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<br /> executcd fat tha purposc ot crenting,securing or guarantying thc Sccurcd Debt. A go�d f.iith bclicf by l.endcr that
<br /> Lender at any time 3c rosecure wlth rrepec.t to eny E�er�n or entity ablignted an the Sesured I�ebt or that fhe pros�ect
<br /> oF any pAymcnt or fhc v�luo of thc Pro�rty is impaired shall nfso constitute an event�f dcfuult.
<br /> 1.3. RBMEUl�S ON DEFAUI.T.In sc�me instAnces,fedcral and state Ic►w will require l.cnder to pravide Gr�ntur witl�
<br /> notice of the riglit to cure or uthet notices and may cstablish time schedulr,s for fater,l�ure Rctions.Subje�t to titese G
<br /> limitations,if any. Lender may acceleratc thc Sccured I�ebt Hnd[urr�l�:ac: tf,is S�curiiy I��strumcnt 3n:�m�nncr -
<br /> pn,vidcd by!aw if Grantor is in default.
<br /> At the option af I.ender,ull ar e�ny part of the agrecd fccs and charges,uccrued interest and principal shall becam,c
<br /> immediately due and payable.after givin$natice if requir.ed by law. upon the occur�cnce of a default or anytimc
<br /> thercnfter.In ad�lition,Lcnder shnll 6a�ent�ticd to aU the remedIes providcd by la�v,tlir, term��of the Sccurcd I�ebt�
<br /> this Security Insuument and arey re7atecl da:umen�s,including withaut limitntion,tlir,power to sell d�e Propc:rty.
<br /> If thcre is a def�ult,Trustee shall,in acldltion to any other pcnnitt:.d remedy,nt tha request of ttie I.ar!eier„adve.rtis�: _
<br /> and sell the Property as n whole or in separate parcels at public auction to tho hiQliest biddr,r for cash nnd ca�ivey
<br /> absolute titls free and clear of all r�ghi,titic and interest of Grantor at such time and pincc as 'i'rustee desig�ate,s.
<br /> Trustcc shall p,ive notice ot sale includinB thc time,terms an�place of salc and a dc:cr'r.pi.ion of We prapPrty to be fiakl:
<br /> as required by the appficable law in eff�ct at the timr,of thr propn�ed sale.
<br /> Upon sale of the property nnd ta the extent not prohibited by law,Trustcc sh111 mal:a and deliver a deed to the d'roperty
<br /> sold which conveys absolute title to the purchaser.and after first paying t►Il fces,chAr�res and costs,shnll pay ta i..Gnder nll
<br /> monays advanccd for repaijs,ta�es,i�suran��.,licns,as:�sments aud priar encumbranaes and intrr�st thcreon,and the .
<br /> principal and interest on the Secured Dcbt.paying the surplus,if any,to Grantor.[,endr.r m3y pwchase the Property-
<br /> The recitals in any deed of cunveyance shaU be prima facie evi@enae of the facts set forth thcrein.
<br /> All remedies are dista�ct,cumulative and not exc(usivc,nnd the Lendsr is entitled to All remedie�pravider.l�t law or
<br /> equity,whether or not expressly set forth.Th�acceptance by I.ender of any sum in payment or partial payment an the
<br /> Secured Debt after the balance is due ar is acceleratea or after foreclosure proceedin�s are filed shaJl�:oi c�nstit�tln a
<br /> waiver of Lec�der's right tn require complete cure of any existing de.fuult.By not.exencisin�any remedy on Grantat's
<br /> default,Lencler dces not waive Lender 5 right to later consider the event A defflult if it conti.m�r,s or happens A��n:�
<br /> prohibited by law,Grantor agrees to pay all of I.ender's expenses if.(3r2niQR breachos any covenan.t in this Secauity �
<br /> Instrument.Grantor will also pay on demand any amount incurred by[.ender for.insuremiB,inspectine,praservina or
<br /> otherwise protecting the Property and ILender's security intr,ms�Thcse expens�s will beur mterest from tiie dato of
<br /> tho payment until paid in tull at ene highes�inceresi rae�in ciicci a�p,�v�d��;a .��a t�r-��f i�y S:.cs:�-r.c',T�b:.
<br /> Grantor agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by Lendar in collecuug,enfor.cinII or prateciing L.ender's rights
<br /> and remedies under this Security Insuvment lhis amount may iucludn,but as nut lintitr.d to,attarneys'fets,court
<br /> costs,and other legul expenses.'i'�is Sc:cur.ity I�otnwn�nt shall remain in effect unli!relet►sed.Gran��or ngXees ta pay
<br /> • for any recordaGan caSts of such releaSC.
