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<br /> �„��i.K7A�
<br /> Mortgaged Properry in sur,Fi amaunt as fs satisfactory tp Her�eficiary, or, if such Ilmtts arP
<br /> estabiished by law, in such amounts;
<br /> (e) During the course af any eonstructfon or r�pafr of Imprnvem�nts on the
<br /> Pr��►erty,builder's completPd value risk inseirance against"all risks of pl�ysica) (�ss,"(nclud9ng
<br /> eollapse and transit coverage, during con5tructi�n of such Improvements,with detluctibles
<br /> acceptable to Beneficiary,in non-repor[ing form,cavering the totaf vaiue of work perfc�rmed
<br /> and cyuipment,supplies anc0 materials furnlsh�d;
<br /> (f� If requested�y BenefiGiary,boiler and mach(nery insurance covering pressure
<br /> vessel�,ai�tanks,bailer�,machin�ry,pressure piping,heating,air conditioning and el�vator
<br /> equipment artd esralat�r equipment,pfavided ttee Improverr�ents contain equipment of sur_h
<br /> nature,and i�su�artre ag►�inst loss of occupancy�or use arising from any such brpakdown, in
<br /> swwh amounts as are satisfadory t4 Beneflciary;
<br /> (p� !�' �equested by Beneficiary, flood insurance if the Praperty is in an area
<br /> identified as a q�+tcial flood hazard area pursuant to the Flood Qisaster Pratection Act of 1973,
<br /> as amended,ar cattzer applicable law,with such insurance to b��at Eeast the amount available
<br /> under the National�lo�t n:sunnce Act of 19G8 ancf,if availa�le under other policies issa�ed
<br /> by othe�sources�thc�n i�r.s.acE�additional amounts as E�eneficiary►rroay reaso�ably�equire;and
<br /> (h) ;��nth other insurance, inciuding,without limitatirnr�,earthquake insuranc��,as
<br /> may from time td time be�equired by Beneficiary,in such amounts and against such haza�rds
<br /> . .. and risks, as is commonlX obtained by prudent owners of property simiia� in use to the
<br /> .;�,.' n-,w�„ g-��.-�-.��rY�;ar.�l.:�:.i�iss:h�s:r:s6�s�ise wh���t,�P Prnrwrty is locafed.
<br /> . .�-
<br /> ���,! Ali policies aa� iir�$u�ance �equired by the terms of this Deet3 of 1'rust shalt contain.an
<br /> ,,;, � endorsement or agree�r}ent by the insurer that any loss shall be payablp±n�accordance with the t�e+rins
<br /> . of su�h p�tacy, notwithsEanding an�act or negligence of T�rustor which might otherv►rise resuit:in
<br /> . �• forFaiture of said insura►nce, and the further agreement of the insurer waiving a!i rights of setoff,
<br /> ,- eountenclaim or dedue:inns against 7rustor.
<br /> � jt:"GiiOi��v`v. �"��'^w�ni Iwe�w�nr�P�ir�t'P.tiLftlPfl�Af PYEIN�IIr/}!. All policies of insuran��
<br /> �...�......._._----
<br /> shall be issa�ed by corrtpanies and in amounts as required by the pmvisions of the Loan Documents an�
<br /> as Mhervvisp satisfactqn�r to Reneficsary. All policies of insurance sha!I name Beneflciary as a named ,,; �.
<br /> insured, and shall h�:�ve attached thereto a lender's loss payable endrWSement for the l�enefit of
<br /> Bene�ciary, which �n��orsement lndicates that af0 insurance prr�c�e�qls are payable directiy� to
<br /> Seneficiary,and shai!b�otheiwis+e in form satisfactory to i3�neficiary. Tnlstor shall fumtsh Beneficiary
<br /> . with an oriqinal or ce►tified c.^u(a�r��nf,all policies of�equired insu�ar.ce. ,
<br /> .. . r� .
<br /> � Fifteen(15)ci�a�,����rior to the e�piratinn nf e,ach such policy,Tt.is�tar sha11 furnish 8enef��z�sy
<br /> ''�with evidence satisfactory to Beneficiary of the refssuance of a polic.y cArrtinuing insurance In f�i�.i�as
<br /> 'requireci'��.�th+s Deed of Trust. All such policies shal!contain a provision that such palicies will nAY
<br /> be canc�'iedJ.,ar materially amended in any manner,including,without limitation,ama�ded tc�recluce ��� �
<br /> the scope or limits of coverage,without thirty(30)days'prior written notice to Beneficiary and shall '��;.
<br /> provide that no Clairns shall be paid thereunder withuut at Reast ten tt�}days prior written notic�tv
<br /> Bene�ciary. In all�ases,Trustor sF�a11 immecliately give notice to Seneficiary�f any notice received
<br /> by 7ru�t rt�f any expiraticm,can�eSlatiorr or anadificatian rrJ,or mate�ial reduction of coverage under, ,
<br /> any su�i?{po.ficy. � �
<br /> .In the event Tcc��ior fails to provPde,mair��oe�,:k�ep in force or deliver and fumish to Be�zF�r+�ti�ary
<br /> the F�ot9�o�s of insurance required by this Deed of TE•ust r�•r make the depaslt�req�ired hereu.�ic��r,
<br /> Benef�ci�ry may procure such insu�ance or sinIIt��r;�:�^�est insurance for such rislcs Cov�ring
<br /> Be�eficibi•�y's interest, and TrustQr will pay all prema�.sms thereon promptly upon demand by
<br /> Beneficiar�+,and uneo2����ch payment is made by Trustdr the amount of all such p�emfurns,togetii�r with
<br /> :�r��r rh�,���r tha nAfautt Rat�►r,mvidpd hv the Prnmissorv Note.shall be Secured bY t}�is�eed
<br /> ...._---.--__._--_._ --•-----.__.-. ,
<br /> of i'r�ast.
<br /> Trustor shal� deposit with Beneficiary on the first business day �f ea�h and every ca�e.*�dar
<br /> month,until all securecl0bligations are patd in full,a nun-interest-bea�ing amount equal to one�tiry�lfth
<br /> of the estimated aggreg,ate annual insu�ance premiums on all palicies nf insurance rec{uired by this �
<br /> Deed of Trust. 7rustor further agrees ta cause all bills,statzments or other documents relating to the
<br /> foregoing insurance premiums to be sent or mailed dirertly tu Qeneficiary. Upon receipt of such bills,
<br /> statPments or other documents,and pravided i'rustnt has depnsited sufficient funds pursuant tm this
<br /> Section 1.06, E�en�flctary shall pay such arriounts as may be due thereun�e�•out of the funds so
<br /> de�si�ed. If at any time and�or any reason the funds so dep4sited are ur will be insufficient to pay
<br /> 0
<br />