.r . . P� . .J,r . .. . ... . : qZ' 33/YwSi'.'2fyC�:+.-•._._ .
<br />_ - . .�t% -— #- _ ' — _ --dM!�S!.c=.
<br /> .,. 4 e .
<br /> _. _ .` ; . ., , . ....� .., .. � :�: — _
<br /> ��:�::��.. .
<br /> � �I .�...�-"''...
<br />�,�� �n� ����! �y._��__..W.
<br /> 'I�e Funds shall ba held in au -tiei:sion 41ivose d2�rssil4 are i�.suted by a f�:c� ag�c�y, instruun�ntatiry, oz entity �_¢,�•,
<br /> ,� (inziadis�g Leader,if Lender Is sach�a�a,.iccttior�l or in:r►y F:d.ral�1ame Loan Bs�.k.L:nder s1�all apgl�ti�e�c unds to��yt,ai �.��`'
<br /> :� Fscrow Items.Lendet ms►y nai chnrg$ Borrower��z h�ttli�g�3..�plying th�Funds.an�:�tiy anaty�inD ��_.F?:
<br /> verifyi�g che Fscrow Items,untess I.eatder pays��rrc�ei�a iat,°.sess on tite Faasls mv9•�tiytt��r.law Permits Lender to make such. �Y
<br /> a charge.Fiowevsr.i.ender muy re�u¢te Borrowes tc►p3y a a��s�4;�nc Chau�e foz nn Qiv:ep?cx�'mt real estate tax regomng service ��,;�.
<br /> '� x W��
<br /> used by [.ende4 in conn�tion with Yhi9 laan. e�cl:s.s a��l"s�C�?� I3H pmvidcs oL�tvsa►y.^,c• UnIYss an agre.ement is m�de or
<br /> applicable law tequin.'s interesi to be paid. l.s�es�hsil r�ot ta:n^r.�uirccl to pay �forro:�ra az►}.irf,�est or eamings oa the Fuads.
<br /> Sumnwer and E.endor mny agrc�in writing, howeee�.th�t ir�1:'�cst si�11 be p�d or ltus F�s. �.ender shull give to BormR�r. �;�
<br />: �� withovt c�sar�e. an annunl u000uatin� of ttt�Funds.s1rAwla��c.et]it�et�detsii9 to ttu:F��the purpase far wtuch each ��`
<br /> debit to[he Funds was cn�de.The Furtsis nre pled�,ed as ad�itfo�l s�c'uity[or ttll surns sc�:s�d'sy this 5ecunty lasmunent. �=.�T���
<br /> "� If thE;Funds held by Lsndce exe�ed ch�Ur9awurtss�'stni.t¢d tU b�hetd tiy �pplicxbte la.;ti.L�er shall accaunt to Borrower • -�.�
<br />:� for the exc�ss Funds in eoaotdanoe w9th thc:nqmire�['�^.nts oY cppg9raE�ie law. Qf the armvn:of ttti:F�nds held by Lender at any ���::�
<br />-�� rims is aot sts�ici�nt to pay the Fscrow It:rit:,wiien dt;.c.I.cnd;r nt:y ao nntafy Rureativer�n��cizi�.a,:�d.in such case Batro�ver �,":'�.�:;
<br />� `� shntl pay w I.ender the amount n� �,ary to m�ce up th�:d�ftci�stcy. tiorrocvet st�tl tni&e:up t�at�d=f�eacY in no mnre than �_Y�'y=�-
<br /> twetve monthly payments,at Lender'�s s o le discrcaian• � �.�. ��'.
