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201007404 <br />�celeration has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by causing the action or pmr,�eding to be <br />dismissed with a ruling tbat, in L�nder's judgment, precludes forfeitiue o� thc Property or other material <br />impairment of I.ender'a interest in the Praperiy or rights undc�r thi,s Security Instn�t. The proceeds of <br />any award or claim for damages ihat are attributable to the impairinent of L,ender'� iuiterest in the Property <br />are he�by assigned and slaaall be paid to Len,der. <br />All Miscellaneous Procccds that are not applied W restoration or r�pair oP the Property sh�ll b� <br />applied in dae ordcr provided for in Section 2, <br />12. Borrow�r Nat Redeased; Forb�nce By I,ender Not a Waiv�. Extension of the time for <br />paynnent or modificadon of a�rtizatian af the sums secured by this Security Inatrument granted by L,ender <br />to Bornvwar ox any 5uccessor in Inter�st af Borro�+ear shall not Qperate to release the liability of Bvrmwer <br />or any Succesaors m Interast of Bormwer. L,ender shall not be required to commenc� proceedings again�sC <br />any Stiaccessor in Intereat of Borrower or to refuse to emend time for payment or atherwise modify <br />amortization of the �ums secured by this Sacurity Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original <br />Baxrower or any Sucxessore in Interest of Borrower. Any forbearnnce by L�nder in exercising any right or <br />remedy includiang, without limitation, Lender's accepmncc af paym�ents fram third persons� entides ar <br />Successora in Interest of Boxxower ar in an�ounts le�s than the amount then dute, ahall �t be a waiver of or <br />preclude tha eaercise o:f any right ar rem�x. <br />13. J'oint and Several LiabWty; Co-signens; S�sars and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants <br />and agrecs that Borrower's obligations and liability shall be joint and several. However, any Borrower who <br />co-signs this Security Instrument �but dces nat execute the Note (a "co-signer"): (a) is co-signing this <br />Security Inst�rument only to mortgage, 8rant and convey the co-sig�r's interest in the Prope,r�+ under tb.e <br />terms af this Seeurity Instiument; (b) fs not peraonally obligated to pay the sums secured by tbig Security <br />Instrument: and (c) agrees that L,ender and any other Honrower can agree to eatend, modify. forbear or <br />make any accomtnodations with regard to the ternas of this Security Jnstmmnent or the Note without the <br />co 's consent. <br />�ubject to the pmvisions of Sectian 18� any Succe�snr in Ynterest af Horrower who assumes <br />Borrnwer's obligations under this Se�urity Instnxment in writing, mad ia appmvetl by L�dcr, shall obtain <br />all of Borrower's rights and be,nefita w�der ttus Securiry Insixument. Borrovver shal.l not be released from <br />Horrower's obligations and liability under this Security Instrument trtdess T.cnder a,gree� to such release in <br />writing. The covcrnants and agr�nts of this 5ecurity Instrunaent �hall bind (except $s provid�d in <br />Section 2Q) and benefit the sucx�ssars au� assigna af L�der. <br />14. I,oan Charges. I,ender may charge Borrowar fees for services performed in connection with <br />Horrower's default, for the purpose of protecting I.ender's interest in the Property and rights umier tlus <br />5ecurity Instrument, including, but �t liz�uited to, attorneya' fe�es, praperty inspection and vatuation fees. <br />In regard to any other fees, the absence of express authority ix� this Security �t W charge a spe�i�ic <br />fee ta Aorrower shall not ba construed as a prohibitivn om the charging of such fee. Lender may not chargc <br />fces that are expreasly ��rohibited by this Seaurity Instnm�ent or by Applicable I,.aw. <br />If the Laan is subje�ct to a law vvhich sets maximum loan cb�arges, and tlaat law is finally inteipreted so <br />t�at the interest or othcr loan charges collected ac to be collected in cotmacrion with the l.aan ex�ed the <br />permitted litnits, then: (a) any sucb, loan c,�arge sha11 be redrxced by the a�unt necesasry to re�uce the <br />charge to the permitked linnit; an� (b) any auma alreaciy colle�ted from Borcower wluch exceEded permitted <br />limits vvill be refunded to Borrower. �er may choose to mal� t1�is refund by reducing the principal <br />owed under the Note or by making a direct payzc�nt to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the <br />r�uction will be U�@ated aa a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge (whether or not a <br />P�Payment charge is provided for under the Nate). Borrower's ac�eptance of any such ref'und mad� by <br />direct paym�t to Borrower will constitute a wa�ver of any right of action Borrower might have arising out <br />of such overcharge. <br />15. Nodcea. All narices given by Bormwe�r or Lender ia connection with tius S�curity Inst�v�nt <br />must ba in vvriting. Any norice W Borrower in connecti�on with this Security Instnunent shall bc d�emed to <br />have been give�n to Bormwe�r when mailed by first class mail or whcn actually delivere�d to Borrawer'a <br />notice� addre�s if seat by othear ;meayas. Notice to any p�e Borrower shall constitute norice to all Borrowers <br />unless Applicabla Law expressly rec�uires otherwise. The motice address shall be the Property Address <br />unless Botrower has designate�d a substittutc notice address by notice to I.endcr. Horrower shall promptly <br />notify Lender af Bornowcr's change of address. If I,ender specff'ies a pro�lure for r�porting Borrower's <br />change of addrsss, then Borrower shall only repoct a changc of addreas through that apecified p�ure. <br />NEBRASKA - Sin�la Family - Fannis Mee/Fnddh Mac UNIFORM INeTRUMEN7 <br />�-B��E) (0871) Papa 10 W 11{ I�tlele: �ORn $02$ �/Q� <br />