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<br /> ���pp,]p���i�,'��C OQ�IOIi Of�.lYldlli i�lQOlij�C�OC CDYG�$C(�1EL
<br /> 1�L!'�iT t0��Q��►��IiR7��►�'�n bOCO�iYi1��C_7�LS Obf�[t10d.BOlIO�NE[36f�1� -
<br /> �_.__-_���_ . _._. �s�;nr,ffa�t;arso�-atn�.r�senre.-Lntil ciK_.zequia�nmt�r moct�_.��----,--
<br /> �owr�ooe mds in axa�tnoe�rith�ay atitten s�eemeo�t bet�odt ilosm�wer aod Leodet ot�pplic�bk tavr. - : � : .
<br /> < +�.�.I�eodv or ita a�t miy m�fae�easoo�bk eatries upon and ia�a,�tians of the l�apany.I.e�Wer,sl�ll glve� .
<br /> � Baiawer notioe at 1ht tima of w prior ta an inspectic�n specifying�ombie�cause for Wc in�peCtion.
<br /> . . lf.Ce�ia�tiw.Tbe p[ooeeds of aoy awacd�claim for damages.ditect ar i�oas��l, in oonaeatan with�pY � .
<br /> . �an�or ad�er takiag of aay pnt of�bc Pnoperty,or for coa�eyuxe in liw of oondtmnatton,are 6e�tbY�8�� , • �
<br /> - ; .sidI be paid ta tanda: � . - - � = . ._ : : ' - --
<br /> ' In the eve�of s�ofaf talang of tLe�iiapaty.tJr�p�oc¢eds st�all be app'lied to tl�sams�econd bY this Sccuricy L�strama�t..
<br /> M6dba or noE then doe,wid�aay-txcess paid ao Bormwa.Ia tbe evmt of a prrtial talcin8 of the Propecty in wbic6 tbe fair •
<br /> nwlcet valae of the prnQaty immediately 6efore the Cikin$is cqua)to ar g�er than the amount of the sams seculed by this
<br /> Sxurity Insttomeat im�eQi�cety befae ibe t�iciag,unfess Bomnwer aad LtMer athawEse agee in writipg,tLe suas secated by
<br /> t6is Sau�ity InsuumenE s6�ll 6e teduoed by the amount of the pcacoeds'maIdptied by tUe foltowiag fracxion: ta)tLe wtat _
<br /> � �munt of the su�saAt�ed immodiately befat tbe takinB.d.iYided bY(d)tbe ftir warkd valoe of tise Pr�upe�ty immediaktg
<br /> before tl�e Wdn6.My bd�nce sbafl be paid ta Borrower. In the eveat af a putial tainng of tlie Pmperty in which tbe fiir �
<br /> �. .muke[vabte of tLe�mQaty i�ned�telY tufociett�e talcing is lesc ti�We amo�nt of the sums secured immediate[y befone tl�e
<br /> :i'.::;.;:,:, -. � Bor�wer and Latder athe�wise�gra in wriring or anless apg�'x�bte Ixw aherwise�p�ovides,the proceeds sbal!
<br /> _ ' r;.�`•`..:��� : .
<br /> -- .:,..:�ie�pioac�=tit ilie su��ecured by�t�Sis Security Lnsttumenfwiiether�r�at�stuasane thet►duc.-- -. - --—-- . -
<br /> ;"� '-'.•°�±f;�eProperty is sb�Moned by Bomnwa.nr if.aftix notioe by Le�a w Borrower tl�at tbe oondemnor offers to maTce sa
<br /> . �,:.`4'•.' •
<br /> . _ _, . aaaTdai sdtie a cfaim for damage�>Bormwer.�ails�to nxpond w Es�er�within 3Q days after the date tbe ao6ce is�Siveq,_,�. ;,::
<br /> __ �Lender is sud�arized w coUocc aad apply tl�e pi?'nviceds,at iu optioa�eitber s��sturaaon ar r�epair of tLe Pmpe�ty or to thds�`
<br /> _ • serured by tlus Sewrity traaurnet�E,whether es�citihe�dae. . ` " �;:.:�.`-< . : `":T;.';:,::.,':
<br /> , " =:��ss I..ender aM Borcowa atlrerwise�iaee��'v�ani�.��r►Y�aPP�eat?a�of P'oo�o�`t°P°�P� shall rat e.;r�d d�i¢'"� �.�' :,�'
<br /> , :.