<br /> Y Upon pnymant tn fuli of all sums secured by thls Scsurity Instcumeat, Lerses!es s�.�.� rntt� �� ca`��to Sorsower any+ _
<br /> Funds held by I.ender.If.under para�raph 2 t.LCltdC�5�l.1II RSg7t11C lSt ECII It1C P[ORL'JIy. Le�xs.pn:�to �ix.'acguisiti�n or sata `;�i&���.�•
<br /> of th�Propesty.shall apply ony Fun�s held by Lsn3�r at the tit�at cct.�:i�itiun nr s�t:ag a.ttt:ct a t�sinst t3te suzns serured by
<br /> this Secar�ty lnstrument. :`..�'y'-`
<br /> 3.ApPlic�tfon oS PEtyutents.Unlcss c►pplicat�te Isw prAVid.r�ot4lccutsc.all paymcrr���•ed��Y L.ender unde��hs �,
<br />';�� 1 and 2 shaU be applied: ficst.to aaY P�Y�ut cflar�ea due unC:a�3 Ndt,�;sccond.¢p saiw.ss�s able uader h 2; ��°_,:
<br /> tbird,ce interesa due;fou�ls.to princnFal du�:an�tast.to anY��,te c�tar�'.�a'.°r uTri.�tt�:Nc��r. �
<br /> ��.5, 4.CHarges:Ltens.Borrower s�ail pay ali taxea.as�sssments.ct'.atgrn. Gims a�i isr�,^��itia�s ami6utable to the Property .�Y�--
<br /> . . which muy attuin,PnoritY over this Security In:;irum.en3.en�lsr�eh,raid paY�c+:n:s rn Bra',�r�'rea�s►i���y. B°nOwer shali pay
<br />"��'- ehese obligatians ui ttie munner pmeided in p�rag�aPh 2.or if ntYt psttl ia Ctwt rt►�t�.Basratise�c�3��y.them on time�irectly �;
<br /> j to the peison owed puyment.Borrower ehall prompsly fumish to Les.d2��!1 caticcs af a►ss�urwt R��r�rt under t&Ls parngraPts.
<br /> ���: If Boreower mukes these puyments dire�tlY.Domower shall pro�aptly fumtsh ro l,cnd:t r�.*rcipts c�:r:�car.ta��s payments. ^
<br /> � . Bornawer st�all pracnpdy disr,huzge any I�ea whieh has p�iority oves thi�Securiry ln�trur,�:a.u.n�,tcs Hc�ower:(a}agrees in.. '. ,�_ _
<br /> .,.-� writit�to the payment of the obligatian se.c�red by the lien in a�nar�ev acc��•.�Sls to l.cn�!er:tb)c�isas9'a2s good fail�S�e J�'• -,F
<br /> � by. or defends ugains[enforcement of the U� in. legal Dra�edin� ahi.ta in�:i.ciufrr's upisi•r.an.cr��:�te to p;�.c� .� ��--'�----'
<br /> enforcement of the lien:or(e)secures from th.°IlOI�[Of tttle IEL91 ACJ II$ttX:1T1�'I116�1YISI"�'«T�i IO LCiN�J1f 513.�'►`oLtS111L3L7i1�c�',E IJ2LF QQ ;' .j; ;''•y
<br /> t
<br /> '�_� � this Seeurity Insuumeut. If Lender detetmines that any p�rt of[he Pro�.etty fi�ea�;s�!tn u lien wh'a:fi�tray etta-�primity�v�' �• . g"---
<br /> � � this Sea�rily lasttument.Lender muy�ve Borrowcr a notice ld�e�tify3n3 thc li:n.�3s+rtow•cr shafi e,leis�p�t��l�su or c�+e?�cre� � �-r_��
<br /> more of the actions set farth above�vithin 10 days of thc giving of notice. ��._
<br /> �� S. �L�rd or �rapertY Ins�aszcnce. Bon'owea shal! kee�thc im��nvemorata roaw+ existing os hr:rtmEttt �'�i�"�
<br /> " p�Pe�Y�sured against loss by fire.hazaads incl�c�d within the tecm exe�ari:� carrcaao$"nnd any rs�tr.c•tu�ds, �n�mg e',�-"
<br /> • - 800ds or flaoding.for which Lender cequires insurarsce.'IY�is insurtuxe sh:�lB k:t�-�r�:incd in tk.n�rn.rrst�;�mf�,for tt�p�ads - _.°
<br /> � �t��r�qO;res, The in�urance carriee providing the insura�ace sha11 b�s sMrssca�y l�+rr�we�buba�ict��1+�,sQder's appinval
<br /> ` �' whicb shall not be uc►seasonabiy wi2hheld. If�otrowea faals ta maflncai.n ce��crt',�s:dec�:ribed nhove. Leax?r3t�raaY.at Leudet'S
<br /> �v��•
<br /> ��_�r.' • option.o8tain coveiage to pmtect Lendu's dgi�2s ln ehe Pra��riy in accnr�°a.�e wi�to Qne�(�eaph 7.
