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<br /> apCta�►t to � �tt�d Pl�� �� rvl �sEats a� s�ity.tor a ofrtsia =
<br /> ' °d�L't dMCrib�d ia a�id itsstst�nt, ae wll as in t!� a000�sYf�9 ��• � � -
<br /> t�d'� ?s�t aad nat s !lo�t9�4�, aM that tZ�s povee o! ai� qrint�d in t2r OM�3 .. ` .--
<br /> �.�� �i� „�••+••••a•s=y dttt�rsst ri�qtits aM obliqatians to ttr ?r�star
<br /> - ` t]� a Moirt9p� in tl� �nt ot : dKanit or �h o! o6ltqstion. �e �
<br /> - — �sd�rsl4� ?svst:or �its this acin�vl�t-to tt� �r�lidarf�r i�l in a .
<br /> --_ ` aertain OMd o! irust �at�d tf M 16tU ds! � �• 1992, gl�dqi�g t,t� follarii�`�''-
<br />�:s�_, dNCribd spl �stat�: , � � . _ . —-
<br />'�. ' � � , _
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<br /> � (�i/2 $il/� SBi/SiCtr: OLTIt�1 1�Y S�V�1 I27?. '� NI� t9) l�r It� � _-
<br />" 'tiSLVL �12} f�Sl` �[ 'AE�6'!H p.N.r H1�Lt.,�Tl'Y� �f1►r �'�T '!E!1►Z PaiTICN �?=�-_'
<br /> _ , • '� �t� 11S fin,'� �iE ti� l�IZi.i1l�D , � _ ="r�
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<br /> '• ' TR�LT !D� ZI '�1'�!�P�x�i OF,'�B 8�8�',iAiF OB 1'�16 ��IS? Hu� 0� �E� !� � " �'°:�:°
<br /> • �; �lIIRTet OF �G 9001'�S! QOl1A't�R (Bi/2 Si/2 I�i/e SSI/�) Oa.S�LT�t� � �� : ''' ;c •.-
<br />-' : r:. (2�)� 'POi�iRe-�1I1� (9) !�R'li�r Rl!!xR 1'�•� �1�j iBSt OF 'AI� 6'h1 P.M:, H11LG_. ° �,'.�,,-
<br /> t �'`''��
<br /> � '' QOOI�JPYr �� LYII�i g00Y'!� OF TflS OOOI�TPY R4lID. , . � _
<br />` � ' .- _ . � ;�.T .-`;��..
<br /> z�■�.
<br /> :� .� tor ths P�P� o! atidyitW t� Provi�iaas ot Ntb. R�v. Stak. $'76•i005I2)• :._r, -
<br /> #:� � Truator lurtt�r acla�ri�8q�s s�d �t�s thst thi: ac]a�c�l�ig�nt is hwretiY , -.�.�.��''-
<br /> Q'� � �acut.�d �rior to th� �o�cutian a! th� ai�aw d�scrib�d DMd o! ?rusr by ttn . . �_,,f •.,..
<br /> , � �f" � �,_Q3; . Di�l�i 11PRIZ. 16, 1992. LJ��,� � . `� -
<br /> . ,� ,- ;� � �..�-_-- � '��`=�.' ,'~ _
<br /> - ' -�'.,- :;�-{- TRt181'OR. ��
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<br /> ,�'i�;�„x;_ ;,_` � ) �. �Ot`.yl `� A1dc_.�(,l. �/�p �.: : . , : �r;.i:S.
<br />� ' .. •: uF�" �R/{/{fii � IWN�77 � ��aflR ' .
<br /> � t„�• . x'-.
<br /> � '~`, "- Qa this 16?EI daq ot 11FRIL, 1992, b�tor� sr s Natary Public in and !or aid .
<br /> ':��.-. _ :� ',' -,. "�'_
<br /> 11 ci�we ]ILLEN W. SQ��BIDBR � DSBRl1 M. �CEII�SIDeir I�Sbat�d � ,;;•�
<br /> ' 1-`Otsft9r Ple�OQS Y .•.;`=- ;-'3``-
<br /> �'•:�r' ��i;''� ••:: .�-=-.
<br /> .• ��Y _ 1,w _. '.ili:.I..��. .�f � � .
<br /> . � . �r, Wil�t� to a� ta�aan to !� th� id�ntiaal D�rsan(s) wt�oM na�Is) as� �aliix�d to th� �.-
<br /> , �',���:.-. lps�9oin9 insts��t and aclajovl�&�d th� �x�tiot� th�r�o! to •.';:�i.'; '�'�.`'
<br /> � , ;�,.., , � vol���Y \�i,1R�C� !or"tfs� WrPoto� h� i i����IdrNU'i'�RY . '
<br /> �� STA 1 r.•, •�13��SKA � lr> " ''"�
<br /> �`�:f%:c: .. ' �,- ` :: -�-:
<br /> � ' ..r ;y<:;+�.n. Ndtilt'Y PNb11C ,y (SetL:►..t..civa � "'.::' . �_?
