��1. `.� . . . . . . - \5. ...f..' .
<br /> .t ,.:(: `: . . . ::i �y`'�'.. _-_ ._�" _ :u. _ _' _' N ' ' — 1.;� e.�.. � ' _ __ .
<br /> ,,,. — ^.— . .. _
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<br /> ' St \•` • ' i. .., __
<br /> .... _ .
<br /> .- . � „ �, ��-.
<br /> . . ...,..
<br /> u. �. -. . . .,. . .. ,. .. :'_
<br />�-4 '.�' _ _ _ s_i; --
<br /> O'1 _
<br /> �(� •
<br /> . . '�hs Funds strall be �Satd in �n institatFan wPzos� d�wsits ac� insured by a �deraP''�ency.��ty. or enbiry �`_
<br /> ns
<br /> (it�ciu;iinr l�.r.�f�xr.d�r is surh an ins-�tutian)o;in u�Rcde�al Fiom�Loan Ban�.[.ender sh311 upply the F�ds m pay the '�-`
<br /> EscroN I:ems.i.�+zs may'nat ci�c f3arro�ser for hofding and t�plying ohe Funds.�n�sually anal�z+ng the escrow.smnnt,or �::
<br /> ;�;;s ��ti z 3hP�scm�r Lte�ms.unlcss Ixnder pnys ftorrotver iaiterzst on t�P f�unds and agplica8le law genmits Lender to muSre such ---
<br />:'";:,< °��lNaw��vsr.Ltr.dPr�sa� Borro�er to psy a onc-time ctt,u�e far an indepeczdent r�d est�tt t�c r�parting servIve �_".
<br /> u.�l by l.e�cr in oonne�is� sr�this lnan. �iess appltca�le la� provides oth�vise. Unles.� aa ag�er�nt is made or —
<br /> npglicak�e ta�v requinzs in�test ta�p�id,4�nder s3iaU noi De r�uired to p3y Bom:aer uny inte�ess or ea:nings o�the Fua�. ;�.
<br /> �onoArs aral Leffi�a m:�y s�in anYutg,2�nu�yea.that interns't sha;l b�paid on t�e F�ds.L�nder shat!gice co Borrower. _
<br />' :i':%c. 41'1�101iI CI�'2t�2. ��wn�.�1 a�sauuntia�af Wt Fu�s.shnwiqS c�its and debits to th_Fweds und the purpos�for which e.�ch ==-
<br /> d��it cn the Flir�ds ua�m�d�.7Y�e�und�Fue g9o���i rs adflitiomi secvriry for aq swns secure�by t�is�udty instnsmeat. __
<br /> :�::.:� If the�uads hQ'3 by[ae�ar exae�d it�r�u►n:iats�rmitted tm he btid by app�cc�hle La�s.I.e�er s�l1 aosount to Borrawer _ ,
<br /> �. far t�e ex�ss F�s in r�id�«it�thsrequinm�ts of�lirzQl�luw. If t�e airmant oF the fiunfls h�ld by Lender st any
<br /> tiaFe is r.ot su.Scizat to p��oa�s,.^rr�n ttr���t�s clua.L�nd�r�y sa r�ti€y P.orrourr in writing.t�.in s�rh ra.��ornsuPt �::
<br /> �: . sl�l p3y to L�d�r a3et��:�nt�ess�ey to w�Sce�sp tts�d�c��sy. SaTeower sdal� a�ke up the deRc�ency in no more thsn FT
<br /> .; k__.�
<br /> •,: tv�-etve atonth3)�SaY�ut�.�Ir��i s sa2t di�cretia�. !;;"-
<br /> : ��� Upon payz:�.t in fu41 of a11 su� s��y this Secu�ty� In�a�t. Les��z s�! prompily refund to Borrower any �,,:�
<br />` Ftsr�hetd Ey d.��r.If.u�rz pr�a�h 2!.I.e�s)rr shsll a�g�in nr s�li ttas Prop�y.I.ca�zr.prior to tM goqnisition or sale ie�;:
<br /> '�: y of tbr�Pro�r.st►=U�pl}�ny Fur�haf��y I�:r�t�}ea[u:�of aaquisition or snle�a c�dit agtunst th.°siuns sewraf by �=-
<br /> ..�°• this s¢�iiy tn�vua�,�t-
<br />;:s i.�:F• �:.