<br /> All insucaace palicles and renewals shall be accept3ble ta Les�d:r a� sh�lL itr.iw�t a standard rnartga�e ctar�se.leader
<br /> . , shuU Tutve the ri�ht to hold thc pa(icaes and reaewals.IP Les�d2e roquirea.Brrtrovrc.r eluil9:gf.�nptly glvQ eo l,ender nIE reaipis of �'��.'
<br /> paid premiums and renawal notioes. In the even3 of lo�s.Bazrovrer sh.a!!g�����•'�cr:.pt rna���to ihe insur�ce ca�er und Lender.
<br />� � i.eader ma maSce proof of toss if nat madQ pmr�tly by Borrowee. �':
<br /> ''�..i Unlrsys Lender and Borrower othcrwisc agzze in tivviting,insurorcce prncecx3�hu�1•be u�DP�fod W restoratlon or rep�.ir of the
<br /> property dumagc�..if the�rastoradan ar repair is ecarzor.vqlty feasible and Lend:�'�s sc�trlty is�wt�ics�e�ed.It the resrorntioa or �c'.`:
<br /> . repair is not economiplly feasible or Lescd�r's secusity wonld 60 lessened.t�,�Inu�a�u�t':�o prnreeds ehatl bo applte�to�ha sums: -
<br /> securzd by this Security Instrument,whether ar ndt then due. v��ith a�er e:ucena �+��i�ca Rarratvcr. iY Botrower�andon,Q�ie --
<br /> � properry,or does not aaswer with�n 30 dpys a natice fro:�Lend:e t�t iFa Ir.aua�s ranier ha��fPe�e6 to�etct9 a cluim. then�� � �
<br /> • Lender may ooilect the insurance Psacee6s. Lr.nd2r rruy use the p�nceo� to rt�qr�ir ss restote Ihe Ptapert�+ or to pay snm� �':'
<br /> n
<br /> se�yred by this 5eccvr�ty Instruntent, whctt►et or n�2 tt�en due.'�i�c 30day p�eicd°rri41 bcgin when the nutico is given. ��:
<br /> 5 �n
<br /> � Unless Lender and Barrower otherwise agrec in weidng. any a�p1}ratS:a�c��prsxeec� to prineipal shaU not extc�or ___
<br /> postpone the due data of the month�Y Paymen�referr�d to in parng�e�►hs i ond��2 or ci�ango tt�e amount af eha goym�nts: If� ---
<br /> ..:�`�r � - under papagr�pb 21 the Pcoperty is acquired dy Lender.Bosrowcr's eight to any ietsurt�ncG policie9 wid prooadm�raGaGi:�fr� �;•
<br /> � ` da,RC�,.,�co the Pr�priar to tha acquzsition shali pass to Lesid:r eo thc extenl of Ihc sums secuted by lhis��X'�s����: � .
<br /> : �tt�Iy prior to acqwsitlon. ��
<br /> • r�ccupnucy,Ficservat[ou.MainiQaa.�e an�J Prot�ction of tIx P��rty;�orrowee'e l�a�uo Appikat�C►ns Y:e�s�.1'wp�i�. �„�.
<br /> v ----
<br /> '' �i�;r.�er sl�all occupy.e�tabiish.and use the Psopefty as Borrawcr's princiFa�l rts[dence wtthin siaty days nfter!he eaecution of
<br /> � •� �,'�;s:��.surity Insm�ment and shall continue co c�ecu�a the Praperty as Borrovmr'�yrincipaf resfdencc fot at least one yeas after `°:,��-,,�=>
<br /> ��',! �� ' r;����ir�of occvpancy,unless 1.encter othernise a�ees in writing,which consent shaSl nat bo u;.sEasortably withhetd�nr unless , ,•,�A.
<br /> ,�'��_; � ex;er.�ng circumstances exist wTraich sue beyoad Borrower'c control. t�orrower sh�4 nct4��dutArc�y. datnage ot lmpait th: �ra�^
<br /> a
<br /> propazy, attow the Pco�erty to detedorate.or oomtr.it wasce on the PropeQty. Botrotives sh;t{5�b:in Ccfiult if nny fnrfatture .�`;�,�;;
<br /> • `��i; ..'' action or proc�ding,wfiethes civil or crirnir�i.is begun that in Lender's good faith judgttkna cauld tesult In farfclture of the ;���
<br /> � ^s� Pmperty or othervrise materially i�gair t�.�li�n cre�ted by this Securi instrument or l.ender's securiry interest.Bo:rowEr may __,.�.i:_
<br /> ',` �SS.-AC5tY�.
