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<br /> ` '` �fdi�}befae sate of the Ptopeity Pu�suaot r°anY lto�of sale ao�qine�nt�is ,
<br /> �...(!�__ - _
<br /> -- — -- — -- • — — - _ . , .� _ -
<br /> . ��� -
<br /> P�Ys�all sums wI�A djm�woutd`be due mider tbis Sec�ity in�en►aed th�1Kaic is if no.sccd�aws�d ;
<br /> o�cuRed;'(b)c�es�►Y det�ul�of mY atbs oovan�na uc�eeoxMS:(e)WYS��Pn��°�in eafo�ina tbis Sa�riry
<br /> e�u
<br /> . �t,inciud�in8.bui aoE}imited to.n�somtsk�ttorneYg'fa�atrd(d?t�Yes such actia�a.c Lendet maY
<br /> ...mqair�e 60�ssa�e tt�t tbe tien of dus Socu�ity Ins�m�at.k�a�d��rig1�s m tbe_Pioper�Y and Bonewer'§obtigation to Qay!Ir� . (
<br /> sums seowed b�►,dns Secmit}►lnstn°°e�c siWt cootinue uoochan8cd. 'UPa►tdnstate�e� by Ham�rer. tLis 5ec�►ootY
<br /> �uam�md the o0li�noa�:secund t�a�b9 st�ll cemam fniiy effecave�s if no xtxlaatian!ad occ+uied. NoweYa,Uus
<br /> '_ � � .right�o�eiaata�e s6i11 aot�pply io the ease of aecetentiaann3a paca8�1�t�in tbe N�t(coBetha with tbis Sxariry' - � -
<br /> 1!. s�ie d N�e;C��e d I.o�n Sesvioer. Tlre Noce or a{�tiat'
<br /> Iastnnnait}e'nY be sold oac oc mo�tiines wi�art Ria�n°ace to Bomower. A sak sn�y result in a cl�nge in tbe eatiry ,
<br /> (Imoam as tbe"L.o�n Servicer")�U�at coile�t#��5!�Y�dne ander tbe Nota nnd this Sauritl►� 71xne also
<br /> � mi�y be aae ar mo�cl�aa8es d�c La�n Setvioer mce�a�od w a sale of the Note: If tbeie is a c6ange of t1w��+
<br /> . �samMer wau ne gtvm wriuen noaee of tbe cAaase in ace«am�ce wit6 poras*aPf!la atwYO ana applicaMe
<br /> . w�l state the n�ade aad add�ess of tlie new T.oue Servica wd tbe ad�cess to wiri+hh paymeats shoutd be ma�1G 't'tie notioe will . .
<br /> . a1w contsin any aher iafa�atian rtquired by appticabk law. t the �e.use, st�a8e.a nkase of ady
<br /> Z� Haz�rdors SW�tsacts. Bormwer shall aot cause vr permi P� �' affecting iLe
<br /> H�,slidous Su�nces on or in the Pmperty. Borrower sball not do.nor a11ow anyone elsa to d0.anYt�mB
<br />-- p�vperty th�t is in vi+ciiation of any Envawmamtnl Lawr The p�ecedinB t�vo sentettces si�att nat aPPly to tbe p�+ese�ce.use.or
<br /> --��g��n�R�t�u�snrall quan�ies t�f�rdeus 3ubstaaces that a� to 6e to namal _ -
<br /> $�Y� �� -
<br /> residential uses andiotttai�tenance of the Property- ' � � '' lawsuit ar.other action bY a�4Y
<br /> - -�,��p p�.giir i,ender wriuen r�ottca of any investigatio�t,.c2sim�:�. �
<br /> '�- �sS�or�vimr�en
<br /> a �ro�private parcy invotving,t[�e Propeity an��Y
<br /> - '. �yr,.•�tcp Bar�l�'a�ual.lmowledge. Tf<�orcai�irec�tea�ms;,.or�s no�fr�d:tsy..�ag�r.S�'���° -
<br /> ,1 � ttiac ariy removal or a�r�iuion�aay,H�ndous��--�a�ecursg i��Y�.�
<br /> �'�`• cdanc�wrtttF�t�u+�;ssnenfall.aa'- � '. . ,;:;,. •�. ,f� .�. �':'::
<br /> sbsil�simrpttytaice�.�esne4ialac6on�a�acca . , , :�:;�'::
<br /> �:' , '.�:�'s�ised�n tltis. Zt�:'Iiazardous Su6stAtrees.at±a tlinse si�(is.a¢�..^�s define�astaaic vr.�s��' , :;:,�::;,`-
<br /> ,.. ,
<br /> ' �tal I.aw'a,ud thc folia�irsitg substances: gasoline:�cetosene.othei flaznrr�G t�'`o*ic pet�eiim�radw�:;;�xic
<br /> _ � pe.stic�es aud hefiicides.vulaule;.�olvents,materials contaisung asbestos or fom�aTd���3 and r�ti�e mater�zns:`.As
<br /> - used ia�ius pwng�pt�24:"Envu+nnmeAtal l.aw"means federat taws and taws af the juasc�uu.�e arhe�e the Property is located
<br />= that relate ta health,safety or eaviradmemat protecdon. � . .
