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<br /> STATf 0� AE$RASKA:. � � . .
<br /> 1 KKOW rA{.!. KE�t HY THESE PRESE�ITS: . .
<br /> EOUNtY OF HAlL }� - � . _ .
<br /> ---.�THAT �HE.U�lDERSIGNEDs oi th� COUfltI►. of BEXAR, State of TEXf�S, ' ' -- - -- ---
<br /> #h� F*���n� �;�a�n�thelQT f g i na l Pr i nc i pa t s rdof THIRTY ONE TMWSAND ,
<br /> PTON�S�OTY �
<br /> THR�E Htl�l�RED and i�E1/169 dollars C i 3 i,3 6 9.�8?, -
<br /> dateci MARCH 21, 4986, and execated bY
<br /> -- J A C K C i.O E S C N E R A i�A K R I S T I![E A LQESCHER Ht�SBAi�D AM
<br /> - D YIFE � . -� : - , - _ ---- -- - -.
<br /> PaYSbLt ta _ , , , � . . -
<br /> FIRS'f FEDERAL SA1�IttG�''�AND LOAN ASSUCIATIOk QF LI�l� `� t:._ —
<br /> _v - t1LM = ' �. .:: . ;::'::t�:;r:����_,':-; � _
<br /> ' AkD SUHSEQUE�ETf.Y ASSIGi�IEDF TLT � `, =:" . .
<br /> ED
<br /> ` 8A�1CPlUS IiORTG¢LE CORP : Relesses Mortgag� �����i375 � ,
<br /> 3.
<br /> Moc�:;:f+[liY describecE'.1.n�� !'i�RTGAGE, duLY recorded ext,:�}�,�-i81b34,
<br /> ,;:-<_:a �4f;;�:�it�. �lOt�TGAGE r�i�� d�` HA�L Cou»tY, �fEBRASK!#F ��r°�.;,;:;;:,=,.:� .
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<br />� ` '- ; FOft AND IN CAi�iS`IAE[�A�'ZflN of.��he�f u L L and f;ii�t parr�►en� o� �sa i� Note� -" --
<br /> ,� the receipt of Mhich is h4reby �cknoaledge�;.-i►ave relea��d and dis�- ;
<br /> � �� � charqed, and bY these Presem�sc do herebY re l�a�e and d i scharpe, th� : �,a..—.
<br /> � � above descriDed pr4Perty fraa alt tiens hetd by the und+�rsigna4 � . -
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<br /> �-. .:,, ,���;.��:�
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<br /> ` " ; - Ex�euted thiB APRIL 16, 1992.- -, _ �-
<br /> s.�f =,.r,., .
<br /> ��'° Ba cPLUS Har aga Corp. : ,:.'�-
<br /> °�� � "�"T �G� .... ; _
<br /> -_ : ��: Ai test: � t �°a Hy _ __-___.._____----- - _ -
<br /> �,h;. • N o RACHEi, CUELLAR - -_
<br /> F:.;�,,�. t ,� VIC� PRESIDENT ` : � _��-
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<br /> �',.�_:-:
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<br /> . ,..-.. > USAiV NAYLw � - -
<br /> ASSISfANT �CR AkV ..`==' -
<br /> . .. "��'
<br /> - STATE OF TEXAS � �- "'a'°�
<br /> ',•. . ) ss. � �`-
<br /> . - COUktY OF �BExAR } � •'�-�°.
<br /> ? "� '�'�" .'. Before Me, the undersi9ned authority, an this Qay FersanaLlY appeared �
<br /> '��� . �' Assi�t�nt 5ecretarY, i� � �
<br /> � �� •. R�cheL CueLtar, Vice F�resldent, �nd Su�san NaYtor,
<br /> � � `' of H�ncPLUS Martqaqe Corp. kn�wn ta �►e to be the pe�r.sons iINOSA RiM@S
<br /> �'� are �ubscribed on the toregaing iri�twu�nent, and �rknoaled9ed to �ae � �
<br /> ��=�: that they exec�ted the saae fer the purpas� and cansideration therein
<br /> � :�;�:-,�;�a�� exptessed, in the capari ty f�erein slated an� as the att �nd deed of ( . .�.,'
<br />�; .�.�;.-:::'..,�t: said Corporation. ` . .
<br /> ��3_� I �
<br /> '��= ''�` � � G i veri under �ny hand �nd g�a 1 of of f i ce o APFtIL 16, 1992/� ' � .
<br /> •l. . ' , � 1�L � .
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<br /> �� ' �*••�► vo�ntunn c: �airr� �s..�.. .
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<br /> ,��i`-� f•�"'' ' ��'�� Nutay FuOk 5ute ot te�as
<br /> . :,,..._ �,� . _ Notary Pub 1.ic i n arid for th�
<br /> . .� :�,.
<br /> .,. .
<br /> ��, �.. � "- - � iiY'tanr.a:stenf■D9��ntlZ@iry',
<br /> - . �;,::..,-: _ 5tat� of Texa� �- ��•.. . .
<br /> � � 1Ny CO�IM�SS/4ri Exp i res ---_-_-_- , .
<br /> �., . ,. ., . �;
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<br /> • � ' �� � Re�a lC y� r . . . . . ; .� ' .. ,
<br /> - . , . . In:r-. iVu. 040n3615�9 `�'" • - .
<br /> . - � � Lr��n No. 1036150y ``�'�� .
<br /> , . �����:�_._-.� - - ---�- ._ ----- p p -- bQ1 - Q4145►2 _
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