<br /> .:,��
<br /> . Comm.1.s�t6.1•�r+ �;t�;, .*.
<br /> . '� .. ':� � � '�$� ' ,�'.
<br /> s.. �/ y.- �'�-'-_
<br /> ''!s , _ 1 ., � ___-:
<br /> :: .:�...+- This DNd o! Trwt. hMr�inaltEr rst�rs�d to as S�cucity InstruMnt, ts a�d� aa �
<br />, ^ this 16?H dsy ot 11PRIL, �992. Tho Truetor, h�reinatt�r r�tsrr�d ta�as Horrower, �-�`=-
<br /> ._- '�`��� . .�:
<br /> .' '�i��<;� , � is 11LL6N N. 9C��IQ6lt i D68R71 M. �82DFlt. Husband & Wile. T!� ?ru�tN, . ^ .
<br /> .:����: _� . , l�r�iaatt�r rat�rr�8 to a� Tsuirtao, ir llda� County Hank. T!w 8�ticisrK� � , , • .
<br /> �' `.� ' � h�r�ir�attar r�l�rr�d to as L�nQor, is 71das� Cas�ty Banic, Which ii orqaniz�d and � �'�;•
<br /> . : •,•��.
<br /> .. � . • � eYi*ting Fsnder the lasra o! th� Stat� o! Nebra�lca. and vhos� addr�s� is lten�saa. j . ' ,
<br /> • � porsity at lida�r, Stst,� at N�braka. Horroa�r a+�s Grx3�r th� prsncipal s�a� o! i , .�� .
<br /> .---�-.`�_ .' FEFlY SIX ?fI0tT8AtD 11�D I�/100-------------Dcllara I$56,000.00�. ?hia d�bk. ia '
<br /> � '. . , , ` �vid�nc�d by Borro�r's not� datad the � dat,� as f h is S�c u c i ty I r�a t r�a t n t. � .
<br /> . h�r�iaalt�e r�t�rr�d to as Nct�• aith 59 i�utslls�rst� o! �58�.77 dus sonthly md � . . �` .
<br /> . . with th� tull d�bt. !! tsot O�id �arli�r, dw and D�Yabl� on lIPA1L 22. 199�. � , �
<br /> � . . : � ' This S�curity Instrue�nt aecurea to Lender: (a) the regsya�nL oi tha 8�ht _- '• .
<br /> . • avid�fr�d bY I�iot�t�I. tog�th�r with iaterest th�reon, �y lucth�r advanc�s, ana .
<br /> � all �xt�nsion�, aodilicatios�, s�atitutiionz and rena+rals tl�reot; (b) th� ,
<br /> " . ' paya�nt o! all at,t�r cuM. a�� int�r�at. advanc�d �r Sactfon Hin� t�rwt t� ' '
<br /> .. ^ . . .;� pro�et, tt� �curity ot tbis '3acurity Inot.ru�nt; �r�d (r) t!� p�rtorru�nc� ot : • _
<br /> Horrowr's covu�ants and a9raaiu�ta und�r thia Sacurity InstrurnL ond ttr Not.Q.
<br /> � . ,. For thi� puepo�, Horrower irreva�bly granta and conveya to ?rustM, in lrust,
<br /> � - : - wsth Po++�r o!.Ssie, thd propert� d$mcri2sact above !e !h�-]Ickna»ltd9�nti �+hich ia , . - ,
<br /> • le�calad its H�1Ia. County, N�brasis�r h�vinq tst� addr�ao ot RR 1 BQ�� 6711, 1�BSlIW ,
<br /> , [��$ItA and ia► lrr�it�alter ratarred to a� "PeCp�ety llddlMls"•
<br /> . . . Tog�th�r aith all th� laprovern�a na�r or hereatter erect�d on th� prop�rLy anA . �
<br /> , - � , . .' , ali �a�nb. ci91��� a�a, centc, royaltiaa. ffin�ra2, ofl arfd gas '
<br /> � . • s�9bts a�d proliti, aatar rights an8 etack an8 all lixtur�' na► or t�natt�r a
<br /> `-_ _- - -__. --.-__= p�rt of i3i� �s�dr p,rspa�ty� 1�12 sep�cc�a a� o+d83Lf� �sEL also �c�+rer�d. . . _ �_::_- .,�--------__.--
<br /> . . by thts S�curity InsLruMat. All o! tha toragoin4 is rofarrad to ia thi8
<br /> , ' • ' �. ' S�eurity Irutrt��! ar !h� "Prap�rtY".
<br /> ' ' • ';...� � • ' E ,
<br /> . ` . .
<br /> . . { . -
<br /> , } . .
<br />