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- - - =-'i: a .4, F='�-�'- _ . - ' _-_— ---._--`___-_-_-_ - <br /> ._� E ;,- _ G x i y ' :-.�`- _�. __ c..—_. - Y:,— .. ., . _. �..� =� <br /> - - �i�_� � _ . - , �- � . ' � - �{- . _ _ y'.�-/e�'i�6� . -- .� =—; <br /> , . _ _ __ �� .. . � _ . �� - - � . <br /> . . � �roc�rae wn��a���em�ncs�w a ue�r�ua«►�p�nr.�a��..,�..�,��,�:� • <br /> —-- �_--- ---- --' ..--- � --•-,- ..._.._- ,�R„�re o�'�n� at�nenlacsniencs ana aa�tians snau atso be cavereA by tlus secunty . � <br /> - �ssr,ar�ests-----. �- . — - --- ---- — <br /> �G All of thc faegoia8 is nfeRed to m ttus Secu�isy Insaument as <br /> . BORROVYER 4'OYENAIy'I'S that Bormwer is tawfWly seised of the estata deceby caaveyed an�i has the r�gUt ta grant , <br /> `and convey the RopestY aad tl�t the P�+operty is untncambend,exapE for ���f�brances of recurd. �and <br /> will defaod geoer�lly the titk u►the Pivpc�ty�g�st all clsims aad deF�d.c, � <br /> TMS SECURFi'Y INS1RLiMEriT combines unifam cove�nts fa natiooat use aad aort-uniform covenants wltl► <br /> �i toveting rea!propeny. " <br /> . . - limitod variations bY jarismct'on ta cansamte a uniform s�' ; ,- <br /> UNIf�RM t3DVENANt'S. B�imawer and lxuder cova�ant aad ag[ee as foUows:. ' when due t1K ` <br /> %�� F a y�e�t.o t p r i�d p N asd Iaterest'Prepi��Late Cwrses. Borrower shal!promptlY FaY <br /> �[incipat of aod inte�est on th�deb[evidnx.�ed by tbe Note aad anY PRPaY���tate cMarges due u n d e r t h e N 6 te. <br /> . : F Z. FsWs-far 73i=ss a�d Iasva� Subject[o appti��bk faw oc to a writtsn waiver by Leader.Bonower shatl paY to <br /> L.cnda an tl�e day rnontNY PaYm�us?�due u n d er t 6 e Note,uatt�the Nou is paid irt tull.a sum l"Fuc�')for:<a)ye,arlY , <br />-_ — tues and assessmaus wiuch may att�n priaitY over this Security[nstiument as a tiea on the Pmp�m►:(by ye�1Y 1�bOW <br /> = � pzyments or giound�tnts on tbe Qtope�tY�if any; tc)YearlY �d�P� insurance Premiums: ld)YearIY fIaod <br /> ins�P��ums.if aay:(e)Y�dY m�tSaSe insur�nce pr+emiums.if any; and(fl any sums PaYable by Borrowec to �. <br />- accordance witb the provisiaas of P�B�P�8,in lieu of the payme�of moctgage insurance pcem�ums•-These - <br />`-,t items an called"Escmw Ite�ns." l.endd a�►Y tima capect and Notd Funds in an amaunt nat to excee�the a�axinnmf <br /> - amount a tender Eor a federaUy relatod nwrtgage loau may raluire for Boirower's esc�nw account�t h e fedtral R�a! � _��- <br /> . : Et�[ate SeWement Ptacedtues Act of 1974 as arnended from time to tim i yD�c Ilect and hoid Fundspin an� amoun[� �`_ <br />� ,:z..:::,:�.law dr�t applies to the Funds sets a lesser ama�mt If so.l,ender ma9. �_ __ <br /> _ 8r t d�e amount of Funds due oa the 6asis of cumnt data and�easonab�e`. _ �' <br /> - =�` �.' exceed<tbe lesser amonnt.�d�er maY esdmate <br /> ``� � �' �spntata of expenditunes of funuc Esecow Items oc oiherwise in aeeadance with applieabte law. . . �._-- <br /> f��` '•'..`, 11se g�mds shali be 6etd in an institution whase�Ieposits are insured by a federal agcncy.instmmentality,os ecnritc ,� �_<:,_ <br /> �p�cluding L,ender.if I.ender is such an instimtion)or in any Fede�al Home Loan Bank. Lencler shall appty the Fimds to�c�i= ', •�.°=.;-- <br /> � . ;�e�sernw Items.� l,ender may nat ctwvSe Borrov�rec for holdu�g and apQlYing <br /> the Funds,annually aaalyziag t�escrow � �,'- �- <br /> .�� ������{y�g� g,se�ow Items.unless I.ender PaYs Borrower intecest on tl�e Funds and applicab�le aw�er W;ts� �:- . <br /> s��. �-..... .. <br /> , ��' ' ., :},��r to maYe such a charge. However.E.ender rnay require Bocrower w pay a one-time charge for an i�. <br /> .''; - 'n set�ice used by l.endec in co�wection with this foan,untess applicable law pmvides othenvise. fTr.t�ax k�,..-�. ' <br /> �,�,., estate t�c�cP� 8 o Borrower htceresz e�:. ., . ��� l <br /> ' ' agreemeat is made or appiica61e taw requires inten5t to be paid.L.ender shall aot be requued t pay �Y .'. <br /> , , <br /> ;��:, ' eazniAgs on the Funds. Bomnwer and l.endec may agree en writing,huwever.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ' .; ' ;_ <br /> � � shall giYe to Borrower.wittwut annu�l accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds anti the . - •,,:.:V '�_;_ <br /> . ` putpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as adshuonal secunty for all sums sec�[ed hy • : '` <br /> _ � � , . <br /> +y,��.