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<br /> Unle�.y ntherwise egr�ed in wdt.ir�F,al�insurance proceeds shall bc applicd to th�restorstion or rcpair uf thc Prop�:rty
<br /> or to thC Secured�7ebt,wheahr,r��r nc>+t th�n dtt�,At Lendcr's option.A:�y Applicatinn of proceeds to principal shell not
<br /> extend�r pnatpur.e the duc date of iF►G xhcduled paymeut nar cha��ge the amount af nny payment.Any exccs�wi��be
<br /> �id to tkte(3rentor. I[thG Prqxrty is�cquired by Lenckr.Grmntor`s ri�ht to any insarance policies and 4noceecls
<br /> ru�u;ii;►g ir:H�i d�i�w�.:to t�:e Ps��^.rEy h�fore the r+.R���+iR�tion sh�ll gPSS to l.enc��t to lh�cxtcnt af the Secured ncbt _
<br /> imttialiately 4xforo 1he a�quaitian.
<br /> 2�. �CROW IKIR TA�XLS AND IN9U�tANCE.tiniess olherwise pr�►vided in a separate agre�►nent,Grantor will nos
<br /> bc requ.uud 10 pay ta l.ende%r funds tor tex.es arxd insurance in escrow.
<br /> 21, [+IlVANt:lAL REMR'tS AND ADUT�nNAI.MN?�UM�1'�TS�.Gr�ntor will providc to l.endcr�pam rcqu�st,any
<br /> fin.ynr.ia!statercwnt nr int4rmAtion Lender muy dcem rr.�.sonably n�.ccssucy Grnntar agrees to sign.deliver,and file
<br /> any ad�[tioaal docamen4�or cerNfi^,.ation�th�t Lendor mAy ec►ns►der necessnry ta perfect,�ontinue,and preserve
<br /> (3rrntor'�ubligations under ihLe Security In�trun�nt and Lender's lisn status nn the Yraperty.
<br /> u�nder thi�Sesurity InStnun�eni are joint and IaclividuaL If Orantor si�s this Security Instrument but dces not sign an
<br /> evidenco of debR;Crnntar cl�es so only to mangage Grantor's iRterest an the Propert}�to secure paymint of the
<br /> Secur�d pebt and prantor.da:a not agrec to 6e personally lialsie or�the Secured Debt. If ehis Sec�nty Instrument
<br /> secures a gtuirnnty betwecn I.ender and Gre�ntor,�rantar agrces to wuive any rights that may prevent I.eadc:r fran
<br /> ���ro���r�rtin�nr claim aguntt Gresttor o�any�arty indebted uflder the obiigation.These nghts mmy include,Met
<br /> ere not limited t�,any anti-deficiency oc onc-ac�ion laws.Grantor agre2s that l,.eacier anc�aay pariy to iiiis SecLL.:
<br /> instrument cnay extend,modify nr make any changc in the terms of ttv's Secvrity Instrument or any evidence of debt
<br /> without Grantor's cansent. Such a change wil!na¢reiease Gcantor fcom the temxs of ttais SGCUmty Instrument.'it�e
<br /> duties and benefits af tWs Secutity Instnunent sl�all bind and bene8t tt►e suoa�ssocs nnd assigns of Grantor an�d I.ender.
