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� <br />� <br />'"'— �oiou�444 <br />�� <br />,...� <br />� ....�� <br />� �� <br />� "'� <br />y �� <br />� � � <br />� xi By S�1ty �x�tia�s Inc. <br />� x�an9ed Mail 'Ib: ��1����lY�A" <br />� rR2TY CONNECTrON3 2NC. <br />� TECHNOLOGY DRIVE <br />�� CO FALL3, ID 83401 <br />� KARLEEN MAUGHAN <br />II IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />C <br />Z <br />��� <br />� 'I <br />I <br />r.: <br />n n � �, �„ m <br />e t�/� �, c:' ca -1 C7 � <br />n = r�� c� � �� fV <br />� s� � � �l] <br />�, --{ -� �, <br />� <br />�?, ��� -� �., v <br />c:� ���- �`.` �:.� -+-� �,, � <br />�, rv -r, �,. � cs� <br />�=� �' �� r77 <br />r � A S '�.�j Ta. c:: r �] C1� <br />� r �a � <br />c:� r- .*r , �7 �7 <br />v� , <br />� '""'' � _ � �. <br />n � � <br />� �� � � <br />v <br />SUBSTZTUT�ON OF TRUSTEE & DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />S yo <br />r� r�: 400098832$ <br />-- i�otic� is t� yiv�, tr,�t Mar'tixl P. gelster. M�,ibex' of t.h� DTebrask� St.ate Ba.r AssoCiStic� w�e <br />adc'tr.�sS is Ste 1200, 2120 S`. 72 St, Glt�k]a NF,' 68124, a.s Y�ere 1� appointed �so� �hlstee tuY_ieY tY]at rprrain ABed of TnLSt as fo1lC�us: <br />Th�star: FRAAIC'-ANn..'�T V HARWAR'1' AI1Il7 El+IZA�)TH hTARWARI'� I3[1�A1Vf� AHIa T�lFE <br />�rustee: OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />s��iciaYy: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION 3Y3TEMS, INC. <br />nate�: 09 \ 15 \ 2 D D 6 �acd�: 09 \ 18 \ 2 Q p 6 r„stn,�t # 020p608355 <br />s��.: �: <br />Filed fcr reacas3 in FIALL Ua_mty, state af Neb�aska <br />'Tax ID DRrri�er: <br />AS D� IN SAT� �1.7 �' �r <br />Vd�s, t�e �si�eri is the aa�er of YY�e k�ficia]. anterest tur3es said Daed of Tn�.st, �nd the lec�al �r arr� holder of the <br />Deed af TYust Note, that said intes�t has rn� b� txansfexz'ed, hypp�hecat.ed ar otYier wise ac�l�� �' �Y F�Y or p�sties. <br />Said I�te,�tl�x• with a7.1 �laer �te�ress se�urer3 by said Deed of T�ust, 1 begz fully paid a�d sa�.isfie�, M3rtin <br />P. Pe1st.ES, �'iivstse, Membes af tk� N�aska State Bar AssaCiaticn, is here�y rec�u�te3 and dixected to reaan�ey, <br />wir�rur �y, r,o tt�e paxties aesignar.s� by r.he te�ms of ea.ia mea of 'IYust, all rhat eatar_e nav he].a by rx�e �sar Trustee. <br />�. ���: ��,sT s� (�01 .�r oF r,o�r sEv�r l�J , nv Braocx c� 11 J, nv <br />WES�FF's FIRST SCk3DTVISIC�T, Il�T Tl� c.TTY OF G�AND IsI�AID„ FIAI�I� CIDCIIITIY, <br />�LSKA. <br />�= _ � ' � � ,� v r• r� :rr :r -.• r • �c� - • a . � <br />KR AL LL <br />VICE PRE3IDENT <br />S�te af Ici�ho, Ctxmty of B;xu�eville <br />Ch �.��Y�$�2�1� � , befaxe �, the �igned, a�y Public in and £c� th� State of Ic3ahp, c�xly aartnissicn <br />a�ri sv�xn, pex appe�,rea KRYSTAL HALL to ,re kna�ai ta be rlae <br />VICE PRESIDENT of the ooxporatian that �.u�ed the forec�oirs� is�stnrr�t, and <br />acknavl� tl�e sai.d inatxtim�t to k�e tl� free and voltimtary ac� ar�l dee� of saia aorpara�irn, far the uses and p�.��ares <br />thes�in ��l, and rn�tih stated tk�at he/she is authori�a3 ta �cecuted said ;n�*�*�• <br />Witriess m�r hatxl �r3 official sa,'�l he�to affi�ced the day and y�r £irst abv✓e writtai. <br />MEL155A HIVEL.Y <br />NOTARY PUBI.IC <br />r� ��c ��a �� rx� sr�� � �a�m, r��a� a� �aarp r�ig STATE QF IDAM(a <br />!�'r.r�^n FI�VEGY (Q�IIS,SICN FXP. 07-28-2014) �'�'� <br />I�xtin P. PP18t,�', Nla�er of the Nel�aSka State Bax' Asec�ciaticn as �scar Tn�stee �r the hexein ahove r3a�,rr.-;r,� <br />I7�d of Th�sti, dcr� h�hY �ant, �+�;n, se11 �rid x�crnvey, with�ut v,arranty, to the pessrn(s) entitler� therto, <br />all ri�t, title and ;nr�..+�t in and to tl� tnLSt prape�ty no�,v hpld by it as TYustee Lar3er said Deed af 'Th�st. <br />Maxtin P. Pel�ter, �sc� Tn�ee, N�er of t.he � Htat.e H�r Associatirn <br />��r....�.� � G_.�,,� . <br />- � w an=• - <br />State of Nex �, a Tb�las <br />C2 thi �' , befc� ire, a Not Public qual.i.fied fc� eai.d aa�mty, ��ally cartie Maxtin P. 1�lster, <br />�' � to to be the identia�l peraan n�io �ig�ed Che fcara�oir,a in,stsurr��.t ancl ac}axxvledgad the �xtim <br />tl�exeof to be�heir volim� ar�d c�ed, far tl� uses and puxpases �eis� rr�ti.aned. <br />W�e.� air.i g�ic' gi h�to affixed the day and yec'ir first �hUve writtal. <br />/ r��u.Nariwr-�nea r�c� <br />� R. ( ICN k� . 06-10- 14) �� A ' �� <br />Rablic an �nd far the sta of IAl1 CW1Nq. F.xp. Jun110, 2014 <br />J�HL8060108RE. p34355 �.�.�.xsr� <br />