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<br /> R,�n o�s��cr�S��S.lJ.�iIY.AS�f�,�r
<br /> .AND,��,�NME[�T C1F �NTS
<br /> of 7rust")is made as of the �4'��`day of junp, 1996,by and arriong Qul!(LP�N E.tIMM,a sin�le•person �
<br /> ("Trustor"),whose address is 233 East Carrillo Street,Suite D,Sant�•�a�rara,Calif4rr�ia 9310i�:E1R�T
<br /> � NATIONAL BANi(OF C�MAHA,a national banking associtttiqn,CJ�nahu�,Met�raska!"�eneficlery"l, ;
<br /> whose address is 162Q Uocige Street, Omaha, Nebrask�68102;,and FIRST NATI�)NAt. f3ANK Of
<br /> OAMHI�,a national banking association,Omaha,Nebraska("Tru��?e"y. .
<br /> FOR GOOD AND VALUIIBLE CONSIDERATIf�N,inGlu�fr��t6ne inc���btedi^+ess f+erein tc�ited .
<br /> and the trust.P�erein created,the recelpt of which is heref�y ac�kn�r�n�l��rlged:
<br /> I. �� .+r,�ast�r Q�ereF�y irrevocaaly warrants, grants, tx��r�iii�, selis, transfsrs, convciy,.5 and ". --
<br /> assigns to Tr,ust�,JN 7'RUST,WITH POW�R OF SALE,for thi3�unef6t and security of BenefiaiAry,
<br /> underand subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set f�rr,�r,al[of the f�itowin�i���cr+b�,t'e.*tat�,
<br /> property ar,t'1'�interest of Trusror now or hereafter acquired,;tc�ether with all cash and nr�mcash .
<br /> proceeds there.of,whicln may be referred to herein collectiueEry�a�tS��"�eal Property":
<br /> A. i he "Property," being the real prope+m�I�xated ii�the City of Grand IxlHnd, :
<br /> Counry of Hall,State of Nebraska,described as foll���s:
<br /> Autumn ParSc Subdivision,an P.ddition to the City ofi Graisr�Isl��nrl,Hall County, Nebras4:a.
<br />= cogether with al) rents, issues,proflts, royalties, incc:ivee ar.�d otbi�er benefitc c�erived fnom the �.
<br /> � Pro��rry(collecti�ely the"r�nts");ali estate,right,tid��and ii�ter�t of Trustor i�and to a1Cl�ases
<br />= or sia�ileases cov�ring the Pro�erty,or any portion thNmof,r�ow oc hereafter existing ar enter�ed .
<br /> into,including�'?svithout limitation,all cas3�or securit�tc�depositsj advance re�tals and d��os�ts .
<br />- or paymenty��o�i':similar nature; all right, title and ini�t+�t of 7rusior in and to all op�tic+ns ro .
<br /> purchase or lea�,e the i'roperty or any portion therE.bf vii inM�nest thenein,and any greaten estate
<br />_ in the Propett;�M,��n►hprPafter acauired;al{interes�, estat�e qr other claims,botti:in law
<br />� and in ec�uity,.wl7kh Trustor now has or may hergaher ai4�}�aire in�the Property;all eas+Zrnents,
<br />= '• ,;; rights-of-way and rights used in connection therew+th a!a4 a mr�ans of actess theretc��.and all
<br /> �� teqements,fi�ereditaments and appurtenances tb�ereof aie+� theneto, and all water riAllts and
<br />- sha•r.:ys of stock evideocing the same; all right, t'itic:ai�� i�3ter�st of Tru,tc�r, now o�e�ned or
<br /> = hi�eaft�r acquired, in and ro any land lying withir� ��e rightt�f•way of aa�y�street, t►pen or ��
<br /> _ }�rqyosed,adjoi�jng�P��'�Y ai�d any and a11 sidevi�afl<s,alli�ya�nd sirip��and gorcr$��of,Jand .;
<br /> z adjac�nt to or.�:��il en cannection with the Rroperty; �; . � �:�; � : . ,�
<br />� ,. `� _ ,�, ,., ,
<br /> ,.
<br /> a '���` B. Any and all buildings and impraveaita��r� now or herexfter erected�on the ,�
<br /> Pr�perty, Including, but not limiced to, the fixturwu.+,,atrachrr�ents, appliances, eqtlf�►ment, ;,
<br /> y machinery, and oiher articles attached to sucill�� buildings and improvem�ntF. (the ..
<br />� "Improvements"); .� °���
<br /> ` :f:
<br /> i
<br /> 9 N. Trustor further grants Bsneficiary a secunh� ii�ten�st in the following(the "Hersonal ',.,
<br /> � , Froperty"?: .
<br /> _� A. �:';::��All right,title and interest of Trustor ii���ai�d to alE ta��g�k�le personal proparty now :�
<br /> awn�xl orherea�fter acquir�+�by Trust�r and now oi�atany-tiine hereafter�t��ated on.or�at the
<br />"�`'°� �� Pttj�:�'ty�or usec!in connection ther�with,including,:h��t re�t I[i��ited to: a��l�ai�ilding materials _.
<br />.:� � stored on the Prnpetty,goods,machine:ry,toels,equi�aitat�r.(incltx�(ng fire sprinklers ant�.alarm
<br /> systems, air conditioning, heating an� refrigerating ec��nip�r�nt, equipment for e6��3��nic
<br /> 'r � rncxritorin� entQrtainment,recreatlon,vi�indow or structural d�aning,maintenance,e��.:1;K�3�on � .
<br /> �f���i.Qrmin or insects,�emoval of dust,refuse or g�rYaage,all kiuchen eyuipment,and all other ' ,�. �;
<br /> .��.....�i_ �_t� _L:.�11 �L....al.� �...J.-- -- —:y.• •:.L�u Fd»n!e nf Tn�ett.v .
<br />�-- tT�W1�l►toTtt Vt c7c�7 nnnrl�ast�tct umi�aan..r M.vr.c.c� v.......r..��.�.........��- .. .� , � . .... -
<br /> . B. All of Trustor's interest in all exlsting ainr,� fr�tai�e accounts, contrtat�riIIhts,
<br /> ; general inta►igibles, files, books of accauret, agreemen�s� {�rmi�, Ifcenses and cQrtificates
<br /> ' necPSSary or desirable in connectfon with the acquisitir,n,ov�rscr.rsPotp,Ita�ing,consituctioie�
<br /> �� operatian,servicir�g or management of the Mongaged Pro�i�ty(aa d�fin�d below),whetl�te�•
<br /> � now existing ar entered into or obtained after the date hereuf;alE existin�and futura�tamrts
<br /> under or by whi�ch the Martgaged Pinperty,or any portlnn ther�f,m��y at any time b�a�rsratc.Ad
<br /> or known;all rights to carry on business under any such name�c�r ai�y variant therea►f�ancd'all
<br /> existing anc! futtire teiephone numbers and listings, adve►tls�ii�g and marketing mate►3afs,
<br /> trademarks and good will in a�y way relating to the Mort�aged Pr�perty, ar anf��wjtion
<br /> thereof;and
<br />