<br /> �3, prlLICA�l.E LAW;SEV�RAdILI'fY;IKIERPRETA'iYON.'Ihis Securiry instrument is governed by the tf�ws of
<br /> the junssliction in which Ixnder is➢ncated,except to the extent othervvise requirsd by the laws of tGe�urisdiction
<br /> Where�he prnNeriy is�acated.Thi�Security I�stnunent is cnmplete and fully i�tegrated.This Secudry InstrumGnt maY
<br /> aot be amtn.ded or mudified by oral agreement. Any section in 16is Security Iastrument,attachments,or any
<br /> agreement r�efated to tbe Securad Debt that oonflicts�vith applicable law will not be effective,unless that law e�ressly
<br /> o�impiicdly pennits the varialior�s by written agcemPat.If any section qf this Security instrument ca�u�ot be enfon�ed
<br /> a�cording to its termc,that section wiq be ceverecfl uad will not affect the cnforceab�iity o[the nmainde�of this
<br /> �;��.r�,���whr�ever used,t6e sinei�lsr studJ i�dudc thc plural and the plural the singular.The caiptiaan and
<br /> I�din�s of the sections of this Secuxiry Instnunent u�e for oonvenieece onh►and are not to oe asod co�icrpc�i vr
<br /> defin�t�e terms nf this Si,�cwity Inurumeat.Time is af the essenoe in t6is Sect►rity Instru�nent.
<br /> Z/. SOC�CF..SSOR TRU&TF.E.Lender,at Lender's option,may irom time to time remove Tnrstce anc7 appoint a
<br /> successor trustee withou�t any uthar formality tham the designation in writing.The successor trustee,wIthout
<br /> oonveyana of the Propetty,sha(t suaced to all t6e 6i1�,power and duties conforred upon T�vstee by Wis Secunity
<br /> Instcumeat and appl�:able law.
<br /> 2S. NOTtCB Unkas otht�ri�cas�uuta by Lw,any twtice shxll be given by delivering it or.by maiW►g it by Cust rl�
<br /> maal to the a►p�riate pacty's s�dress on page 1 of this Sec�rity Instrument,or to an}other addr�as des��►atec!ie, .
<br /> ..z;n�.x�tn.��rn..cnr wiU be deemed to be aotia tu all granta�s.
<br /> 2G, WAIV6,RS,Fxcept to the extent p�n6ibitcd by law.Grnntor waivcs a11 appt�em�nt ancl M►�iead��e�t�t�on t�s
<br /> reiatin�tu th�e Prciperty. '
<br /> 27. Qr1�R TEitMS.If chedced,the following are aEsplicable to this 5�.-vriry Iastnmxnt;
<br /> [�Xlie et Cr�if,'The Securec! Debt inci�ix;ca e re+�olving lin�of credit piovisiop. AlWough the Srcuned Debt
<br /> anay 1x reduced to.a uro balanoe,this Security In,ctrumevt will remain in effect uatil released.
<br /> ❑ Co�tr�tie�I,oaa.T6is Security Instrumcnt secures an obligation incurred for t�ae construction of an
<br /> impcovCmeat on t�e Prqxrty.
<br /> ❑ �atrre E�ili�.Grantor grants 3�a l,ender a secwity int�crest in ull gaods th�t Grantor owns now or iu the
<br /> ' future:and Rhat am.or wilt bec�me fixtures related to the Property.'I�is Socurity instrument suffmcs as a_
<br /> v. .
<br /> i'uianciag statemtS�t and any cxrbon,Qhoto�n�hic or ot6er reprod�ction may Q>e Ciled of reoord for purpc�s
<br /> � of Atticle 4 of the Uniform t:ommercial Gtx�.;�
<br /> � � ❑ Aidr�y��.'fhe covenants and �greements of each af the riders checired below art inca�rpc+raYsd intu aa�l;
<br /> s���ment and amend the terms of ihis Secwity Instc�unr:r►t.[Check all epplicabk baxes] �
<br /> ❑Coadominium Rider ❑Planned Unit Developm�nt Rider ❑Other.............::..........................................:•:
<br /> �7 AiiiNoe�l Ten�. �
<br /> SIGNATIJRF.Se By signing below,Granror agrecs to elt�S:era�s and oovenants co��intd ia th�s Security[nstrs��.zE�nt and io
<br /> any attachmeq�,�+Grantor also acicuowlul��s receipt of a copy af t�si�a+e.curity Instrument on ih� te stated on pa�o l.
<br /> �� �� ���./� � ..�sa�ia� . ! 1 D v . �,i IE1! ll1L� O i\ / 06/2+1l96
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