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<br /> ---- - - - _-- - --- -- --- - - -��,� - - _ -- - -_- - - - -
<br /> � , 1►GRBffi�iT SUHORDINI4TING A DEED OF �'RUST� ° , _
<br /> . . . ` . . . . . . k . ; . .
<br /> : - THIS �iqreem�snt is made tiiis 7th day df !►pril,' 1932,°h� � - , ' ,
<br /> and betweea Norwest Finasscial Nebsaska, Iric., hereiu�referied �ta
<br /> � as Nosw�est and Th� Equitable Huildtag and Lcan Assxiatioa of � t
<br /> �: �� t�cand Isiand, Nebraska, whd has a prfncipal;p].ace �of business in
<br /> . Ha�.]. County, Nebraska, herei.n referred to as Lender• `
<br />- , � The parties recite� and declare that:
<br /> � A. The Norwest fs the awner and holder oE a aertain Note ,
<br /> -- ` and Mortgage dated Januazy 31, 1991, which Mortgaqe �s recorded �
<br />- - in the Real.Estate Reccrds of Hall County, Nebraska oa March 14, ,
<br /> � - - Iggl as Docmnent No. 91-10i389 of that county, covertuq the `
<br />�''� following described ProPertY= . .
<br /> � The south RtaentY six Feet (S26') of t3he West
<br /> gixty Tbree Feet tW63' ) of Lot 232 and the � ,
<br />-�_�t� _, ` _ ' Nortb ThirtY 2iine Feet (N 39') of �the West- . _ .. --
<br /> , , Sixty Three Feet 1W63' ) of Lat 233, West..Lawn
<br /> ' Addition •ta the City of �rand Island, Ha1].
<br /> ��' County, Nebraska,
<br /> �` and_:assigaed to Norwest by aa assignment filed Marah 19, I991 in
<br /> �,. , _
<br /> sucli records as Docwnent No. 91-101509. `
<br /> H. Lender is about to loan the sum of TWFN'i'Y-sIX T���ANA
<br /> ���-
<br /> - DOLLARS (�26,OOd.001 oa a Note and Deed of Trust securinq, s�ch � __._
<br /> ' . f� r � � Note to provide for the pag�ment of a Nate to First Federal r���°�:��
<br /> ;' '>.. `-�• "-
<br /> . �� �, � Savings and Loan Association of L3.ncoln secured by a Mortgage . ,
<br /> �� filed against the above desaribed prcperty on September 30, !98? _
<br /> � as Document No. 87-105786 in the Real Estate Records of Hall :'�"��`; ��ti`-
<br /> ���`:�r - �l: County, Nebraska. � � Y
<br /> •. � z -
<br /> C. To induce Lender to make such loari, it is necessary that �
<br /> ._ ! al - .. . .
<br /> � � ;��� the Mortgage held by Norwes� described in Seation A above be �
<br /> . �i p � 7 .'.r_.
<br /> ° subordinated to the lien ot the Deed of Trust about to be made in �: j . __.
<br /> :� . , - t, I „:„�'
<br /> favor of the Lender as beneficiary as set forth above. ..
<br /> �;:;°':::::-�:- r
<br />= For the reasons set forth above, and consideration of the �s,...,,,,; ,.
<br /> -� �` mutual aovenants and promises of the parties hereto, Norwest and ir,�;,��r;;`' �:.
<br /> ; ' :, ,:,,
<br /> i.' S . -�{', •.�•; .
<br />° ;:-� ,. '�-- Lemder covenant and agree as follows. ;.. �' s- . ,
<br /> � �. ;�..:� ,:� :•:� ' �
<br /> �+.`.•.�r,. ��. . . .. ,: ,. '
<br /> 1. Subordination. Norwest hereby covenants, , _ _,,_ ,
<br /> �;���:.�,;.:�':.�?�• . .:,.
<br /> • � "�'� consents and aqrees wi.th Lender that the above >�•�
<br /> -;.� •-�:,_ . ,;i,.,:.. � .
<br /> .�.�-.�
<br /> � - ��_�'� ��.� = mentioned Martgage is and shall continue to be subject ,
<br /> �,:,_-. :. . r. � ,
<br /> � �''�`��'=' �`�`-��' to and subordinate i.n lien to �he lien of the Deed of , °
<br /> ��s,,�:;�,; ' - ,
<br /> ' ,a,°• r-- .°�'�.'�.
<br /> ' ,���-.�- �-.•- , Trust about to be made to Lender stated above. �
<br /> . ; :; ,.�,�°,..� .� : , .
<br /> �.��'�.:;;�;, ���t= ��.. � � 2. Consideration. in consideration of Norwest so
<br /> . ... ! .
<br /> �� � �' .��` �'.;:;::"�: ` subardinating the Deed of Trust held by it to the Deed
<br /> �
<br /> � ' "�������,:--� of Trust made ta Lender, Lender sha].1 make the above � •:
<br /> - � - --- - � - described loan to Williaan C. Thuernagle and Judy A. , : : :
<br /> . . t .
<br /> •� . Thuernaqle. 'F . ,
<br /> , 4. . 3. This Agreement shal.l be bindi.ng upon and inure � �
<br /> � � • to the benefit of the legal representatives, successors � . .
<br /> . , .� ,. . .. �� � .
<br /> ::
<br /> - _-- --�--�-�---=.- and ass�ysis e� the gartie� hereto.. _
<br /> . . . -�.. .:--_--__--
<br /> • ' ; .
<br /> . : ' : �
<br /> , �
<br /> ; - - - . .
<br /> . . -
<br /> ._. . - - - - . . � • __ .
<br /> . - � - -
<br /> � �: _ __._ _.._ - _
<br />