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<br /> �` THIS t�t P,AM�.Y RIDEZt ii m�de tlds 27Eh dsy ot April� 1992 � � ; � .
<br /> — ----=aod is ioea�po�aeed iast a�shl!be�eeaied�e amend aed�rppiement t`he:MoRp�Dieed af 7iwt a�ac��r Deed�me,-- -- .-
<br /> - -- �a�s�r.�meat")o[tbes�madrettvmlryd�eaadaaip�d(t�e'�aaa�ra'7maacQeBaao�a�No�ea .Tha ,
<br /> �- Equitahle Bviiding and loan Aasocfation, Gr�nd Islend, Nebraska. � .
<br /> � . . � (die'Z.mder'�
<br /> � � of q�e s�me�pe aad cwerio�the ptopatY desca'bed jn�e Sa�icy ia�eumenc aod toc�ed a� 708 Nort h C�srk,
<br /> . _ 8rand :Island, Mebreska 68801 , ,
<br /> - ` , , ° [P�p�e�[�r�abas) '. . � '� _ .
<br /> - , , !•�FAMiLY COVENANTS. In zdditioa to the coven�nts�ad agteanams�e ia dr Sacucitq�eac.Bano�!eic ,_
<br /> - �od Tsader fanhes uovmaot aod agec as'follows: , -.
<br /> =- A.ADDI7TOPiAL PAOtE1tTY S[laJECT:TO'1'HE SEC[TItIPY-II�STRtJM�iG.-?n additiaa to il�Pmpatg: -
<br /> � � de�ct�'bed ia We Seauity tn�ame�.t�foilovring ioans ac�added w tbe Aopetty dac�o�and tinl!also caa�iwle tbe
<br /> -;- p�p�tg�y�vy�e Sec�y I�umom�biu-�maoaiafs,app]iurxs�ad aoods a€ev�r mame M�twevea oa�►a
<br /> ha�allrr foale��in�ca.ar a�ed�ar inMeade�m be nsod in caooectio�a�vith tAe Rvpetty.iaCl�nB.6ut not limioed to.tGo�e
<br /> _'�;;; far d�e pspo�es of wppiying a disn�og�stin8.cooli�dectrtcity.ls�.�ruer. a'a aQ7 G�TU,fine peeveation md
<br /> .'� � �5�8���Y �md acoess canoroi�pparuw�Piuinbin8, bWi tubs.water beateis.waur clasets.siolcs,
<br /> nng�es,_atoves.ie�igeruaa,dishw�ihecs.disposats;washers,deYe�s,awainSs.ata�n»window�.storm dao�s,�s,btiads. =__ -
<br /> i �:
<br /> - � sh�des,cutt�ins and c�utata rods.aaacbod mum�s,cabir�ts.P�cielGng aad auaehod Qooc c�uve,riags now a bae�ltet at[�chect ���w_�__
<br />. ... - W tbe Aupeety.a11.of whicb.lncluding nplsxnreffis and additiaas tha�euu.adaU 6e deeaud W be�od�a pa�t of tbe ��-�:_
<br /> .. �� _ ptopeity�ovand by tbe�sa�airy Iasan+meaL �€of the fo�egotng w�etder xrh6 the Ptnpe�cy descn'bed in dfe Seco�iry �'�r'-_�=-:_
<br /> ' ' Iaso�umeet(a the k.�seLold esp�te if Sfe Secar��..�^suament is on a 2aue6ol�are nfemed to in dus 1-4 Funily Rtder�ad `':�'"'-�`_
<br /> J. ``f`u�2°�_
<br />' 1�1C SeC�ity I�tCNatEtlt�i th6"PlIOpEiiy-° , �s�'r-�`_'-'-�`R' -
<br /> .. �.USE OF PBQ�£RTY:COMPIdAIb��PITH l.AW. BOfl�OWCt Shi1E.�7C aeelc.ag�ee t0 O[iQiICE a ChaagC ni ti1C 'x'•_�=�-_
<br /> � `c�se c�tbe Pm�ppny a its wnL�g classifiwtian.�7ess I.rnder has a�ia R�siog w tb�cb�oga Hormwec shs�U compt� � �'��°s=�.�'"=.-.
