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<br /> - ^ �,( �:.� , ` ' -. . � � � � �ouff�t�oK �iok , `�?_. fd3SfS/7� �� � � �
<br /> , �
<br /> � — - – -- --- __--
<br /> . .-_ � • . , .' < . . . . �t _ f. • . .
<br /> � - I�IER�AS.` F�E FEOERAI 5A�lINGS AtiD [.OAN<IiSSOCIpTION aF GR1ti�D ISLAND. hereinafter � ,
<br /> r�fur�d tb as�'Han�e �ederal",; laane� Lyle A. fisher. a si le rson ` - -
<br /> � �hel�efnefter refe�red to oa� rrarers , the original � —
<br /> pr nc pal °auN o �ro ed Ninets� Trao_'Tha,sand and no/tOQ-----•---��-----�llers• ; :
<br /> -� (�2�2=��. d�s-s�dvnc�dTtfy a �r qage note deted tab�r-15 197s - s ar�d . -- -
<br /> - . secur�d by a inortqdge/deed of trust dated Qctober 15. � a�d recorded a� Docunent�
<br /> No. 74-006?24 3n the Office af tF�e Register of`Ueed� fn_all Cnurity, Nebraslca
<br /> < snd _ �
<br /> , WEREAS, said 8orrarers haue �old�to the wxiersfqned Purchasers the` psaperty _
<br /> �legelly descri6ed ass - . ` . --
<br /> = Lot One (1), Woadland Fizst Subdivision, an Addition to the.City of Grand �sland .
<br />.._ -.� --- --- -� � - -- --- ---- --`- ---- ' �
<br /> tiall County. l�e6aaska.-__.._ - . . - - ----- ------ - ---- _ - -
<br /> _-�, � . � . _
<br /> :�.- • --
<br />=i; ' �rr
<br /> e� �r�•_
<br /> WiEEiEAS, purchas�rs desire to assume and pay the remaining inde6tedness described �_._
<br /> � abave as evidenced @y the aforementia�ed note and mortgage/deed of:'�n+st; and � ;_:
<br /> W�REAS, 8orrarers desire to be released frorh any further a6ligation in respect . ���-.=
<br /> � .
<br /> 4; to the aboue described note and mortt�age/deed of-trust; �i� s�b�t ta the ati�clied ie1�e ar�ea�ent ���"�
<br /> �,n ; WHEitEAS, Home Federal is willing to permit the assumption by Purchasers of ; ����"_
<br /> ' the note and inortgage/deed of trust an8 release the 6orraWers fram the o5ligations , •�?�-=-�:
<br />- evidenced by the afaredescribed note and mortgagefdeed of trust: ,subject, hauever. �'-
<br /> `�' to a revision of the terms of paymer►t of said indebtedness,�sbject tn the att2d�d re]�e ag�ee�nt��-
<br /> - � NOGI, TNEREfORE, in cnnsideratian af the mutual cove�ants ;t�erein contained, --------
<br /> ,��: ` it is agreed: � . :�� : � -
<br /> �--�-�_--
<br /> ;,,t�.r 1. The undersigned Purchasers hereby assume and agree to pay the remafning _o.;:�.��_�.-_
<br /> . � ';`�._ indebtedness evidenced by:the aforedeserihed nnte and mortgage/des� of trust and ,4�.-,r;� __
<br /> ' peri�rm all of the obligations provioed therein and as modified� tisreby, it being =_
<br /> , < agreed and understood that as of this date said indobtedness is wo HsYfr�d T , :��� :�;F:__
<br /> �� T�.� �h,:,�w fl�,a��/1m Oollars ��i�.�s�.pr_ . � - ..�;'z� :-°•`_
<br /> � ,�,�,..,� ,:+��;.�,..,-:.,.._
<br /> # 2. The terms of' the reAayment of the de6►t evidenced hy fihe aforedescribed ;=,t..-�...
<br /> ndte and ms�.tgage/deed of trust are hereby madified in that interest upon the unpaid .,� _.
