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<br /> ,;� . ��� LOANNO. 153s2t5ao�
<br /> . :,� � If l.endc�r oxarctsea this optlon,loender shall gh►e Borrower notice oi acceteratlon.The notice shall provlde e perlod
<br /> � o!not l�ao than 30 days irom the dAt�the notice Is clelivered or mallad wfthln whlch F3orrower muet pay RII suma seaured
<br /> �.� by tl�lu�acurity Instrumont.If aorrovnar falls to p.9y thes6 eums prior to the expIratlon of thls perlad, Lender may Inv�lce
<br /> ..� . any romtidles permlttad by thia 3ACUrEty Inst�ument wtthout further notica or demand on Borrower. _
<br /> " 10,I�orrow�r'R Riflnt to Relnat�¢�. If Borrower meets ceRaln condfttons,Borrawer ehall have the riQht to have
<br /> eniorc�ment of thl�Securfty Instrumr�nt eilscontinued at any time prtor to the eariler of:(a)5 days(or such otheeperlar�l �`
<br /> •• �� a s app f l�.a b l o l a w m a y e p e c f t y f o r r A l n R t a t e m e n t)b e t o r e s e l e o f t h e P r o p e r t Y pursuant to an y p o wer of sale cantalned In
<br /> '� this 3�curit InstrumeM;or(b)entry at a Judgmen4 e�orcing thls Securft �nstrument.ThQSe condftlons are thnt �'
<br /> ,� �; �::.
<br /> '' - Borrovlor:�)nays Londer all sums vr[�Ich then would be due under thla ecurtty I�strum�nt snd the Note as if no �z
<br /> ,.. a all ex nses Incurred
<br /> � �"°" accolo�tlnn had pccurred;(b)cur6�any dcfauft of any other coven�nts or agroements;(c) pay pe �_-
<br /> �++��' in onfarclnp thln Socurity Inatrument,fncludUg,but not Ifmited to,reasonsble attorne�/s'fees;end(d takes s�ch actlon v;•
<br /> ,� E...,
<br /> ae Lsnder may roa�onsblp rAquiro to assure tl�at the Ilen of this Securftg►Insirument,Lsnder's rights n the Property aRd
<br /> � �orcowor'8 ot�llgatlon to pay the sumr�secured by thla Security Instrument shall continue unchang�d.Upon _
<br /> � ' ' rolnntatAmoin by f3ortower,this Sncurity Instrument and the obllgatlons secured hereby shall remain fully effective as If �,
<br /> ' ,. � no acar�toratlon had accurretJ.Novr�vr�r,thl�tight to reinstate shall riot apply In the case of acceleratlbn under
<br /> .•,�;,.. ., :; parAgi�t�lt 17. —
<br /> ;`.,�.; }. ��'; 10.�al�trf Note;Ch�ngo o?daa�n Servlcer. The Note or a partlal interest In the Note(rogethor wfth thls Securfty
<br /> ;� ��.`��';�°►'�'; Inatniment)may be eold one or morQ times without prlor notice to Borrower.A sale may resuit in a ahange in the entity
<br /> ������•'�•..`��:': (Imovm ao tho"I.oan Servicer")that c�llects monthiy payment�due under the Note and this Securtty Instrument.There
<br /> �. .'�.`+;'' also muy be one or more changes o�the Loan Servlcer unraiated to a sale of 3Ne Note.IP there la a change ot tha�aan -
<br /> :'�;�.��j,A;:�f.�;, ; Sorvicor,Borrower will be given wrftt�,n notice ofi tha change In accordance wfthparagraph 14 abc�ve and applicable law.
<br /> The noUco wi11 ctato tho name and address of the new Loan 3ervicer and the address ta whlch payments should be
<br /> � � ��'�:��::. � made. The notice wlll also contain any other Iniormatlon requlred by applirable law.
<br />�"�'�'i•'.�'���""�•�' 20,I�t�zardous Subst�nRts. 13a�ower shait not causo or permii the presence,t�so,dis sal, storage,or release of --
<br /> ��
<br />:`��. • :�: ��.,
<br />.;_,,,-.�,,; _ a n y t 9 a z a r d o u a S u b s t a n c e s o n a r I n t 6 1 e P r o p e r ty.B o r r o w e r s h a l l n ot do,nor allow an yone se to do,an y thing afifect ng
<br /> ��� ��„�� tho nibperty that la in vlolation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,
<br />, ,;,..
<br /> -�:}x�r,���Z l� use,or etorage on the Property of ainall guantftles of Hazardous Substances that are generaity recogniz to
<br /> , ��,.;, appro priate to narmal resldentlal us�u and to mafntenance ot tho Property.
<br />-=�-u•;���.. f3carower shall prompiiy glvo I_oITder w�itten notice of any Investigatlon,claim,demand,IawsuEt or other actlon by
<br />-�"`%=�:��',�, . any pn�emmental or regulatory a�oiTr.y or prlvate pa�ty►Invdving the Property and any Hazardcws Substance or
<br />-�';'�!''� Envlronmental Law of which Borroverar has actua!knowledge.If BoROwer leams,ar Is notifled by any govemmerrtal or
<br />:��.:-;;.:;��� reguintory autnority,th8t any�Orrtovr�i or aint�r rdniwi&iiuii��a+� ��rti�us�ul�r.ca aHaatlrg tt�pro �i;!s _
<br /> LL�::::;*� � necosasry,BoROwer shall prompliy take all n�cessary remedlal sctlons In accordance with Ernlronma�Law.
