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<br /> by owr�er't and�par�tors af sfmfl�r qroperttet and ee Beneficiery may requlre for Its protectlon. Truotor will comply
<br /> with nuch�ther requlrementa as Beneficlary may irom ttrne to time requeeY 9ar tha protectlon by lnaurence of tho
<br /> Int�rast of 4hs�e�peCt�ve pu4i��. All Inturanca pollclea malntelned pureuent to thla Deed o�Truat shail neme Truetor
<br /> end Beneficlaryt ae Iniured,es thslr respeciive intere�t mny appear end provlds thAt the�e shnit 6e no cancelletion or
<br /> �riodl�it;ctlon tivithout fift�An (16) drys prlor written notificatlon to T�ustea ond Beneflclery. IN the ovent any pollay
<br /> herounder li not rsnewed on or beforo fifteen(16►deya prfor to its exp�ration dete,i rustee or Be��eflclaPy rnay procura �
<br /> eueto Ineuranee Ir� eaeordence with the provlsiona of Peragregh 7'. Truetor ahell deliv0r to Beneficlery the originAl
<br /> pnliciss of Insu�anae and renewals thereot or copiea of auch po"cfea and renewgla thereof. Failure to furnish suah
<br /> inaurance by Truator,or renewAla es required hereunder.eheil, et the option of lBenef(ciery, conatitute a defeuft. All
<br /> unearned p�emiUms ere hereby essigned to Trustee as addltional security,and a sele end canveyanco of the Property
<br /> by the T�u�t�e ehell ap�srate to convey to the purcheser the Trustor's(ntere�t In and to ell polictes of Inaurance upon
<br /> the Tr�at P�operty.
<br /> 6. TaxM +nd Asas�rnKeU. Trustor ahafl pey all texes end�;p��.al assessmente levied or assessed agalnst,ur
<br /> due upon,ths ProRe�t1►befate delinquenny end will deliver ta Benet9H3a�r,y capfes of�eceipt�c showing psymont of suoh
<br /> taxes end apeciel aasesamanta.
<br /> 6. Addido+��l Ll�ni• Trustor shatl meke eil peyments of interest and principel.end payments�f any other chergas,
<br /> Yrust aNAort aga r�90 he rsetcurtty g cam nt,abef�ei the date t etyea e det�inquent en'dito pay any othepclaim whtch
<br /> jeopardizes ttrs s�curity geented herein.
<br /> 7', prot�eiov� ot B�mflalary'� Saw�itY. Should T�ustor fail to make any paymant,fail to da eay act as herein
<br /> provided or if a���r actlan or proceeding Is commenced whtch materially affecte Beneficlary's Interest in the Properdy,
<br /> inciuding, but � limited to, eminent domaln. Ins4ivency, arrengements or proceedinas invalving a benkrupt or
<br /> dacedent,thon 8ensficiary or Yrustee, buE without obligetion 4o do so,and withaut nottco to or domend upon Trustc�sr,
<br /> snd without releasing Trustor from eny obiigetlon hereunder, may make or do the ssme, end m�y pay, purchese,
<br /> conts�t or coinpromise andY encumbr�nc:e,cherge or lien, whtch in the jud�sment of either appesra to affeot seid
<br /> Propeny;ln exsrcising eny auch powsro,the Beneficlery or Truatee mey incur a Ilabillty end mxpend whatevar amounts,
<br /> including disbursements of reasonabi�eYtorney's feea, which In thefr ebaofute diacretion may be n�:e:aery. in the
<br /> event that Trustar �hall fail to proc�a inaurance, feil to pay taxes end apeciel esaessments or tail to make any
<br /> piytne�iid iv w�i�:.y:.i�.a�;l;�n��a.s.�s tti.�wf�cleriea.the BenefEciery meY proauro such insurence and maks wch
<br /> payments. AN sums incurred or expended by Banaficlary or Truatee in acaorder+ce wit�ths provisions of ttN�s�d oT
<br /> T�uat ure secused hereby end,without demand,shell be immediataly due and peyable by Trustor and shalt bear inte�est
<br /> at the rate pru�o5dl�d for advancea under the Lo�n Ag�eament;provided,however,thet at R!�e optfon ef the Beneficia�ry
<br /> or Trustee,suc��suma mey be edde�! ta thia principsl balance of�ny indebtedneaa sectrr¢�hereby end shell bearr the
<br /> ssme interast as�suah indebtedness and ahall be payable►etably over the remeining term there�of.
