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<br />- ` � � shiss s�.c. �rv:d :a►r �rdi� puraos.s _ .
<br /> ,
<br />,�� � . � . . _ -
<br /> _ � � � . ._ SS�tllrlrg�Dg$D � . -- - _ ---
<br />: �IOM ]1LL 11mt BY '1'�SE PR88mi'1'S: _ .
<br /> ` �T t1A�g• in aa aatioa in ths District Court oi
<br /> 8a11 Cou�tg. x�ask�� vl�r�in �ti�ccbsnts lfstfonal Hank i Trast �.���
<br /> � � Plafntitt, �d G�rald 11. I�vi�� a singl� pt��,
<br /> �t, at t1�u J�nuary 1991, t�ra ot �iid Court, l�rcbsAts
<br /> .�� .� l�atioAal sant !� ssust Co�paAY did obtain a, D�c� S�4 �t
<br /> _ . tL�r� fs dw lraa Gsrsld A. Lavin to l�rcbants ltationa�l Bank i�
<br /> ' Trw�t CospanY ths s�a� o! On� 8nn�lrod Tw�uuty-sswa �ha�uand lti�a � _
<br />-- --• � gnndr�d.�t�ranty-ons Dqllara anA �orty-nin� Gnts (S1Z?,921.49) and -_`
<br /> � � _ c:osts ot suit, atjd . - — -
<br /> • :°;-;;,. ' NAIItEas�, it vas then and f,her� lust�: orderad in ths � =�= `-�:
<br /> T _'r � ,:� : �,'""=a:-`=
<br /> �k- �'�:..�'� .. said actton t�at in datault ot the psya�nt o�, �e sus ao lowsd =--�
<br /> .{ . �j� d�u,yy ths as�d Gerald ll. I�svin, that th� Shsr�t o! Hall Couaty, �r�-.-
<br /> �,,,, ' c`�<: ..�_o.�
<br /> .-��u,::�:= shouid causs t�a lands and tuieaonts hsrain�ttar d�sctrib�d to b� �;,,�.__
<br /> � � advsrtis�d su� �id accorAing to laW t� psy ths aa�e, and �� �;_:w==
<br /> ,; -- t.,�:,�.
<br /> _ �i,:'. .• . �_g�.�..:_�
<br /> . ' '� �" "�`�, p�SREi�S, detault 2�vi�ng beea sacls ther�in th� said �'�`����'-
<br /> �����r.:� � � • '�'�;i.,�.r��:•, .
<br /> :: �.= �,- vistu� o! -. _ . -_
<br /> :�,�.r.�. ;-.��� Ewtt C. Arnott, sh4ri!! ot said County, und�r and by . . . .. -
<br /> -:-�,=� -. ths said Dsarae aad th� order o� 8a1� to hia duly dirsat�d, did .
<br /> on January Zi, i99Z, at the Nal2 County Courthouse in th� City o! �, ,,5,: •`�
<br /> , . , �y� . _.� -�,•
<br /> �;,,--��� �;,:;;� -
<br />. � � �'' ;:t;�, Grand Island, in said County of Hall, having tisat qivsn dus an8 , :r�::,:{,:
<br /> �;�. ���;:.:i��', Zace o! said �al� ';;._�;:�;,..�
<br /> �:�;: -. � i�qal notiae o� th� tias sn8 g bY Publication ,;�;�-,;;;�;::
<br /> ::�.,�.x.,t,,:,� .. �.:�,����.; �_
<br /> ;�:�f�-';,;� .� - ona� in sach weelc !or tour �ucc�ssive ws�]cs in a n�wsPaP�r , , .
<br /> �. �
<br /> ,-,.� -��. . �rint�d an� in q�n�rsl airculation in �sid Couuty ot Hall, wil ,,• ,: `. � �,
<br /> � ��' pubiia auatian to l�archants Nationa�]. Bank ir '
<br /> `:',�����;;` said yr�ais�s a� � � . �,;`;,:ti��...-
<br /> .:• _ '�'� ��::: 3�n�st Caapany �ar tihe sva ot �aaty-two Thousand Fiv� Hundred ;�
<br /> �.�'�`.,' �. _y`�;t�'�. 00 h vhich sale was sltorward on Pabrusry ZO, �f 'f,;,:<?,`
<br />�, .; , �: ..._,. �:�. �.:,.. Dollars (522,50�. j Arnstt as f � .:
<br /> ?;...� . .:; • I992, �xasiaad and contiraec� and the said EQett C.. � �,
<br /> �;�';,�.�.;,�Y',..,: suah Sh�ritl, ordered to convey aa3d prasis�s in tee si�pl� titl� . , ., ;�
<br /> f- .,� �. to th� purahaser, to Nit: ltervhant� National Bank i Trust . s`
<br /> {_ :�..� .
<br /> ,..,...
<br /> , -�: � Cospany� I �r.,, ,��-
<br /> _, :�., . , . • _
<br /> � F.�aett C. llrnett, Sheritt ot th� ; `��i�;"``;:,._
<br /> ' :� ..:� .:' NON, TNEREFORE• I� ' ��:>;;;,,. ;
<br /> = ;� � � County o! Hall, as aloraaaid, in consideration o! ths pr�sisss ;.. . .
<br /> :�,.�rf�:,.`.' and by virtus �� tho pow.r� vostad in ae by law and th� Dsar�� ot r
<br /> � : -7 iy:.��.. /aid Cous�, d� hereby. give, grent, and comey to 8�rahants i � ,
<br /> . � ,,?.,,:.. . . _.
<br /> ���F;`%�}����`' � Nationsl Hank � �st Cospany, the prafi�es sa as atoresaid sald, ; .�>,
<br /> . !7��.�J�4,�''-'y " ' ' • � . .
<br /> /?;e�: t0 f�/�t: �
<br /> '` �s,'r`�,:�,�;. s
<br /> ,"'�<r;r;;:;:�. , .
<br /> . �...
<br /> z.ti; _ , .
<br /> .. , , � .
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<br /> , .; . .�_ ... .
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