<br /> 17. ENVIRONMEMi'AL LAWS AND IiAZARDOUS S(J�S'A"A,NCES.As used in thi:�rection,(1)Environtn�nta'1JI.aw
<br /> meazr+,without limitatiun,We Com(rrehcnsive Environmentai Responsr„CAmixsnsation and L'eabi6ry Act(GE[tC7i.A,
<br /> d2 U.S.C.9601 et seq.),and all ottter federal,state and Iocal laws, regulAti�ns,ordinnnces,cowrt ordorsv attarney
<br /> gencral opinions or inter��retive letters concernine thc uublic hcalih,szfety,welfnre,environm�ent or e,h�rdous
<br /> substance;and(2)Hazardous Substance rneans Any toxic,radioactive or ha�,�xd�sus mnterial, wnste,paitutnnt or
<br /> contaminant which has characteristi.cs which render the substance dangerouc�ur�otentially dangeroas to thc publis
<br /> health,sa€ety,welfare or environment.The term includes,without limitatiott,,any�ubstanc,es defanec!as"haxnrdous
<br /> material,""toxic substances;'"hazardous waste"or"haiardous substance"under any�nvironmentaA�.aw.
<br /> Grantor represents,warrants and agrees thAt:
<br /> A. Exapt as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to i..ender,�o�iara�rdous Subst.��nce is or wiU be
<br /> located,stored or released on �r in the Proporty.This restriciion da�s not apply to s��l quauititiea of
<br /> Hazaudous 5ubstances that ere generaUy recogmizrd co Ue appropriatn for the normal us�and mai�vsr..anoe of
<br /> e���:�y. •
<br /> �i. Except as previously disclosed and Mcknowledged in•writiug to I,.exider� .firantor nnd every t��a:^F'have ixen,are,
<br /> . and shall remain in full compliance with any applicable Environme.ntul L•awl .
<br /> �. Grantor shall immedia2ely notify I.ender if a release ar threatened tr.leasr.of A kIszardous Substancn occws on,
<br /> under os about 4�e Propes�y oc there is a violation nf Tny Environmentnl Iavi�onnceming the Pro�tt��:dn suc;h
<br /> an event,Grantor shaU take a!i necessary remedial�ction in accordanm�vitlt�ny Environn�.entai I�w���.
<br /> D. Grantor shall itnmediately notify Lender in writing as soon as Grantar has re�son to txGG�e there is any
<br /> pending ar threatened investi�ation.claim,or proceeding releUng to the releaue or thca��:e^e�i releast Qf any
<br /> Hazardous Substance or the violntion a�f any Environmental Law.
<br /> ; i& CONDEMNA'I70N.Gsantor wllL give T..endor prompt motice of any pendin�or thrctuened action,by prevate or
<br /> public entities to�vrchasc or take uny or all of the Pro�rty through condamnntion,emincnt clomain,�r any other
<br /> menns.Grantor aut�iorizes C.ender to intervene in Gruntor's name in any of td�e above descrit�sd actiuns or�laims.
<br /> � Grautor assigns to i,.ender the proceecls of any award or claim for damngey connected with a cuti�'�mnation Qr other
<br /> ' taking oi all or any�purt of the Pcoperty.Svch proceeds shall be con:scicrrc.d paycnenis�nd will be�L��ed as provided in
<br /> ' � this Security Instrumcnt.Thi�assignment of prooeeds is subject to the ternis of any pdor mer.t���e,deed of trust,
<br /> security ageeemcnt or other Lien c'�cument.
<br /> � 19 INSEJRAC�ICE.Grantor shall keep k'ro�erty insured against loss by fire.fload,Ch�ft and other hazards•2nd aisks
<br /> , reasonably associatcd with the Property duo to its type and lo¢ation.'I7iis insurunoe sliall be mainG:i�ed in tho amouuts
<br /> o..a r.....s,...,or;.Ytr rhac t�r,der reauues.The ivsurance carrier �rovidin�the insurancc shall C.��'3oscn by Graator
<br /> ..._r-'—� '_.
<br /> subjact to YJender's approval,which sUall not bo unrensonably withheld. If Grantor faits to maintain the coverage
<br /> dcscribcd above.I.�nder muy.nt 1.,endor's option,obtain moverage ta protect Lender's rights in the Property nccording
<br /> to thc tcrms of this Security instrument.
<br /> AU insurancc policics and rencwals shaq be acceptablc to I.cnder and shall ino�ude a standard"mortgage cEattsc"and,
<br /> where appticable."loss payec ctause."Grantor shall inunediately nalify Lvndor af canccllation or tcmiination of thc�
<br /> inso�rance.[�:ndcr shall have the right to hold thc policics and renewuls.If Lender mquires,Grantor shall immediately
<br /> give to Lender alE reccipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.Upon Insc.Gra�►tor shall give immediate notice to
<br /> the insurance carcier and Lendcr.Lender may make proof of l�ss if not mz►do i�m�liuicly by Grantor.
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