<br /> �, .
<br /> . . --
<br /> . ._-- , _ __ _
<br /> . .. ,, .�____..�: — ---
<br /> . : , '
<br /> �V� ���
<br /> 'lz�a►ta�anc� �a r���+�xc� p�cpYsai:ic�x�, durcittq th� t�rn� at thf� I�e�d at
<br /> Trurt, �.n Aw,aunt;� emd in le�t� and aub4tanc� oa�isfaQtary to
<br /> � lCl�t�u��iciatx'7li
<br /> (x� t31��a11 ot�h�x' in�ttttcrpn�c�, inaludinq, w�.thout li�►it�ation, �
<br /> .�� aY� rio�c in. sua1� ;�mounxa and in,tnr� an�t suDatanc� as �y lrn� ti�a
<br /> to ti�s bs xeq�i�,xed hy Asn�sf�.vi+sry sgainst ath�r insurabla haaard�;
<br /> a�nci
<br /> �' (3) I� t�,hc� xmnrovemtnts ar� ].aacatad in a flond haEard
<br /> zon�, f.lood inn�uaan�e on t�ha ia��rovea�nts in an a�ount �ual to th�
<br /> lrsser of "ful7, �a�p�;aram+anl: cos�" tha��o� ar the aaxi�ua aaount o�
<br /> �.nswr.aina� abta��nr�bLa.
<br /> C. ��y�,;_,��Ii�. ]111 insurancs pxovid�d tox in
<br /> this SecL•ion 1:.03� r�hs�11 3�e ���act�d under. valfd and nr�fora�able
<br /> pol.icios 3.�sued� by, t�nanc�ally r�s�,onaibl� insurors authori�sd to
<br /> do buainess in� ��i�:`�liaCe at H�k�ra�lca erhich palici�s and iruuraxs
<br /> are approv�d in wu.�:�iriq by D�ne�icia�ry. Tha prnceeds o! all such
<br /> na.�.iaies sha�.], b�e. �,-�f!�pasited w�th and hsicD b� Benslieiary. 1111
<br /> caRUalty inaiixr�n�a pnli��.as �haZl incl��d� BanQriaiary asc an
<br /> additiona]. neuNSd- �ns�s�ca�,;•�dnd .ahall bis payable to S�n�liciary
<br /> purssuant to a a�anc�xd no�t��,�n�ributory tirst x�ortgng� ehdox+ae�ent
<br /> ir� tavor aF Sens��lciary, �cR senr.h �plici�ns nhall cantafn a waiv�r
<br /> a�. �ubxogetian endb�rarenae�nt,,:��Zl �n .�nr� and content �s�.tiafactosy to ,
<br /> Pan�e�iaiery. A�LI hxiqie�a�;`��►I.i�ias ahall aon�ain a provisfon ichat
<br /> •uch pcliciaa W�:1�, not b� �:fcsnGal�l or �►�qrially aw�nd�d, wtaich
<br /> t�ra shal�. i:ncLu�Ate . any ir�duc�ian in the sc4pe� or lixits o! .
<br /> aavera�qe, witho�l�h::°�:�:�:�xeast thJ.x�Y (30j d�Y+�' Pri��c '�r�.tten notias _
<br /> �a A�nwi'iaia�x�y.' :'^ '�.�t'Sat l�ss tban t�n {l0) � day►s� :;;Qrior to tha
<br /> •xpirstion daton t��' $txar pa],�.Giees 1��r�tofnrs �u�nita�3a�id Pursuant ta •
<br /> �r. ..
<br /> tbis D�ed ot Txu#�, avida�hs�e. eibt,�;�tactor�► to B�rie*fci.aa-X. o! ths
<br /> PaYa�r�C a� pre�iu�n, ghall';:�� �cY��;�;;�sr�d by,TXuator to Ban��iciaexy.
<br /> • -,; ., ,�
<br /> ,- • �'�,� . ,
<br /> ��' � D. H�'1.@!+ �a''y�'�iQ$� ��'zi�'provida Cov�raa�. xR Trttstor ��•��`{ _.
<br /> #ails to provi.de and'�eintain thr noliai�s of in�urance requir� by . . ��;,�::'
<br /> tlxi� s�c�i!Qn �..A��, a�naticiary �ay, at i.t� a�l� option, proc�tra �<�r-�:..'
<br /> such in�u�anaa . �.tt�, Trustar Ki�ll rai�burn� Bsm�t�.ciary for a�ll � , "��,`-
<br /> pr�iwas theraan;'��x�ptlX u�on ci�wand by B�n��icia�r:,�rfth intar�st :�,. ��
<br /> th�rron at tha Iri�x,��ad Rata to tlis dat� ot r�ia�bt�;����t and all�
<br /> �suah a�rwunt� sha17'�b� s�cu�r�d ja.y thi• l�rd of Trust:� ,,�
<br /> ;'' '
<br /> E. Ds�n���.S?�, �struction. 11�t�r th� htpp�n.�ngF';;i�� �sn ,::.�:�:
<br /> c�Lta�l�}� to tK� ��iau�rad Propert�_or any part th�er�►of, Trustor shal�.� �,
<br /> gi.'��a prc�pt wri�tt�in �notice� �h�re�! to �n�ticiary and tha fcllo�ring .'�
<br /> shal�l app��r: � �
<br /> : , ' , • , . ' t .
<br /> `��) xn� �he avent th�a loss is ���i,000 or less, a�nd w S;.:
<br /> long as no Ev�en�� ��� Ds�nult hms� occurr�d, 7xu�tior aha�ll hav� tull
<br /> po��r ta d�al W�tt.� Auch alaiyx and re��iva clixact � ra�nt !ar auch
<br /> c1af�. � �
<br /> (2) xn �ha avQnt at' any such dasaqs or d4s�ruation
<br />= axceeds $50,000, ins�urnnas proc�ed�s �shall ib� a�crawed and r�l�as�d
<br />_ - .. � _ ;
<br />_ ;: ; ;
<br />_ . ;
<br /> . .. ;�; :.;,.
<br />- � .,
<br />