<br /> �.�:•' cure such u default and reinstate.as pmv�ded in par�c�ph 18.by e.�►as ng th+e�ction or prtx�sedln�to hw dlymissed wttD A ruling �y_��;_=
<br /> that, in Lcnder's�ood faiGh d�ter�aieati��.psect�cdea fort'eituro of tho Borrawer's Irtterest ln tho Property ar other matcrla! �°�:t
<br />�� ����� lmga�rment of the lien create�by this Security Instm�rent or Lender's securiry intere�t. Ltorra�ver ehall ul:� bo in default i� __._�.
<br /> � Bor�wer.during the loan appticata�n prxess.gave mate�ialty false or inaccue�te inform�tion ar statem�nts to Lender(or f�ilcd —��s
<br /> to.provida Ltnder with atry material infos�natlan)�n connection with the loan evi�enced by the Nute.includi�,nu�oa r�m�e�a ��:;�;`.
<br /> ��t to,representations concerning Borrovrer's occupnncy of the Property as o princip.zl tesidenca. If thia Sccu�Uy nsiromcnt is on o �7ai,,:_
<br /> . �•��;� leasehold. Boaower shall wmply witR al! the proviscons of the lease. If Borrower acquircw Pcc tille to Iho Pcoperty. the �_:;;::
<br /> �.:'.j; . . I�:n�end the fee tit3e shat!not sncrgc untess l.ender ogtees to the merges in wQiQng. �y;;;;A:
<br /> „ :..�... _ , � , ry����my�r�e��rs Qt�e�fco��ty If Borrower fails to perform ttw covenanta nnd � �ec�ncnl�cunuiincd in -
<br /> Ite
<br /> ' . .�' . t[ii��,S�rity Instrucmcnt.os t�ra is a legal ptmceeding thw may sfgnificAntty affecl Lender's rights in t te N��aperty lsuch ag a �:�:`
<br /> � • • prc�eeedi�g iA bunkroptcy�pr�Gutc. toe condemnation or forfeitucz or to enforec laws or regulattnns).then Letxter may dn and
<br /> �� pay for whatever is r.�oess9ry to�mtect the vafue of the Property and Leader's rfghts in the Pmpcny. t.ender's actions rtwy _
<br /> � inclade paying any sun� szeur:d hy a lien which has prtority over this Seevrity l��rumcnl, appearing in c�9us1, payitt�i
<br /> reasonable attorr�ys'fees and enteriag on the Property to make reyairs.Althougl�Lendcr may tnko acU�n unQrr this paragruph ,
<br /> 7.L.nder does not have tc�da�oa.
<br /> .- Any amounta disburaed by Yreader under this Qaragraph 7 shaU become additional dgGt ut Hurmwer �ccurcA by liiis �i.�_�
<br /> ��:,.:
<br /> • Security Instrumcnt. Unless Borrower nnd Lender agree to other tem�s of paymcnt.thcso nmounts ehatl he�r intcrest frcrm the __
<br /> date of disbursentent at tae Note rute and shall bo paya6le. with lnterest. upcon notice from tsadc�to Qnrrmvcr rcyuesting P�__
<br /> � payment. ----
<br /> ,:.�•. � 8.Morigage d�vrance.If I�ender requi�ed mortgage lnsumnce as a rondition of m�teing tho loan�ecurecf by�dis Sccurfty
<br /> ' Ista'�atrn�at. Barrower shall pay tt�'e pr�miums required to maintain the mott�e insursute� in effect. If. for any tc��m, Ifw �
<br /> mnr�tt��k insurance coverage requer;d by Leader lapses or ceascs to bc ln cftes.�2. Borrower shall pay�hc prcn�i�atnv tcquircd to
<br /> • o�a coverage subswntially equiyalent to the mort�ge insur.u�cc previously in cifect.iil Q CUSI 6UtiSltll'i9inlly cqt►ivul�ni tn tho �
<br /> � wst to Borrowcr oF the mortgage insurance previously in effcct. from an altern�te morlga�e ingurcr Upptuvcd hy l.ctxlcr. (i � ���
<br /> . � �_.-.
<br /> , • p,e,�,�a iorm 8020 919p E.°°
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