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<br /> toQsth�r vvith th� tolbwinp �I�ht�:
<br /> Gr�ntN=tuill hav�unr�str�tsd in�reas and ��r�bs�� ���a aW�a��-Mca:�l�cM �
<br /> � ��aswmsa�t and ripht•of-wey tar eny purposs ne��easry for the surveyin��
<br /> construction, inspe�ttan� malntone�ncs. repair, �epi�aeme�►t, �elcrcatto�ti, exten�ion,
<br /> r�rn�val. and dperatioro of�uah public utilitiea and appurtenancAa. Such�iphts of
<br /> tnprsaa and e�r��s shall b�exercised in a resaonabte manner.
<br /> , Grantee a�hail havs the riqht to exc�v�te and rpflll ditchea end trenches
<br /> .� n�cauary fo�zuch puhUc utliittea and appurtenarrces; to remove, clsa�, and ksep
<br /> i . �,��.�.s. ��_��, h.��A�, ��►�d�rg��w�h, and0or any ather obstructiona -
<br />,r t�tKfKinp with th�surv�yin�, const�uGdan, inapectlon, maintenence, repair,
<br /> �1� replacemont, r�location,extension. rarnoval, and aperation af such public utilities
<br />- ancl epputtenances.
<br />,'� Gr�ntor sl�all have ths ripht to ua�the essement and ripht-of-way for
<br />�_ p�rpo�e�not inconsiatent with Grsntae's fuli enjoyment af the rl�hts herein
<br />=_ ��sntsd, provided thet Granto�:hstl nat allow ai�y structures, buildin�s,
<br /> combustibi� mst�iata. or oth�r properiy ot eny kind whAtsoever, to ba erected.
<br /> constn�ct�d, placed, stored, or.accurn�Aaied in, upoh, above, alonp, ar►er, acroas,
<br /> u�clKneath, or th�h the easemant �nd �iaht-of-way hereir��ranted.
<br /> � Cxantor and�Grantae heretn aqrae that Gr�ntor ahal! riave�he ri�ht 4o hard
<br /> �`., surfac�.�c�er.tha ea�emar�t and riqht-of.v+rey. a�►ct cr�a th�a eese�r�t arid rlyht-af-
<br /> ��
<br /> ,��` `v�rey tor parkin� and inyress and egr�s�; provldad, if Gr�nte�nesda to sc�vay,
<br /> .,:� '�tn�ct. insp�ct, matMain, repsi�, r�tla�a�e, nk�a�ts. �xte�nd, r�movo. or op�rate -
<br /> = such publ�C utlliU�s and appurte�ancas:�vitfiin such ess�me�t and ri�h���af-wr�y. ths "
<br /> � �� � ..exast of��maval ��t.npeir of any h�r(R�ii�rfacing over such.$asement and ►iyh��ot
<br /> _ ` vwy shall be peid k1y GXantor. • . .
<br /> -� �s�ani�e sh�ll have the riaht et eny time, tt�reiocate, �dd, ar upqrade�uch
<br /> � , .�',�
<br /> � ... ��rublic..ufilftiea �ndl��r�apuKenances connected the�r�witi�. ir�;..�pon, above. alan�, -
<br /> `� ��over,�rc��ass, urxlerne$th, or throu�h��the easement gnd ��ght-af-way herei�
<br /> �; pr,�r�tea�: Any such public utilities �nd eppurtenances placed ln, upnn, abc►ve,
<br /> � � � . .�ianp, aver, acroa�, unde;nsath, or ttnrough such tract af len�i shail remain ttw
<br /> ;c;`. � prop���c�f Grente�e, anai may be remeved nr replaced at any time.
<br /> ;.'. •
<br /> ,��:, � .
<br /> ' � - 2- : •
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