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20100'7365 <br />distance of 372 feet; thence N 88°57'E a distance of <br />678.2 feet; thence S 38°31'E a distance of 665.7 <br />feet; thence S 82°23'E a distance of 3$7.6 feet; <br />thence S 64°52'E a distance of 89.4 feet; thence <br />S 89°01'E a distance of 428.42 feet to a point on <br />the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NW1/4 NE1/4); thence S 0°29'E <br />along and upon the East line of said Northwest <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW1/4 NE1/4) a <br />distance of 338 feet to the Southeast corner of <br />said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NW1/4 NE1/4); thence S 89°40'W along and upon <br />the South lane of said Northwest Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NW1/4 NE1/4) a distance of <br />156.75 feet; thence N 43°24'W a distance of 258.33 <br />feet; thence N 72°43'W a distance of 735.32 feet; <br />thence N 35°40'W a distance of 542.98 feet; thence <br />S 89°52'W a distance of 152.25 feet; thence S 52°47'W <br />a distance of $75.5 feet; thence S 89°32'W a distance <br />of 189.5 feet; thence N 69°37'W a distance of 602.64 <br />feet; thence S 69°34'W a distance of 865.7 feet, to <br />a paint on the Westerly line of said North One Half <br />of the Northwest Quarter (N1/2 NW1/4); thence Northerly <br />along and upon the Westerly line of said North One <br />Half of the Northwest Quarter (N1/2 NW1/4) a distance <br />of 1,069.45 feet to the Point of Beginning <br />Affiant further states that such communications were <br />properly stamped with sufficient postage and deposited in the U. <br />S. Post Office or some subdivision of the postal department <br />where mail may be properly and legally deposited for collection <br />and transmission. <br />Affiant further states that after diligent investigation <br />and inquiry, he was unable to ascertain and does not know the <br />post office address of any other party appearing to a <br />direct legal interest in said Deed of Trust other an those o <br />whom notice has been mailed in wr~~r <br />John unni gham, #17276 <br />CUNNI G B KBURN, k~iNCIS, <br />BROOK & UNNING Attorneys <br />222 N edar, P. O. Box 2280 <br />Grand sland, NE 68802--2280 <br />(308) 384-2636 <br />2 <br />