<br /> ;,`:i:;';;� 3.A �tiazi eat Pay�ents.Unlrss e�p,pii�Sxle!aw pmvisl�o�erni�.all poy�ts teazived by L�drz un3er ParagraPhs °�;.-.
<br />:,-,it.,, i sad 2 116�a�i�:fust.ta an8 P�b�T�;��dnn ua3ar tbe Atatt;seoa�.to a;n�unts petyable imdex p�agr$ph 2:
<br /> . tfis:�d.to a�'teaes2 dt�a:foanh,to principa!dne;s�I l�s.to a.ny l�te ch�rges d�ra w�der tha N�e. �
<br /> .. . 8,��.3�ns.�arrauer s6a11 pay ntl ta�s.��s.cbarges.fir�s aamd im�sitioas auri�►vtable t�the��ty
<br /> .: �'�i�h�y a�piioriiy over th�s Security �nsm�umeti►2.�lea�ko!d paymcIIts or gmu�rl r�ms. J any.�mm�wer pay _
<br /> " �e�7��^�tia�s in�st manner p�vided in paTa�rapb Z.aEr if tmi pa,d in thas manner.'Bomnwer shall pay thgm un ti�:di�axly
<br /> _ t�t5e pe.�a aw�ed p�y�mzm3.Borrower sflall promgtly fnmi�to��ell notices of aznoants to Ise paid ander¢tus p�t�grsspb. ['_
<br /> If Boirower��.s d�se payments dire�tly.Bomov¢er shall p.*oa�tiy f�to l.e�r reoeipts evidenang the pay�meats.
<br /> . Basower s'�?prnmptlY��ae anY Sien wWch�as prio�ty o�er dds Securiry��onless Botr�Kee:(a)agrees iaa
<br /> ., writing to the paym�of the obligaaion secured by tha lien in a manner aooeptable to l.e�er.(b)conteses in good faitb the he� �
<br /> by.or defends agaiast enfa�t of the tiea in. legal prooeedings w8id� in tts� I:ei►det's opinion operatx to prevrnt ths
<br /> �nforcemeu�of the lien;or(c)se�ti�es from the teaider of the lien an agrc�nt saris�uz�orgr to Lcnder snbordinating the lien w
<br />. this Secariry Insuumet�t.If Let�r d�m�e.s that a�3►Past of ttte PtQperty is subjed W a Ua►which may attain priority over
<br /> . � this Security Iastnunen�l.eader may give�wer a notice identifying the li�.Boirawer sha11 satis�r the lien or take one oa �:
<br /> ' mo�of the ae�ons set forth abm�e within lfb�ys of ttee giving of aotice.
<br /> . S. H�rd or Ptua�sty Lnsmanoe. �orrower��a U k e e p t L e imprave�ents now eais t i n g or hereafter eract� on the i=
<br /> . Frape�ty insured against loss by fire.h�ards inctadad arithin the term"exten�ed coverage'aad any other 6azaritc.insluding
<br /> t4�o8s oz R�oodi�g,fos wluCh Letldet requIres it�sutanCe.l�is;*+su�—+�sf�116e�tained i�it�smounLS a�fo�tfi8 periods �:
<br /> ' : �.� t�at ieader t�guires.The insuranoe carrier pmviding the ias�ua�e s6all 6e chosen by 8omnwer sabject to Lender's appraval �'.
<br /> c�ic�s�ai1 aot��mr�r.abiy wiWliedd. If Borrnwer fails to ma"saTarm soveiage described above.L�,ade.s may.flt�ed'� .
<br /> aption,obtair cm��sge ta pmtect Leadei's ri�hts in the Propetty in aoao�t�with paragrapb 7. �- ' �.
<br /> ' hts �
<br /> � � All insuraa�+e�iolicies and r�ewals shali be aooepta�ie co l.ender and shall include a sta�ad�d atvRp�e c3�nse• _-•
<br />';:�'t;;�.:;`� sL�at�d�ave the right to hotd the p�i�eies and renewals,if i�nder reqaires,Borrawer sl�all P�mP�Y&ve to 1��d�r tili c�oe���
<br /> -;,��.;.� �.,-
<br /> . :a r fi�i�[.:��arinms and ienewal aott�s.In the e•�et,t of Eoss.�o�ower sfiall give promgt notioe to ttr�i�rsur.aIICe car��i^�I.ender.