<br /> 8. Asst��wn�nt of R�ts. Beneficlary ahail have the right.power end euthurity durinp the continuance of this Deed
<br /> of Tvust to collect the�ents,issuea en�profits of the P►opevty end of any personal propetry located thereon with or
<br /> without takin�posaesaion oi i�e�rv��.y a�:aCw'h_•'h.,"-s'-'�'"!�mr hereby absoluteiy and unconditionellY assi�ns
<br /> all such rents.�s�sues ond profits to Beneftclery. 8eneficiery,howevur,hereby conaents to the T�u�tor's colbctian�nd
<br /> �etention oi such rents,I�suea and protits�a thsy acc�us snd become peyabte so long es 7rustor Is not.at suoh time,
<br /> in default w�th rospaci to payment of any indsbtednsas secund hereby or in the perio�mence of any a�reement
<br /> hers�r�der, l�po�e eny such default, Benmticiery may at eny time, efthe� fn person, by agsnt or by a�eceivor to bo
<br /> 8ppointed tx��a:�coun,without notice and without regerd to the�dequecy of eny��curttlo for the in:Mebtadness hersby
<br /> ascursd: (s1.�'�rt�pr upon end teke posaesalon of the Property or any pert tM►reof e�.�d 9�n ite own nsme sue for or
<br /> otherwias co�lbct such rents,issues and profits, including thoss psat dua�nd e�npaid,�s�arpp�Y the aane,le:c casts
<br /> and 0xpensea of operatian end collectlo�,includtng reaaonable attorney tee�s,�upor�eny indebtednsas�ecurAd henby
<br /> and In such order as 8enefifciery may determine: (b�pertarm such acte of rq�ratr or pratection aa meV be necsasary or
<br /> prop�r to c�o�setve tha value of ths Property: (cl leese ths eame or eny pert hereof for such ren2al term and upon suah
<br /> conditlons t4�+��udpment mey dictate. Unlesa Tru�tor and Bsnefic��y agr�e otherwiss in w�ittng,any eppli�adion of
<br /> tietlt�,fasut�%ar�profits to any Indebtednsae aecured hereby aheil not extand or poatpone the due date ot the instailment
<br /> �yaym�nts aa providsd in tha Loan Agresmsnt, snd the applieation thertof as aforessld ehali not waive or cure�ny
<br /> dR'FoiiJi nr notice of defauit hereunder or Inveiidate sny act done pursuant to such notice. T�ustor atso essigna to
<br /> gene�l'ici�xy,,�s furiher aesurity for the performance of tho obligetions secured hor�by.all prepaid rents and al!moniea
<br /> which msy�a4�ro been or may hereafter be depoaited with s�aTd 3'ruat�r by any lesaee of the Property,ta aecu�rrc r.he
<br /> payment of�eriy rent,end upon default in the performance of���of the provisions hereof,Trustor agraea to•kJroExer
<br /> such rents dnd deposits to the Beneficiary, Delivery of written notice of Beneticieuy's exercise uf the riehta g,r�r;�ted
<br /> herain to any tenant occupying said premises shall be sufficient to �equfre aeid ienant to pay said rerst to tha
<br /> Beneffciary cr��!1 further notice.
<br />= g, C�ru�atiae. If title to any�►art af the P�operty �.�'�'.��be taken in condemntt?en proceedings, by r;�of
<br />= eminant domai�or similar action,or shail be sotd under threat c�f cn�dem�etioo� all ewerds,da�mages and ptoneeda
<br /> ���►ereby aastgned end shall be paid to Baneflciery v+rho shall epply such award,damegea end proceeds to the eums
<br /> s+�.z�ared by the Deod of Trust, with the exceea� if any,paid to the Truator.
<br /> 1p. Futur�Adv�waaK. The ioan Agctement providea for advances f�om ttme to timd 4o Tru�tor by Beneficiary
<br /> �__.a�:.e�.. ........�u.atif�f Tn�afnr. 4i�nefiCfuv.et Be1le�[cisrv's optfon,pflOf LO f�f1Y6y8RC9
<br /> � as pmviaeo in6�efti. a.av.,.........:p.....��--. ..��-•--�--��- - ..
<br /> of the Rroperty to the Trustor, may meke additional tuture advences to the Trustor. Such tuture edvences, witl�
<br /> interest theraon, ahell be secure�;by thEs Deed of Trust v+rhen evidenced by promissory nates�tatinfl that said notos
<br /> are secured horeby; p�ovided that et no time shal{ the secured princfpal and tuture edvencea, not including sums
<br /> - ad�nnced tv protect the �ecurity, exceed or►�s hundred percent (10096) of the ariginel principai amounte secured
<br /> - heroby.
<br /> 11, Rsm�di�s CumWativ�. All re►�ediea provided in this Deed of Trust ere distinct and cumulative to any othe�r
<br /> right ar remed� undar this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and moy ba exercis�l;oana�l�nt�Y.
<br /> independently or euc�easively.
<br /> 4Z. A�c�l�ratipn: R�nwdfq: Sak• A defeuit shall ex�at in the eve�►t of:
<br /> (A) A�sy traud or misrepreaentetio� by the Truator in connection with the line of credit which this Deed of Trust
<br /> secures;
<br /> — . � . arss aos-z
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