•. = <br /> �._,� � � �` - this Secutiry instrument . ,• . :.,�, - <br /> �"`;;."', -,�", jf tLe Funds held by I.ende�esceed the amounu Permitted ta be held bq appliqbte taw,Lendet shal}accours is: " :£i-•�;:,...J <br /> '' � := 9�. . .-. <br /> Bomawer fa the excess Funds in accordance with the requirernents of applicable 1aw. If the aznount of the Fimds het�6y.� ••�_,. ;,a�, <br /> ' i`:_ l.ender ai ang time is nat suRcient to pay the Escrow items whcn due.Lender�Y so notify Sartower in writing.attc! . i;.. ,..` '� <br /> -,...-,._ - sucff case Brnmwcr shall pay to l.ender the amount necessarY to make up t�e�ciency. Borrower sl�al€e�aice up t:�e ; 'r���__•�•_._ <br />_ ,`t` ' , ' ,Fi:17":'-.`',.�,, <br /> � deficiency�no more than twelve monthly l.ender s sale discretion. i�",: "�'� -- <br /> ,,���` � Upon payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Security Inswment,i..endec shall pra:�tly refund t�E�orrawea at� �.`�.• �;-�'. -� <br /> ' 't•°:;'::':,ra:'' .. Funds held by I.enJer. If.under pazagraph 2i.Lendct shall pcquire or sell the Properey.l.enW�.prior to the acquisiti�ar , ' :�:�: <br /> �i��r-' sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisitian or sale as a credit against the s:l..�.�s = _ <br /> -'�.�`: � , secure1d by this Security instrument. ise all a ents received by Lender under =_ <br /> , �°� 4!!�-S � J. App l i c a t i o n o t P t�y m e�R�. U n t e s s a p p l i c a b l e l a w p r o v i d e s a t h c r w p y m _c�=__ <br /> �.. paragraphs 1 anA 2 shall be applied:f rst,to any prepayment charges due under the amounis paya b te un der ,_ <br /> , - paragraph Z; interest principal duc:and any late charges due under thc Note. , _ <br />' � 4. Clwrges;L i e a s. 8oaower a ha l l p a y a l l t a xes.a.s5essments,charges, fines and impositions attributable to t�ee ' r- <br /> ' e <br /> �,.,.: property which may attain priority over t his 5ecuri ty M s tru m e n t,an d 1 e A S e h o l d p a y m e n t s o r g r o u n d rents.if an y. BorroK� _ _ <br /> 'ti�.�-.�a. shall pay these obligatians in the manner provideA in paragraph Z.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them csr3 _ __ <br /> =�j�': . time directly to the person owed payment. Borrawer xhaU promptly fumish to i.e�der all notices af amaunts to be paid under . _ i,,.,W <br /> � ',,' . this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments direcqy.Bonower shall pro:.�ily fumish to Lender receipts evidencing `-� �`: <br /> :'��`••.' the paymeats. ,,._ <br /> � "` '!'�' ' Bamzwer shafl promptiy discharge any lien which has priority ovcr this Security Insuurrr�!r:inless&orrower:la)agrces . _ _ <br /> � ,,t;,-�; i�s wr."t*�;g to the payrt�ent of the abligation ticcurea by 1he lien in a manner acceptable to Len�er,��i)contests in good faith the <br /> ' ' �'��'-�,'`�:; � � defends agamst enforcement of thc lien in,tegal prareedings which in the Lender's oyinion operar,�ta prevent the , ;•� � _ <br /> � L�.��'.'�: . — <br /> ,�� t;%-;,: • enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hotder of the iien an a reement satisfacwry to Lender subor�::tating ihe tien <br /> "'��`=_=`i� . to this Seeurity Instrumen4 tf Lendet defcrtnincs that any part of the Property is rub}cct to a lien which may uttain priority i . ". ..:�,_•_- <br /> r �;,: ' "��;�'' <br /> r�-' �-`_' over thi�c Security Instrument.txnder may Sivc Borrawcr a notice identifyins thc lien. Horrawer shall satisiy the lien or caf�e i <br /> .:�_��.;:• __?�'• ' , <br /> � �one o:u'�'e of the actiaav set forth abavc wiihin 1(1 dayy af the giving oi natice. �"���" <br /> � �• � `. ; e. �y��d o�p�operiy Insunnce. Borrowcr shall kecp thc improvemcnts now cxistin�on c�reafter crected o�tii� t' � <br />, ' __ s Property insured against toss by firc.hararJti inctudcd within thc term"extended roveragc"and:�ny olher hw:ards,ir.:iudi:� ( - <br /> • `.�`,' . f[oods or fTooding.fat which L�:nder reyuires insurancc. 'fhis insuranre shatl i►e maintaincd in the amou:n�s and for the � <br /> ,�l S.. j��� ,,'(�. ' � . . <br /> �;.. '"(� .;�; Fa►m 3018 9flB lpuRe 2 of b pac:•s� � <br /> �,_ ;,�.�„1 <br /> R�:���:^: � , . . <br /> . . ,. ••� �,+:�:t�. . , ; _ <br /> �' _r;iti'% ' - � <br /> �•_ • , —� . . _.—...._.� . . . . • <br /> • • . . ' . � , <br /> • . . . � � , , <br /> • . . � . � , • . . • ' • ` . . , <br /> ' 1. . ' � . . . , <br /> . .i , . _ _. . . . . _ . . . . _ :. _ <br /> , . , _. , _ ,E . . • _ ` �. <br />- • - _. • • � " . . ' . __.: _ __ __ _ u —1�� � �_ . . <br />