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<br /> l�. All Quuro advaaces from I.endcr to Cirantur nr�sthcr futuro�►bligations of(irantor tn Lcndcr undcr uny pcom(ssc�ry
<br /> note,canlract,guarenry.ur other evicbnce eif�k:bt executed by Ciruntor in favor of[.encler executed after this
<br /> Sccurity insUwncnt whctt�cr ur nc►!this Sccurity Instrument is spccitiail{y r�cfcrcnccd.lf morc 4han unc person
<br /> si�a tttis Security inatn►�:nt,e�ch Cirantar agrees�hAt ihis Secudty Insirument will u:cure all tutura advunas and
<br /> (a�t��rc��I+li�ati�nv that Aro qivcn to or incurrcd by uny onc or morc Orr�ntor.ur nny onc or inorc Grantor�nd
<br /> c�then�.All futurc a�.vanan and other[uturc obligutia»arc r+ccurcd by this Scc�riry u�st�u��i�nt��.vc►�altiau�,h atl or �
<br /> pam m�y not.yet bc udvan�ed.All future edvnnces and olher tu�urc obligetion+are seCUrcd as if inede:on the dntc
<br /> pf Ibia 3tcurity Instn�menl.Nothfng in this�ecurity Instrument shall cnnstitnte a commitment ta make aclditional
<br /> or tuture loxns or�dvanoes in any amount.Any such commitment must be agree�l to in n se}+�rate wrlting.
<br /> C. All nbligntio��s Grantor owes to l.endPr,which may IAt�:r urise.to the extcnt nat prohibited by law.inciudin�,but
<br /> not Ilmited to,itdbilities fur overdrnCts refating to any dcnosit account ag�cem�nt betwcen[irnntor and Lcnder.
<br /> D. All ecldltional sumx advanecd und cxpnnsrs i�ku�red GY Lcndcr�'nr insuring,psescrving nr othe;nvisc protecting
<br /> the�'rciperty a�d it�value and unp other stims advanced and expenses incurred by Lendor under th�terms of
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> 'ilyis Seeuriry Instniment wiU not seeure any other debt if�.ender tails to give any n;quired notioc of the right�f cesci.csion•
<br /> y. pAYMEN7S.Grantor agrees that all pnymcnts under the Secured Debt will be paid whcn due und in�rdance
<br /> with the terms of the Secured Debt and this Secnrity Instrument.
<br /> [►� W.ARgi�NTY OF 1711.E.Gruntar waaant�that Grantor is or will be laawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this
<br /> Sccurit,y Instrumcnt and has thc right to inevocably grant.convey,and scii thc�=ru�,�y ta'YYu�RLV}.a trust,rritte —
<br /> power of sale.Grsutor atso warrants thet th�Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of nanrd.
<br /> 7. PRIOR SECUArI'Y iKl'ERFSI'9•With reBard to any other martgage.deed nf trust.security agreement or other Uen
<br /> docws�ent that ccested a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property,Qrantor agrees:
<br /> A. To make all payments whsn due and to perform or comply with all cov�nttnts.
<br /> B. '!'o pranptly deliver eo I..ender eny�otioes tht►t arantor reoeives from th�+U�ider.
<br /> C. Not ta allaw any m�ad�cation or extension of,nor to request eny[uturc adaances e�nder any note or agceement
<br /> secured by the Gen document withoat Lender's prior written consent.
<br /> S. CI.AIMS AG�AINST Tt11.E.Grantor will pay all tiuces,ssssessments.liens,encumbn+nces,tease paiymcnts.grouad
<br /> reats,utilitie�and other charges relatinb to thc Property when duc.Lender may reqetire Grantor to provide tu L.ender
<br /> oq�ics of aL�notioes that such amounts nre due and thc receipts evidcncing Cruntor's payment.Grantor will defend
<br /> h�IC t0 thC FII�CI[�t agB1I15I Blly C�S1I115 11tA�wuiilt�lut�ruiP i4iu i:6.^.:..:�So...c°^'..��52�j S�Stttsntlt�ii911�f flg[CCS t0 BSSIRII
<br /> to I.eader,3s nquested by L.ender,any r�ghu+,claims or defenses Grantor mmy have egninst paities who suppty labor
<br /> or materiats 4o maintaia or improve the Property.
<br /> 9. DUE ON 5Al[E Oit ENCUM$RAN[:�.�nder mAy,at its option,dee:lar�s tho entire balancc ot�1�e Securtd Debt�°
<br /> be immediat�Ey duo and payable u�a.�Me creatian of,or conuact for the creati�n of,any lien,encumbrance.tru�st'er
<br /> or salc of the�'roperty.'I�`i�:si$ht u subject to thc restrictions imposed by federr►I law(12 C.F.R.591)�a��
<br /> This cuvenant shall rua��.it�h 1he Prnperiy and shall remain in eifect until tt�d Secured Debt is paid
<br /> Security�nstrument is rcleigsed.
