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<br /> � ,�r.-�,�`� �110M illi.L l��BY �NaSL PRESP.N'FS, Tlut,The OverLnn�'NettanAl dank oE Crand Iifa�. . , '
<br /> • , a rorpocation. th� psrty of the Clrst psre, in conaiJeratien �:f"tl�e ++�� of �i�__„ • .
<br /> ---� �,° •....:.dr�d f�ft9 a� •,�/1 � Uoll'a�s. Ea [t in I�and paid b�
<br /> = - ' rf,aw�iaj Tid�ral !lastu�aCosporation: s_Asbruics ..CorQpration, tl�e partp of the �
<br /> ��aand parC. racript wirerenf i� herteb�r acknsrwledged, 1r�e granted. aswigned and �.r
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<br /> E�cansferrsd ands b� tl+est preaenEs does gsaat. aasigu Rnd transfec tmto tts aucctssoi�
<br /> ° and a�sl�ns,� a c�rtaia Trust Dee•I wherein. EI�e said Ttie Overls�nd Hatlortal Hsnk aF Graad
<br /> , I�laad i� l�n�ftciatl►• Jo Jeas iiAebtone A Sin ls Persoa #s Trus�e�e,
<br /> . is ?rustor. and Co�rcia2 Tiede= Danic, A Federal SavinAS Eank ' -- - ,. . ' -
<br /> rhich Trwt Deed vaa dated Ehe 27th_ da�r af l�ril , , 19 92 , and recorded the
<br /> 2ih ' day of _,_, . zi1 .19 �2 . as Docw�ent No. 92-1�3459 of th�
<br /> �RTGAGE Record�t of.- Hall County, tiebraeka and sll its right, tiEl� �nd
<br /> int�r�at to tba pro�trtl thereia described, as €allara, tevlts �
<br /> - �Lat Seve:t (71 s $loCk tlne (1�. Schistr's additioa to the City of crana zsiand, Sa11
<br /> Couaty, I��braslcs. � � . - .
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<br />�� ":.Y Together vith Che pro�iashry note tlierein described, and ttie money due or to �;,z-
<br />' beco�e due thereunder, including lnterest thereon, aubJecC only to tl�e provieions ____
<br />` of said Tcuat Deed therein cantulued. �
<br /> � YN fRTNESS iiHEREOP, The Overland NatianaL Bank of Grand isla��d, a corporatian,
<br /> hae catised this Asaignvent of T��st Deed to be :executed by ita Presideat . ____
<br /> sad attested by fta Vice President/,gontroller . and its carporate aea2 to be =_ _
<br /> ' heraunto affixed this 27th_ day of Avrii . I9g2• ____
<br /> . . o;:,;..===
<br /> � TqE OVSR1.At�tU �i'�'ITT.�INAb BANR OF GMNB ISIAND, =�`�=°
<br /> - A CORP �i(iN ���-
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<br /> � On �fiis 27th doy of .ADTil � 19 92 , before u�e A nota�g publie -'.��Ai;�-
<br /> :F� duly con�issioned end qual�."�t�ed in and for Aaid cnwi�y nnd etnte. ��eraunnlly ca�ne ___
<br /> . � ' ' ' the abave � Robert A. Morrf.s and Kaxen M. Niedfelt aC The
<br /> _,, � Overlan� National.Hank of Grand I�aland, who are peraonnl.ly kn�+wn to �ne to be ttie
<br /> 4 .'t• �iclentioal person9 altose nAmes r�re nitlxed to the above Ass�g+nnent af '!'ruat lleed as '
<br />� ? �� " the President rnnl Vice President/Co�c:oller of r�nid cor�oration
<br /> --�;g _ ..
<br /> . .�� end theq aekno�rledge the ins�rum�nt ta be their voluntnrg uct aud deed �nd Ehe
<br /> ' vol.untary aet and deed of s��c1.corporation.
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