<br /> ;�. �.,..
<br />=�.:";�;�;�ry�r4> Av usod in thls paregraph 2Q,"I�fazardous Substances"are tho�e suhstences defined as toxlc or hazs oua
<br /> r;?�,•,z;,;�;; subatancoa by Fnvironmental La�u r�nd the tollowirtg substences:gasdine,kerosene,otherAamrtoable ortoxic
<br /> -_•-nss.£.,ne_ petrolbum products,toxic pestic�!r��s and herblcldes,vdatYe soNents,materlals cornalning asbestos or fom�adde'�y�e,
<br /> -" � anci iBdloactive materials.As used Pn this paregtaph 20,'Ernrironmental La�meana federai lawa and laws af tho
<br /> ---��. Jurladlctlon where the Propercy ts t�ct�ited 4hat relate to heatth,safety or environmental protectbn.
<br /> .,.:T�,�v;�;; N�N•UNIFQRM COVENANT�.Borrower and Lender further covenarR end aflree as fdlaw�:
<br />--=W"`"�''�� 21.AacN�tlon;R�m�dtes.IL�ender�hall�fw notk�t��or�orwr prlor to�ccNKation tollowin�Borro+�'s
<br /> ;.nY�;.���� .. • ..�wr�nwnuM�In ��Q�w�vih�In�M�
<br /> _ '�_°�--- 17 unlew�pp IcabN law proirid�s oth�rwia).Th�notice�E�aH sp��bc ity:�)t�he d�u�(b)th��ction n��u�krd to
<br /> '��� cuib the d�fauM;(c)R dat�,not��asth�n 3o days itom ttM dat�th�notics h�iwn tA Barorwr�by vrhich ttN
<br /> — -- d�fsuit must b�cur�d;and(dj�t tailun to cur�tbs dNault on o�b�ta'�th�d�t�sp�cM�d In th�no4ic�m�y
<br /> rssuit In accN�tidn of th�suums s�cund by thls S�curity I�nstncrosnt�nd saN of ths Frop�rty►.'t'h�notica���
<br /> wrther IMorm Borrow�r of t!�uight to rNn�tat�dt�r�ccNar�tlon and th�rqht tn brinp�cou�t�ction to ass�rt
<br /> - - = th4 nnee�xist�ne�of�dNaul�cor any othe dohnw of Bomow�r to accsNratlon�n�sale.If th�d�huit h not
<br /> cundl on or b�ton th�dat�s�waHNd in th�notice�I.�nd�r at its optlon rru�ynq ufn(mm�dlat�paym�M(n tull of
<br /> .�_ �11 wms s�cur�d Dy thls S�a�eity Instrum�nt wtthout turth�r dem�nd and nwy in�otc�th�PowK oi�N�nd�ny
<br /> --- other rem�dtes p�rmttt�d Qy�pM{c�b1�Iaw.I.�nd�r�hall be entRieal to colt�ce s!1�ucp�nsa tncurnd In Punutn�
<br /> �� th�rem�dla provid�d In thta pera�nph xt�Inctudtn�.nuc na umn.a to,n.son.t�.morn.�r,'h�s n'�d costs of
<br /> -__==-� tRte evid�nc�.
<br /> _ --_-;,"�„� It�hs�ower ot aale te te��roked,Tr�ata�shall ncon9 a noticc�04 d�tault In e�ch couaty In wh{eM�ny p�rt of
<br /> --- ths Pro�rty Is foceted�nd�Vo�it mall copl�e ot auch�totfae In the m�nner proscNb�d by�ppilabl�I�w to
<br /> eor�ower�nd to t�4�s oth�r parsons pnrscribod by�ppifcabt�kw. A�iK ths tim�nquind br apRiic�bb I�w�
<br /> .._M - - Tru�tee shall qiw pubite noeBc�of�al�to the peraons and In th�m��n�r pr�[b�d by applic�bN I�w. Tnnts��
<br /> _--=,��� without demand on eorrowee�shdl all th�Prop�rly�t publ��ucl�on to the hqhest biddK at th�tim��nd p{�cs
<br /> ,,,_,�� �nd under tha t�rms d�tl�n�sd In th�nAtks of aN i�axN or monp�rcNs snd fn ony ordsr Tru�t�det+�+minas.
<br /> n,_.^� TruMeo m�ypostpon�ala af�II or any p�rcN ot thi PrapKty by gulsi�e announcsm�n4 at th�tlm�and pG�ce of
<br /> �ny proviousiy soh�dut�d�ee. t.�nd�r or itt�desbnN nuiy purehasa tha Prop�rty�t my�N.
<br /> -��,.� Upon recetpt ot peymei�ft of the pMce�1d,1'ru�tee shell deliver 8�a t!ro purc�ssr Trust�s's deed conwyiny
<br /> -:-=;�=�;;�� th�ProWsRy. Tha recita(s ti�ths Trun�e'a¢lAed shatl b�prima hcle svW�ncr of ths truth o�ths stetem�nts made
<br /> _�'^n;'''"� thareU�. 7ruotoa�hatl��ply aE�m�aroceeds of the eak 6r�4i�e toltowing ordss:(�)to a11 cos»�nd�x�os�s ot
<br /> .:.,<<.
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