<br /> . . �er may m�1ce proof of lor�s i��to�made�r.rrotr.ptty!sy Bomower. �:
<br /> �
<br /> : .r,..�: Uriless l.ender and Borrower aherv�risG:�in writing,i�c�.*�+�prac�eds shall be a�plied uo�a os rrpair of the
<br /> ,•�.;--
<br /> ���;:;;�;.., PLOpetty damagod.if the restoration or repair is eoonomic�lly feasiDle a�I.cnder's seauitY is not lesse�sed.If the restoration or
<br /> y�,;;:��;:: nepa�r is nat econom4sdlty feastble or Lea�tler's secudty wauld be less�.ned,th�insuraace HPaceads shal!6e applied to the sums -
<br /> �. �G�[3a�y tI1LS SECtlill`J Tnctmm�nt,whether or not t�ti dne. with a� eaoess paid to Barcowet.If Borro��L^andots the �
<br />`��.•��.:;� P�,�rty�or'dces not an�-wer within 3�days a notide frorn IIjernier that the im'uraace careeer has offered to sett?z ssCaim,[hen F_
<br />`� �. . Lender may coltqct U�e in�Proce�s- Lender may use the pr�� ceeds to reqaiir.or restore the Prapesty os fo pay s�ras ..
<br /> s�cared by this��r.t�ry Instruc[�t,whelher or n4t[h�n due.T6e 3 0-d��:period wiU 6egin when the nobice is giyca. ;�.'. .
<br /> [Jnless E�r�'aad Bar[ower othecwise agree in writing. anY �Au�tion of prooeeds to prIncipal s6aU nat e�tat,�
<br /> � .: ;.���: . 'ro- ts referred w ia i amd 2 or ctaan e tbe anwunt of the ��;� _
<br /> ,, ,..r-�,boae tt�e cttie date of the momblY PaYm�► F� 8 P��
<br /> • s�ot��r,"�2I ths Property is acquired by Lendcr.Bam�wer's nght W arry iawiaace pol�aes and prooeeds resuldng frorn
<br /> � � 'd�i�r��e to ti�e F�nperty prior to the aoquisitioa s6all p�ss;a fl.ead�er to t6e extent of til,�.r:ums socu�by thts Saauity lnswt�et� _
<br /> innrl�ed�iately prior to the acqwsition. • ' ._
<br /> .: '.�: 6.Odaigancy.Yr�er�atjon,Ms►ioe�s,c�r��sD Pn�tection ot the Propaae�;l�azlt�v�'s�.Appltcatbn;[.�c+td3- _.
<br /> � '''' Boao�ve�i s6a11 oocupy,establish.and r�e tti��lRcs�eny a4�omawPt's gciasipal ms�dc�cr with"sn.srxiy,�d�ls afaer the executic�rt�f
<br /> �� tbis Saxmry�nt and shall ao�inu¢�lri�q;r,ufF,�•����.�?aoperty as&ta�rmwee s griardFai residumti:�r�ai leasi one yrar afier —
<br /> � � the daic of oocupaacy.unL�s.F.�wxler othemif�agc�:�iu;.wriqnS•wtricb coas�as.�aatl:'i►n3 be�un�otaably v�vi_�i�.os unless
<br /> ' ., � exten�:�ting c�rcamstanxs exit,�:w�icts are beyoa� B�rr�r�vc�'s oontroa. Borra�uer�nilAll aot destroy. dam�y�='�ux°,impair the
<br /> • .::� �p�,rt�r,.allnw�:I'#�e Property co�eteriomse, or co�C ic�i�Ar on tLv.L'mpeny. �u�iYt�rver s6all be in defaulC i1�.n y foifeiAre [
<br /> asqnn crr iz�iaie�sclln�,whether civit ar crimir�ai,is be�u�.�e tlt�s'in.6r,t�r(itr�.j{+xsd faith judgment euuld resulg @a��i��ot 1�itr
<br /> C�rn�er.�.�ctr oJli!?nNise mater�ally irtrpair the liea creaied by�:�s Ser,ir�l•Y.�Inc2rument os l,ender's security int,ePest.Borrow�a ns� .:-
<br /> ' ��i�uch a defani4 and reinstate.as provtded 1n parag��3.t9:by cau�s��action or prooeeding w be dismissed witb a m1i►.�
<br /> �' . IIlitf;.in�LeIIdcr's good faith detem�ination. Preclud�s foti�ixtre of the Borrowes's interest in the Property ar other material
<br /> ` ., )f�n�tliatent of the l�en created�y this Sccuriry Instrmm�st:ns i.ender's security irrrcrest. Borrower shall�lsd 1sr.bn defwtt iP