<br /> te. PROPEBTY CONDIITON,ALTERAT[ONS AND INSlEC1ZON.Grantor will keep the Propeny in good
<br /> condition attd make all cepeirs that are rtnso4sbiy necessary.�itui�i0i•ii"i: i.C:wf�S;:':0: !.l�C!`-'!�!��WA4C!!�
<br /> impairmeat,or deterioratiurt of th�Pr�peny.Gsanrt•or will kcep the ProperEy free of noxiou�weeds and grusses•
<br /> Grantor agrees that the nature of the oacupancy andt nre wiU nat substantial�i�•change without I.ender's pr�r wntten
<br /> cauent.Grantor will ixat permit ar+y ch�►nge in any Gcense,restrictive c�veiunt or easement wi�hout l.c.^a�er's pri�r
<br /> written oone+xt.GrancQr will notify G;nder ef all demands,pmceedings,claums,and adiom ag�st Grantor,and of
<br /> any loss or dR�raa�e to the.Property
<br /> I.�nder or I.ender's a���sna�ey,at t:ender'r option,cntar ttte Propertp atuny reasonabk time�or the pucpox ot' � .
<br /> ' d�spectiag the ProperG}�:;X-��'►dar shnil give Grantor notice at tht time of cr�br,�ore an inspectian sQpatying a
<br /> :i��sonable purpose fc�i�,�t�e�ams�cction.Any inspcction of the Property s1�s�12��entirely fax Lender's besne6t and
<br /> f9�rantor will in no�vay t+�F�+on LcnJcr's inspection.
<br /> 11, AiTI'HpltlCit'Y.'1'p PERFORM.If Orantor fails to pedorm any duty or any af the covenants wntained in this
<br /> � 'ty In�.u�ent,Lender may,without notioe.perfonn or cause thenn tu be perfomned.Grantor agpaints Lender
<br /> �.a ettorne)in"fa�t ta sig,�?rCirantor's nnmc or pay any amount acoessary tor pedorrr►Anoe-Lender'r right to�►edorm fQr
<br /> firantor sbab not creat�z�n obligution to perform,and l..ender's failur.e to pe.a€orm will not prcclude L�ender from
<br /> exercising�a�y.of Lender's other rights under the law or this Se�:urity instrume�cv�.II►�any constructan a�t�e�r°Ixriy is
<br /> discoutinv�i:,yr not carricd on in a reasonnble manncr. Lenc�ra:r..vA.y take al}steps ncccssary to protect I.endcr's
<br /> security ia7�z�cet in the Property,inc�c�i�g oompletion of thc cam�a;t cca �
<br /> Lt, ASSIGNM�IT OF L�,!�a�51►ND REN7'S.Grantor irrcvocabSy gr�►ts,canva;ys and setls tt4a'+T�s��,li�tnut for ttie
<br /> bene8t oC Lendar.as adld�:t:�anal security all the�ight,title and inierest in an�4n any and aCl eichting or fiaiure lcuses,
<br /> �ubleases,aad any other written or verbal agrcements for the usc and oc�u���cy of a��y portion Af t�� Property,
<br /> Ineluding a�;r extcnsions,renewals,madifirations or substitut�on�of such agr�emenis(all rcferrcd 3o as"Lt;ases")and
<br /> rcni�,issa�s�nd pro�its(all referrcd co as"Rents").Grantor v�ud�somgtly provide Lender with true and corfect
<br /> oopies of.a�i z.xisting and future G;uses.Cirantor may oollect,rec;:�'s+:,�njti'•Y snci use thc Rents so bng as Grantor is not
<br /> Are dt:fauit�►reder the temis of th[s Security Instrument.
<br /> Grantor acknowledges that this assignmcnt is perfected upon the mcnrc�2�f�ti�1s Deed of Trust and tll:at Lender is
<br /> enfitled tQ�aetify any of Orantor's tenants to make paymene oF R�nt�du��r to becomc due to Lendcr. However,
<br /> L.ender agr�:s that only on dcfault wi�,➢ILendcr notify Gmntnr��s��Crautor's tenants and make dcmand that ali tuturc
<br /> _e�_�_�., �.r_..,.....:l1-- --onrl tlalivAT!n i rnder��v . .
<br /> Rents be paid directry co i.endcr.im rccciving nvis�i v�u�=n�.,.,,o,,..» .........::,:.::----._ -- --- -
<br /> pay�ent of Ren�s in Graator's por.,sc5sion und will receive any Rc:nts in trust for Lcnder and will aot comming,lc the
<br /> Rcnts with any other funds.Any amounts wllectcd will be appli�as provided in this Sccurity Instrument.Grantor
<br /> wattants that no default e�ists undcr thc L�:ascs or any applicable landlordrtenant law.Grantur also agrces to mnnitain
<br /> and require any teaant tn comply witli the torms of the I.eases aa2d applicable law.
<br /> �3. LEASEHOLDS;CONDO1VIIldIUMB;PI.ANNED UNIT Q�VELOPINEN�.Grantor agrccs to comply with thc-
<br /> �Srovisions of any[case if this Security Inst►umcnt is on a leasciiold.If the Property includes a uni¢in�condominium
<br /> � or a planned umt devclopment, Grantor will perforn� all of Grantor's duties undcr thc covenAnts,bylaws,or
<br /> ., rcgulattons of the condominium ur Qlenncd unit dcvclopment.
<br /> - 14. DEFAULT.Grantor will be in d�;faull if nny purty oUligated on the Secured Dcbt[ails to m�ke payment when due.
<br /> C3rantor will l�e in detaalt if a breacb nocura unde�tl�e terms of this Security Instrume►�t or any other document
<br /> . �vws�a��
<br /> r '
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