with respect to {:tK_d;;
<br /> , ..r..--
<br /> - ' �'-_
<br /> -� ang tax year as set forth below, to pay_ taxes due, callect , ��.�
<br /> � � ' re�unds, post bonds, receive coafidential information, akc� .. -z:�
<br /> .. �: , , ..
<br /> contest deficiencies determined by the internal Revenue Service,
<br /> � the State Department of Revenue, or other taxing authorities; to : -
<br /> - ,.-�-_.
<br /> � � exercise a�y elections I may have under federal, state or locaE __
<br /> _ � tax law= and generally to represent me ir� all tax matters and ��,�.
<br /> proceedings of ail kinds and for all periods set fortb belew
<br /> before all offf�es and o€ficezs of the internal �tevenue Service�
<br /> �h�._state Department of_ Revenuer ancl any other �axing authority.
<br /> � . 9. r.X�CUTION OF INSTRUMENTS. T� saqn asc� execute any and
<br /> " � a�l checks, certificates of depasit, s�eeds, mortgages, leases,
<br /> � -2- � E
<br /> . � ,
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