<br /> • .;�;.:`'; � 13nrnower,during the loan �. _-
<br /> jj ,, �, application prooess, ve m�ttsicliy false ot iraccurate information or statements ta�T.�ttder(or failed
<br /> ..;�� ��i,`• '�.'. . t�n pravida Le�er with any matenal infom�ti�+��oarmectian witfx eGe loan evidenoed by the Note.inclading,but not limited
<br /> ��•�,�j ' • to.represeatations conceming Borraives's c,ei:u�;a;r�cy of the Properry ar,n,�rinripal resideace.If this Security tnstnunent is on a
<br /> '"'`' ' • fea�oid. Borcower shall camply. wit�7.a�l' Ilic��r,ivisi:y�s of tt�e l�at�+ If Sorro�ver acquires fee titte ta tl�e Property. the
<br /> • lciux�3ca2d and the fee titie sUall not mcr�c uul�,�i.l:ca.u�r'n�r�e�s co the�rges in���i'Ipn�.. �:, , •_
<br /> � ' 7.Yrote¢tton ot Lend'e�'s L�itCs in titc��t��iart�r::fF I3t►rrower£ai�.t�perforrnti�1te eovenaats an�agrc:�me���:rontained in ---
<br /> :::,;����;;�;�:' chis Secarity Tusirument. m a��s a ���i•�,YKa►.�u►,�.,�u,r.�,si�,+t1114�nily afieu: L'e�der's rights in the Peo�seny (sueh us�a� -
<br /> ;` .,.. �`
<br /> pruceediug�iu�banlaruptcy.probate.for so�3��nlydfan u'fotf_ei.wt�:ar;in�enfosre lavara or negulatioag). theai LPaider may dn titW
<br /> �r�• pay for wltatcver is neoessary to pmtest�tite value of�e P►'opecly a�n�1 �ender's rights in the Property.Lender's actio�zs m�y�
<br /> `::�°�� inciude pa sums secured by a lien wSitch lias pdarity o��ep this Searity /nsttament. appearfmg in cuurc. �aying� --
<br /> {,::.,;;. Ying anY _
<br />,,,,;�;+,� masonable attoraey+s'fees and enteriag on the Property to matce repai�s.Althaugh Lender may take action under Uus paragrapl� _
<br /> ;:'t y:;�;�? '7.Ltader dces not have to da so.
<br /> ;:;�y;�'�'? Any amouats dis6urs� by Lender ander diis pnrngaph 7 shall beoome a8ditional debt of Borrowtr socured by Ilris
<br />:;;��J�;.. Security Iruuument.Unless Botrower and Lcndcr ugtr.x to other tem�s of payment. tP:es$amounts shafl Dear interest from the —
<br /> date oi disbursemcn��t ihe Note rate turd shall be payable. wiQ� interest. upon norice from le�er to Borrower req�cesting - _
<br /> � . payment. _
<br /> S,1Vlurtgag�In�taiwce,Jf l.ender reqvired u�a��;e insuraace ns a wi►didou of making the toan secured Dy this Security _
<br /> ns
<br /> �� Lnstmment. Borrow;.r sluilt pay the premivnu requiren to mnintain the mortgage irc�urance m effesc. If, for a�ry r�ason. ti�e ;�
<br /> mortgage insurar.ce ooverage requind by l.snder lapses or ceas�.c to Qe in effect.�onower shall pay tlne premiums required co -
<br /> � �+.oin vaverage su�bstan¢iaily equivalent to tt�e Rcortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substaatially equivalent to the '
<br /> � cast to Bomn�er of dte mortgage insvranse prEViously in effect, fro�an altemate mortFage insurer approved by Leader. If _
<br /> .. F_`
<br /> PoP z a a Form 3028 9/90 �
<br /> P:
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br /> � � .�+.� .. �� �,�� . C��! . ; . . . vr . :'�r . . ,- :`t;'•• , • , t r _
<br /> . .. .. . _ ' ' ' . . . - . i_�L..Z'. .tY. . _ �- • • ' . . . �.S1(y���/.• � r i� <' . .. ,.
<br />