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� r'� � �� <br />201007422 <br />�. <br />Parccl i: The South Half of the Sauth Haif of tlae Southwest Q�uarter pf Section Twenty One (21� <br />Towns�ip Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the bth P.M., Aa11 County, Nebraska, <br />�XCE1'TINC a tract of la�d morc particularly descr;bed in Deed Bnok 164, �age 63; EXC��'TING <br />a tract of lflnd more pariicularly describeti in Deed Book 174, Page 649 and �XCEPTING a tract af <br />land more particularly described in Decd recorded as Dncument No. 79-007352 <br />P�rcei 2: Parts of I..,ots 'l�wo (�), Threc (3) and Four (4) Xsland, in Section Twenty �ight (28), <br />Township Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (lZ) West of the 6th P.M., in Aall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described �s follows: Commenring at the Nprthwest corner of said 5ection x8, being the <br />northwest corner of Lot 4 above desc�-ibed, and running tbence South 503 feet tn r� point on the west <br />line of said Section 28; thence �ast para11e1 with the uorth tine of s�id Section 28, 931 feet; thenca <br />North parallel with the west linc af said Section 28 to the uorth line of said Section; thence West <br />along said line to the point af beginning, also being at a point on the uorth liune oi said Section 28, 93l <br />feet east of the northwest carner of said Scction snd running thence East 2,166,5 feet to a poiat on the <br />said north line oC ssid Section; thence due Sonth 307 ��eet; thence Soukhwesterly to the point <br />establi�shed by thc intersection of two line�, oae 931 feet cast of the west line of one 503 t'eet south of <br />tbe noirth line of said Section 28; and thence Nurth to the point af beginning <br />