<br /> HON-iJNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agee as follows:
<br /> :�`'}. � 21. Accekntioai Remedies. Lender shA118be notice to BorroWer prbr to xoekratton tailowin�Boerowa's
<br /> ��k ot�ny rnveeant or agrtemeat ia t6is Secu�ity ImKrument lbat aot prior to aocekntioo under parASMPh 17
<br /> nskse applicable Gtvo prorWes ot6erwke). T6e aotice shAU specNl: (s)t6e detaWt:(b)the�ctioo reqnind to cvre the
<br /> defs�h;���s dste.hot ks�tl�ut 30 dsys trom t6e date tbe naGoe is 8iven to Barrowa,by v�bkh tbe defautt mast be
<br /> ' cpred;a�d(d!tluit tafiure to crre the defwit an or before t1�e dsk speciRed in tbe notice msy exaik in�cceterallo�o�
<br /> tUe ar�u sec�red bY tMis Se�writy IRStrument and snk of tht Property. The notice shall further intorm BorroWtr of •
<br /> .tl�e ri�/to ai�at�te Jtee atak�tion and the r�hl to brieg�cairt sction to s�ert the nae.existe�ce o!a defanit or
<br /> a�y olher defense ot Borro�ra to nccekration and�wk. If the defaait is nat cured on ar before the d�te apecitkd te
<br /> c
<br /> • ' tl�e�otice.l,ende�p!(l�optbn msy require immeAi�te p�yment ia fuil af All sums secured by thts Security/nst�ument
<br /> wltMowt furthee denwnd and muX invoke the power o�sale and any other remedtes permitted by Appllcabk taw.
<br /> �," Lender+�hall be entttied to cdtect ali expen.se�incurred ia pursuing the remeQ�provided in this paragraph Zt, __
<br /> ; includin�.twt nd timited to.rea�onabk Attorne�s'[ees and costs of title evlAeoce.
<br /> It the puwer o/sAk is invoked.7lrustee shail recor0 a notice ot detaWt in each cauaty in which any parl of t6e -
<br />• . propeAy b bcated And shall nwil copi�v of such notke in/he nwnner prescribed by ppplicabk law to Ba'rovPer aed to
<br /> the dher pe�saav Prescribed by applkabk law ARer lhe time required by appiicable law.Trustee shAll 81ve puDlic
<br /> ' notke ot sak to the pecsons pnd in the rtumner pr�c�ibed by appUcable law 7lrustee.without denwnd on Borrower,
<br />� - s6ap se0 tite peoperty s�t pnblk p ion to tt�e bi�hest bidder at ihe time and pt�ce and under t6e te kd�Agnsi�cdnn
<br /> . �he notice of sale in oneti�j a�n�ncement at the time s�n p aee ol any previoase ly s�ched�uled s�k• l.ender or its
<br /> pArcel of the Property Y P
<br /> ttesi�a may purch�e the Property af any s�le.
<br /> 17pon receipt oP pAyment of the price bid 7ti'ustee shall deliver to the purch�ser 7lrustee's deed conveyiag the
<br /> property. T6e recitais in the 7Yustee's deed shall be prlma facie evidence of ihe truth oP the statement�made therein.
<br /> � � • 'IYustee shall Appiy the proceeds ot the sale in ihe fotluwirtg order. (a)to ail coa?.g and expenses ot exerctsinR the power
<br /> , i _
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