<br /> �, .rn er _
<br /> . � . widt a'!t iarvs,ordinmoe�.iegal�tions and requireme�us of aaq govemmantsl bodp appl'icable w tbe Pmperty. "�'�;�_ _
<br /> : ;' ; �'�•-_#q .
<br /> . - :� _ € ` C.S[JaORDAVATE LIEN3. Exapt as permitted by fed�i law.Bonawa sh�ll not a11ow ury lien inferior to t1�e �: `:�,�"��'•�__-
<br /> ''��;``�f Secutity Iastnaneat to be perfaxed against the Pt+operty wit6out LenderTa prIor written permission. � - _
<br /> ''� D 1tENT LOSS INSURANCE. Bomower shall maintain insuraace against rent loss in addidon m the odser l�z�ds for �'. . . '." '.
<br /> . _ �`: ~�'' which in�uance is requiied by lJaiform Covenant 5. : � -
<br /> �` E"EORAOWEA'S RIGHT TO REII�i3TATE"DELBTED Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted. � ; .� ' --
<br /> •r i-
<br /> ' -' F �O�ROWERS OCCUPANCY.Ur�less Lender and Hoaower ather�vlse agree in wrlt�tg, the fitat aeetence in � � . . -
<br /> � .,.,._:'`.�;.- . IJnifata Coven�at 6 conceming Bomawer's occupancy of the Ptoperty is delet� All reaiainlAg covenants�ad age�eeaxnt� . .-
<br /> �' ` �� ,,, . � aet forth i�Uniform Covenaat 6 sHali�ain in effec�.
<br /> ; w:r ";�<�;�1'� . ' , -
<br /> _ � ;.�1 :.. ' ti.ASSLGNMEti'T OF LEASES. Upon Lt�r�s r�equest,Horrower sls3ti assign to��•der aIl kases of We Pmpeity . -
<br /> - �ad aU aecutity depos.�ta n�ade Io co�secuon wi�t IIr.�s of the Roperty. Upon dse assignme�tt,Lender shall have the riglu w ..
<br /> `' modify.exterb or terma�te the e�sa.�g tase� a�d�v execute Aew leases,in Lrnder's solo disc�edon. Aa uaed in t1»s . _ _
<br /> r , -„ <--
<br /> F� par�grsph O.the word"tase"shal5�"aublea�e"if the Security Lcrssrument i9 on a 1c�sehotd. " -
<br /> _ _ � � . . _
<br /> �� : - Y : '-� � abaolutelq aad uncaidi�an�I1y assig�s aad uansfers to I,ender all the nmta and sr.we�ues t"Rrnb'q ot the Pbperty.n��ti
<br /> . ;_; �,::a',`-:�., a: of to whom We Rents of 8�e Yropereg are payable. 8orrower authorizes Lea�er ar Lender'n agents to coQax the R�u,.arad
<br /> , . :},�; :. ;;;�� sgrces thu ach temnt of the Ptopeacy shall pay the Renu to I.enGer es Le�,�',.cr s agcnts. However.Borrower sha11 rxeive ct�e ,
<br /> . . � �' 'k�c. � ' �� �
<br /> �Z:f.'f.•,. .. ;:'�:' , . i •
<br /> �rr��t:��:'�;'.'-ir..'' � - 4 ' . .
<br /> . �.�'. . .' MUL77STA7'E!��AM1LY RIDER�Psa�ie MaelFndUe M�e UaUone�e�e�ee . Pw�31T� !!!� (0�3e 1 al1 D+!'�1 � • :
<br /> . =i!�!`t�;►�''?`-;� •. r .
<br /> !-..rc•. .,{ ITEY 17lO UtQA G�a 1�LI��/a�a la■ �
<br /> �°i;�:: fl pM C�1M�8�f�10 O/Ai�1�?/f�1131 ! ��'•'': .
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