<br /> j-�t poupv�t��eduedateofthemonthtsi.�:ri�'�ts�dtois��+arag�raphg,laa�.?.b�d�e�amou�HOfsuchpaymeoa�..';"; `
<br /> 3�.Bon�wer Nat Relase��'�8�i�ce B�1.enda'Not a Watvar.lEict�sion o�t�e time for paymeat or modi�iq6'oa
<br /> � of eiiwrtiz�tion of the stni�5aaat�ed.bY this�S�o�iity Insuutrient gra°ted BgB.�°dert°any s�s°r in i�erest of Bornower shall
<br /> ' " aot opecate to,reias�tAe iiabitity.af die orfginal Banawet ot Hompwer'a�aYSSOrs in interest. Lender sfiall not be raquired W
<br /> commcncx p�+b�`�eodiaSs a8ait�t�'si�sd�1ih'enferest ar tefuse to extead time for'PaYmcnt or other�vise modii�i amortirrdon ,
<br /> of ttir:s�nis secunod by thig Secari�y Instrument by reasan of a��de�flaod�m�de by the originai Barrower or Borrower's
<br />- succes.sors in interest:�:�y forbeara�x�e by Lender in exercising any righe as sp,.medy shall nat be a waiver of or pmctude tl�e -
<br /> - exercise of anY riSht q�ie�nedY- .. .� � .
<br /> 12: Sacce�ois Aad A�re Boand;�dat aad SevaAl Ida6ility;�o�rs.The cover�ants and agreertjents af tbis
<br />_ Securiry Instrumrnt shall bind and benefit the sucassors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisiong of
<br /> paragrapb 1'7. Batrowa's coveuants and agreea�ents shall be joint and scveral. My Borrower who co-signs this SecuritY
<br /> - tnstrument but daes not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument onIy to mortgage.grant and conve�e tl�a[.
<br /> = Bonower's interest in the Praperty under the teRns of this Security Instrumenx(b)is not petsonally obligated ta pay the sumc
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument:and(c)agrces that Lender and any othea Borrower may agree to extend,modify.Porbear or
<br /> - maice any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security lnstrument or the Note wittwut that Boaoaer's consent.
<br /> 13.I.ean Clwrges.If the toan secured by this Security Iactcument is subject to a!aw which sets maximum toan charges,
<br />_� _ and that taw is finalty interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be cattected in comtection with the _
<br /> ° loan exceed the peratitted limits.then: (a>any sucb laan charge shatl be raduced by the amount necessary to rednce the charge -
<br /> - to the permitted limd�and(b)any sums already collected from Bortowec v�fiich eaceeded pem�itted lirnits will be refunded to � _
<br /> -= Borrower. Irender u:ay choase to make this se�und by reducing the psi�crpal owed under the Nate or�sy-malcee�a direct. '
<br /> _ - payment to Borrowzr. If a refie�.�d reduces princ�pal. the ff�action a-�iF be treated as a partial prepayment without any =
<br /> . ' prepayment charge crsdes the No.�. - �
<br />;;�, 14.Notkes.Ac�notice to Borrower ptovided for in this Security Lis�i�ent shall be given by deinering it or�mailing �,
<br />`-:' it by first class mail�afess applicable law requires use of another method.'AE��notice shall be directed ta the Praperiy Address
<br />'°�� ar arry other address Borrowet designates by notice to l.ender. Any notice to I.ender shal! be given by first cla�.s mail to =
<br />;�;'� Lcnder's�ddress statod herein or any other address i.ender designates by notice to Borrowcr. Any notice provide�f��s.in this
<br />.•�`� . Sxudty InStrument shall be deemod ta have been given tn Bonowcr or l.ender when given as provided in this paragraph. `
<br /> 15.Goverd� I.aw; Severa6ility. This Securiry Instrumcnt shall �e govemed by federal law aad tiie taw of the _
<br />'�-;; jurisdiction in whicit+�4e Pibperty is located. In thc evcnt th�t any provisir�or clanse of this 5ecurity Instnrment or the Note _
<br />"�� conflicts with applia�?:1aw.such conflict sh�ii not affect other pravisians af this Socurity instrument or the Note whieh can 6e.
<br />-� ' given effect without the canflicter_�provision.Ta this end the provisions of this Secudty lnstrument and the Note are declared °
<br /> :,K to 6e severable. -
<br /> j` l6.Horrower's Copy.8onower shall be given one conformed copy�F the Note and of this Security Instrument. � _
<br /> � Fqro 302a 91l0 , !
<br /> =-- aage 4 0�6 -
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