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<br /> TOCiE'�'NEE�W1Tk�+►Il tho�irfprovcmenunov�r or hoseeiftererectcdon lho property,and sli Cwsemenes,appurten�ncc9,attd
<br /> fixtures aaw or here�te'r s'pert of the property. A11 repl�cxmeate Rud �ddltiona sball �Lxc► bo covered by tl►is Security
<br /> In�trumeat.A.tl af tLe taregoiag#s referred to ia this Securiry Inatrument ae the"Yro�crty." _
<br /> BORItOW�t�;OVENANTStlat Bona+reria lawfully soiaod of t�e c.at�to bsreby con�veyed Rnd Ba Iba right to gr�nt and
<br /> courzy:Lc t'::;�;;:.y a:«:thst the Prag�r3y i�,�°nM�•�+.b�rr,c�,erMpi for e�umhrAn�aof record.Honower warrAnta u�d will _
<br /> defend genGrally tho titb to the Pro�,�aty agai�c a1�clai�as+ad demsnd�,�ubject to wy encumbrances of�record,
<br /> TH1S SECURTI'YINSfItUMENTcombfn�.a uni!'orca co�venaot�for a�tianal uae and noa-ualfonn cov�nanu with fimitad
<br /> vAriado!os tay jurfulict?+oa to constikute N uaiform aecurity uWrurneat caveriag real�+roperiy.
<br /> UMFpkNICpYENANTS.gnrc�wer�ndl,eudercovenaat tad�rce�s followwaa:
<br /> 1. P�reat oQ Prbdp�l+iad I�ta+esq Prep��t �ued 4te Ch+�r�ea. Bonow�er ehall prnmptly p�y whea due t6e
<br /> princi�al of aad iatcrest on the delx eviacnctd by th�Noto And any prapayment and Y�ro c2uirgea duc under tbe Note. _
<br /> Z� pyo,d�[oe'lYi�a ud Iosrr��e. Subjr,ct to applkabk law or to a writtca wahrer by l.endar.�orrowec ahall pAy to
<br /> Lea�ter an th�d�y monthly►P�Yments ue duz uoder the Nota,until the Noto u paid in fuU, g�um("FY�mk"j fnr:(a)ynarly taxec
<br /> �nd s�s�essmentsw�ich may atUunpriority avu Wis Secw3ty Inst�umentas a Iien oa thc�Property;@)yeariy loasoho�tl;paymr.atg
<br />' or gkouadrentson�e�'aopsrtR��Y��)Y��Y�dor propertyi�un�ncxipremiums;(d)Yeuly flood insuranctp�miuma,
<br /> if any; {e)Yearly nac+rtBaga unaurana premiums,if any,aad(��ny auras piyabk by Borrower to I.cnchsr,in�►c�cdanaw;lh
<br /> t6e provi�ioos of Pu+�Ph8, in li.eu of the p�ymwt of moctgaqe Liswrauce premiams.These itema aro cslled"Bsan�vv Items'
<br /> Leadsr may, at any tune, co�lect swd boid�uads in sw amwwQ aoi to w�c�d tls:;��.:.�a�ata�,:a!a lc��fn_ e fr,lerlllY --
<br /> sal�ted mat�ga 3wn may require fa Borca�rec'e es�xow accouet t�ader tho federal Real�tate SeEdementProcodunsAd of
<br /> 1974 as amcndedfran time ta Wne,12 U.S.C. 5r,ctioa 2601 et ttq. ("RF.SPA'),unkss anothe*law�at applies ta tbe P1mdc
<br /> setc a les�er amos�at.If eo, I�eader may, at�ny tim�e.cdlect and l�ld F'uadr ia an amc�uat not to ex�xed tLe ksser�ouat.
<br /> . I,endea may e�tim�►tet6a amouat of E1wda due crn tLa buis of cumnt data aod reison�bloestimatesof wq�eadd.uru of futute
<br /> Esc.rnw Items a otLe�wlse ia acc,cxdaoce wit6�pplicablc law.
<br /> 'TI►�F�urnda elyll be hald in an institution whoso dcpasite ue i�sured by a#aderal�ncy, instrun�ent�s�,2+r eetity
<br /> (indudio,g Irendec,if Lender i�such an institudon)or in any PederalHomeI.otn�nlc.l,�eader aball apply tLe Pua�9:g to p�►y tbc
<br /> Esua�r xtems.f.ender may not cbarge Baro+Mec fa ha�din�aad�pply'mg tLe Fund,�aw�.ually a�a�Ym6 t}�c escrow�accaunt,ar.
<br /> v�eri[yios the Fscrow Itemt,un3eas Lender payt Barro�er 9ntcrestou the Punda and appldcabk la�r permits L,eaderto maka aitcla '
<br /> � a ch�rge.H�vever�Leader may rcquire Borrowerto piy a ooe-time cb�rgo foc an independentreal estate wr reporiiog acrn�x.
<br /> ��1 Z.l.11�Ci[UI QOOOC��OQ�1ID �mS tOW� {►n .�ij�N#.wt1A iw�: avi.'�w"�v�..�'�"'w.d`.�.�nl�i!n l�OMr.�141 ax �G U[
<br /> � applicabklxw ruduiresiotw�eatdc��p:ici,l.eaduahall notbe requiredto pay Burra�wesany intese,�tor ea��T��t tbe Pw�da. �
<br /> r Barraaer and Larrder m�y agrt��u�«�itiu�, howev�er,that iatueat s1uU be paid oa tbo 17unda.lxader ahaU 6iwa�,4 3Bo�o��": �..
