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�oiou�4so <br />Exh i � it "A " <br />A tract of land compris[ng a part oY the SoutLwest Quarter of tLe Northwost <br />Quartcr (SWl/4NW1/4) o[ Section Twenty-Four (Z4), Township Twelve (12) <br />North, Rxnge Elev�n (�1) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Caunty, Nebraska and <br />more pairticularly de�cribed as [ollowa: Beginning at the southwest coruer of <br />Sxtd Nocthwest Quarter (NW]/4); tbence northerly Along an�l npon tLe west <br />line of said NortLwest Quarter (NWl/4), s distance af Four Hundred �ighty <br />Seven (487.0) Teet; thence deileMing right 89°28'14 �nd ranning easterly A <br />distance of Nine Hundced Sixty Six and Flve Handredths (9b6.05) teet; <br />thence detlecting right 90°31'46" �nd ruaning southerly, parallel with the <br />wegt line o[ said NortLwest Quarter (NWl/4), a distance oi Five Aundred <br />Thirteen and Eighty Nine Hundredth (513.89) feet to a point on tl�e south <br />lioe of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4); thence detlectiag right 91°03'SS" <br />and rrunning westerly along and upou ..the gouth l�ne of said Northwest <br />Qusrter (NWi/4� • dtstance nf Nine Huadred Siaty Six and �ighteen <br />Hundredths (996.18) feet to the point ot beginning. <br />