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201�07404 <br />(C) "Ledde,r" i3 �LLS FARQO 8ANlC, N,A. <br />LP.�der i8 a NATIONAL ASSOC�ATYO� <br />Drga�il7,ed and existing undBr thB laws of T�is �N2T� STATBa <br />t.ender's address is p.o, aog ��yoa., rrs��, WJ o�101.�7oi <br />T�nder is Che beneficiary und�r this Secunity Instrument. <br />�) n•j•��n 1 Wg�,S FAR�Q �xNANCIAL NATL SNR <br />C�O SPBC. 198RV. � PO HQ7C 31557 BILL�NC�S �'�l' S9107 , <br />(E) "Note" means the pramissvry nate signed by Boz�rower and dat�d �$BT�� 3 �, z O 10 . <br />The Note states that Borrower owes I�.ender oNS S[Il�ID�RBD 8�X TSOUSA�dD �IYS SUNDRSD <br />FORTY 'AN�3 ANA 00/100 I7o118xs <br />(U.S. $****106. 541. 00 ) plus intexest. Borrower has promised W pay this debt in regular Periodic <br />Payments aud to pay thc debt in full not later thara OCT088R 01, a030 , ' <br />(k� "Pro�" means the property that is descri.bed below �nder the heading "Transfer of Rights in tbie <br />� � <br />(G) "Loan" means the dcbt evidenc:ed by the Note, plus interest, aay prepayme�tt charges and l�te charges <br />due under the Note, and all sums due under this Security Instrunnent, plus interest. <br />(� "Riders" m�eans all Riders ta this 5ecuriry Instru�ent that are e�ecuted by Borrow�ar. The fallowing <br />R9dera are to be executed by Borrower [check box as applicable]: <br />0 Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condaminitun Rider Second Home Rider <br />❑ Balloon Rider ❑ Planned Unit Developrnent Ridcr � 1-� Family Rider <br />❑ VA Rider � Biweckly Paymcnt Rider 0 Othez(s) [sI�£Yl <br />(n "App�icabie Law" means all controlli�g applicable federal, state and lacal statutes, regulations, <br />ordinances and administrative ru�es and orders (that have the e�ffect of law) as well as all applicable final, <br />non-appealable judicial opinions. <br />(� "Com�aunity �lasodadan Dues, Fceg, aad Aae�meat�" mear� all dues, fees, assess�anents and other <br />charges that are imposed on Borrower or the Pmperty by a condominium associacion, homeowncrs <br />association or similar organization. <br />(Iq "Elec.Kanonic �nds �ans[er" tcveazis any tra�sfer of funds, other than a uansaction origin�ltai by <br />check, draft, or similar paper �t, which is initiated through an elocCronic teerrninal, telophanic <br />instivment, camputer, �r magnetic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a fu�ancial institurion to debit <br />or cr�dit an ac�►unt. 5uck� term in�cludes, but ia not lianited to, point-of-sale transfers, a�co��a c�r1� <br />machina transacdons, tirransfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and autamated C1�At1II�1P113C <br />tTAI]SFCPB. <br />(L) "F„�ccrow Iteme" means tt�ose items that aro de�scribe� in Se�tion 3. <br />(Nn "Mlsaetlaneuus Prooeeds" means any compensation, settlemcnt, award of damages� or proce�ds paid <br />bY �Y �� P�Y (a��' �► ��� p�ds paid under the coverages described in 5ectian 5) for: (i) <br />damage to, or destiuction of, the Property; (ii) condeinnation or other taking of all or any part of the <br />Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or (iv) nni,srepresentations af, or omissions as to, the <br />value and/or condition of the Property. <br />(I� "Mortgage �nsurance" means insurance pmtecting L.eader against t�e naupayment of, or default on, <br />the L,oan. <br />� ASKA - Singla Family - Fsmie Mee/Fr'ddis Maa UNIFORM INSTpUMFM � <br />-6(NE) loe� � 1 p.ce 2 ot � 4 i�rcie�.: Form 3028 1/Q 7 <br />