<br /> - ' witbout eLar�e,an�unwl�ecounf?ag oF d�c+.F��nndc. sbo�vin6 cralits and debita to We Fuada aad ti�e p�rpae fa�ich e�► �•:�
<br /> ° dehit to tLe Fwrk was made.Tba Fuads ue pled�ed�s additiood seauity for all sturx aor+ired by thia Secnrity�ast�uroeot-
<br /> If.tbe�beld by I.ea�cn•a�ocxed the�mountapermitteclto be hekl by applic�bie.ia�r,�.earier�bsll auonw�i2�ta Borrow�r
<br /> �or the e�uoat fi�od�ie+000�duta�tL the culuiromeataot appficable law. If ELe amotimtof tbe Fuud�t I�e1d ty.;]:,e�d�er at anY
<br /> timn is unt su�5deat W pey the F.�xoa ItemawLw duc,Y.cadertnay w noti[y&xraa�erin�vriting, �nd,in wdr�use Bontsw�er
<br /> 8h�1(�y to�rESaErtLe�RO11ltn00C14{ify[0 malw rtp i�c aciitxus.�r °--------�a�.,••�+•�••r Wt�='3-,•`�',~;"�s�v in m mYE tblad
<br /> • l�UI�UMG M{Yl M���'�i M "I
<br /> �'IUEIyC IDO�y(1i�C�►�L 1.COl�Ct'S SO�G��.
<br /> T�JPOY�la� Of�t{IRl9 fOqkC�� �16$OCII[�y IO{�NmElka�.C�t.�6�����]IC.fI{bd l0 BOtIO�ICl iOy
<br /> Fued�LeW bq Lcader.I�tmde�r pu�p621, uade*�haU ao4�ire a�JE tLe Property.l.eadrx.pr'ior to t�e ac4nieitioa a uie
<br /> - . uf I�e Pro�ertY.sbabt+PpIY a�'Fun�he�d bY I.eader at tbe timc of'aoquiirtiaa o�bale as a aedit asaimt tLe same�oc�aed by
<br /> ����� wtxroceivedby l.endernadapan�sph�
<br /> ; g,A�Matio�a[lqwsts.Unkss app�icaWe la�v pcovides othea'�e,�Mri�
<br /> ` i.�nd Z sWll be applied:fmt,to my prepaymeatci�ar�a duo uoder tbo Note;�ea�ad►to�mounta�k uedes�n�aph2',
<br /> tk�i�fl;to intaett�#ut;fowtL,to priacipal dne;aad 1ast,to any lata cbar�sa du�ua�dtr the Note. , ,,. .
<br /> :Y, , ;!.(1w� IJe�u.Bo�rmMer aball pay�ll tu�s,assessmwis.cha�rgea,fi�a Aad impc�tioa��dtribuUbkt�i'lt�a PmQerty
<br /> �;' w�Lieh a�ay iduadn;�iorily mNer tLir Soea�rity L�atcumeat.a�ad k�sebddPaYmeats oe grouud rwtx.if an�. Bn�rcr�e�e�a�p�Y
<br /> `'' t6eaeoblidatiosqs,;cp:tbe m�nner�xovido�in P�r�rapL2, ur if not pnid ia tL�tmamaer�BanrowersL�li pq t�aa tiune�
<br /> � to thr.person ow�pa7�rse�t.Boaa+ver sball pr�mpl'1�r fuanisL to l+oader all notixt of aauwo�tsto be g�u�dex thia p�rr�iaph.
<br /> � If�xrc,�er m�tk�a theaa papunwta diredlY,Barmxer aKa1�P�omptly ttunieh to Leadu reaipts evideacinB�P�Ym�
<br /> ;!� gorron�era�ll pramptly�iacharge any Gen ruhich has priority aver thia Sex.urity Instcueuentuobaa Harca�ru:(a)Mree+m ,
<br /> '��;, writing tn tbe p�yme�t of tLe ol�tisation sec�tedUy�t}re lien ia a maoncrxcxpt�bleto l.ca�ler.(b)oo�teml+in sood faiNe the lir�:� .
<br /> `�. by� or defeod��inst ea�'cxamwt of t?xe�ien in. kg�l Prooeaii�s wlricb in the l�cnder's opittin�n operate to prevent t6e
<br /> � �pofacouneataf tbe liea;a(c)aeturea from the hokkr of We}iea an a�amentst�tafKtay to Lwda�r�thc licn to
<br /> � tio�s:Security Insirument,if i.��ler deterffiioesthit a�Qart of the Property is a��a lien w�icf�,tr►ny,attra►a p�arirty u�rr
<br /> � tl�,,�;S�uretp in�tcuoaent�I.raider may give.�qrraw�cr a�j�x ideaiifying tb�e tiea.Bc►rra+�er shall s�tiit�«'y t6e laea�or tal�oae or
<br /> ;, .
<br /> rn�oro of the uct"rcr�aet fath abaNn within R�1.d'+rya of t1iG�g�ving of notioe.
<br />-::': ,..:�.:• ���
<br /> t ��NIf1E!e�+n ±w•z.e.
<br />— ---=-- - -- -- ---a-���' " '�` ,`---_=_ --- -
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