<br />�� ' ba2ance of said indebtedness shall be at the rate of I�tine&o�e/�al.f perceclt ( •9.S � "'�-��''-
<br /> ' �ner annum, and tha� :�onthly payments s1�a11 be made cort�nrencing on the 1s� day af . •��.;�.. , "� ,'�_-°
<br /> . ��y � , 19�, ;�nd continuing on ttae 1sE of each manth thereafter, it being ��;::�;;;-_'''�; ,�:':�__
<br /> .�.�� ,..:�.�c�' --
<br /> further agreed that �;ch payments shall be in tha amount of 7wo Thasa�1 Se��en Hrdred_ ;.�,,,�- 7:..;l�
<br /> ' _ Dollars ($ 2'7�.68 ) per �o�s�h, to 6e applied �� � =: �•�
<br /> ..s �;.. ,� ._.:.-_j _:-
<br /> ,.., �� �.._ -.
<br /> � .�� first to interest �nd the balance to principal until said indetstedness is paid i� ,,;,; -.
<br /> �•,,:;,::..�1:'�;�':
<br /> full, end that, in a�dition, said Purchasers will pay the szim ctf n/a i-j;.:�,;.,.;�_�,^�
<br /> Doll�rs ($� ) per manth in escrow estimated : � r• .�. __
<br /> ���,�:,,.. •. ,
<br /> sufficient to pay taxes and or insura�ce on said property, whic8�:estimate may be • � � . ..,��_
<br /> ,,,, - revised from time ta time by Nome Federal, makin� a total current payment of T� '� �.��;_`�'
<br /> . � ` ,'�'' ;,,.:
<br /> �' lFn�said Seue�FWrE�i Eic#+t axf 89/1"^ --------rollars ($ 2._7�•�) Per mdnth. .
<br /> ��,:� �
<br /> % r;c,-- �•:� ; 3. Except as modified hereby, the note and mortgage/deed of trust above de-
<br /> � �'�'�"�` scribed shall remain in full force and effect, and the undersigned Purchasers promise
<br /> �,: r,.
<br /> to pay sa i d in de b te dness as here in s ta te d an d t o p e r f o r m a l l a f t h e a b l i g a t i o n s � � � �'
<br /> .;� � �
<br /> , � ,�_���__•.t nf said mortgage/deed of trust as herein revised. I .
<br /> � �� 4. 8y reasan of this !�an Mn!1iP9�atinn anrl Ass�rm�st�nn Agr�gm�n+, Home FedLral ; � . .
<br /> �-,'` ��
<br /> .�.��4>Mr,.a:-�. � hereby releases and discF�arges the undessigned orfyinal B�rranars fram their pexsonal �
<br /> �'"�������"��r� � obligation upon said indebtedness. . ' �
<br /> �;'�,��: .:� 5. If any term, covenant, restrictian or provision of this Agreementi is deter- � � :: , .
<br /> • mined to be void, invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms, covenants, �
<br /> .,.'�T„`, ..;;., _.� � restrictions or provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, :
<br /> .-�:___�:. - _ .
<br /> �.A�.��;:, ,., . , end the prov�sions oF the note and mortgage/deed of trust amended or modified by ;
<br /> ;;�„ �_ _ __ such void,'invalid . or unenfo�ceable part hereof shall be reaffirmed and enforceable .
<br /> ' to the same extent as if this Agreement had not been executed. -
<br />� -� - � � � IN WITNESS WFI�fiEOF, the undersigned have executed this instrumant on tfiis 2.,5__ ; - .
<br /> . . , .... . day af tu�_., 19 S2. ': � ,
<br /> .. - .. � , . , . �. .
<br /> � - �- � Call Optinn: �' i
<br /> � -. . - The Holder hereof ( Home Federa2 j Y e A• F sher Borrawer
<br /> : .,..._.-.:__ �• 5avinqs and Lnan Assaciatian of . . - - - -
<br /> - -- — —_- Bt�twser -----------
<br /> Grand Island) shall have�tl�e optian� " - � �
<br /> ', •�- , = ta accelerate the maturity of the note at anytime after tYtay 1, 1995, $fter first .. . �
<br /> � �� giving the undersigned �r then awner of the�premises a mritten notice three months . •.
<br /> � �.,. irt aduance of-its ir►tent-ta da sa. _ - .
<br /> � . - - ._ �
<br /> < . .
<br /> . . . , �
<br /> „. .. .. � — - -- -- - --- -- -- - . .
<br /> - . _.,.._ __ ---_._._._._�-�---- ....
<br /> ,.. . ...�._._,....._._—_.�..__.___.._.__���,--- - - . _ -___....._. . -� - _ _
<br />