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<br /> � HO1tROiVFR OQYENAN7'S d�at Borporrec is iiwrfully seLxd of t6e estite henby oa►veyod aod isis dtie riEht w arant�ad=—
<br /> � . � .ocavry the Ptopaiy�od thrt tbe pmpdty is�a�aim6ana,'e�aept for ea�a�m�mces of reoocd.Bvnower�ram�xs aod�vit3
<br /> defer�d�eoaally the t�ta t6e Pcop�tY apimt alD clain�s aad dem�nds.sa6Ject te any e�at�s of z000id. •
<br /> � 1HIS SECURTTY INS'iRt111�1�iT oombims aaiforra cave�w�ts for national nse�td adn-uriiform oavenat�FS with Waited � .
<br /> vari�tions by juritdiction,to a�ntiwta a uoi[arai securiry iasa�tna�t ooveaing id prupercy. - � ` � .
<br /> _ �JMFORII��OY@IAHTS.Bonesvves ta�d I�det�venaat and agnx as follows: : ==
<br /> � • - I.PJy�at a[Pttieip�t aMt�otne�t;Pe�ep�7�a!ard Late CNe�es.Bormwec shall P�P�Y PsY wlxn da�tue '
<br /> pr�pl of aod intaest a►tbe dd�t ev�dmaed by ti�Nace�id u►Y P�►Y����S�d�e under the Note...
<br /> 2.Brtls for Tau�s�Ir�awca Subjax ta applica6le law oc to a written waiva by I.eidtr, Burrower shaU pay Lo
<br /> lrader oa tlise dtY�Y Payme�s aze aue w�des tbe Ncxe.s�nh'f ti�e Natc is paid in full,a sum('Funds�)for:ta)Y�Y�
<br /> and�rs w�1tic�mry a�aia PriaitY over Nis SaaricY Tr�aumwt as a rxa on ti�e Pmpe�ty:ro)Y�Y�b Ps�
<br /> or gcnuM ndots on tLe PmQerty.if airy;(cl Y�Y�or pcnpe�ty irmuancz prnstiums:(fi Yearly flood in�uaacx pnmiums.
<br /> if�n3►:(e)YeartY mortgage ir�sur�ncse pr�eaiivat�,if aay;aad(�anY�P�Y�Ie by Horrower to l.endec,in a000cdanoe witt�
<br /> t6e pi+nrisi�s of pangraph S,in lieu of the p�yma�t 4f martSaB�!�uaaue Premium5.77KSe ituns xre caUed`Fscrow Ittms."
<br /> �I,qder.ma�„ai�.my t�.coltax and hoW Fw�ds in•an amawt not io axoeed ttK mticimum aniount a lender for a federaIIy �
<br /> _ rei�te�m�ga ta�ss�nay�e for Bonuwer's esemw-acooaut.andesshe-£e�ral.BeaLFstace Settlement F�ocednnes.Act of-,----_
<br /> 1974 as ameti�od fiam time to time. 12 U.S.C.Sectioa 2601 d soq.("RESPA'?.����r law that appIies w the Ftmds
<br /> aets a kssea:�tmbu�.Tf so.Irnder may.�t any wue,wllxt and hold Funds in an aa�ount uot w excced the lesser amaqn�
<br /> . Lqder ar�;:�te tha uaou�t of Funds dne on the basis of aiiii:at data and:nasa�able estim�tes of eapenditurc's a.��sne
<br /> ,';���� �scmw ItCi�i±�iQ�1le�wise itt accoidanve with apptic�bie isw. �� � . �:.
<br /> �'�'�`�� :';>: • 7Le��"sb`af���bc�eld in an iostitution whos� deposits are iruure�d iry a federrl a8e►xY, insuutnmtality, oE��fity • .
<br /> • ���'.'t��8 i�r�ff f�c`is such�i�utidrtiaa)qr,ar.ahy Pederai Hob�e�,oa�B�ak.Ler�der st�all appiy d�e Fands isr�ay the .
<br /> � Escrow Ite�:��der`inay not ci�arge Borrower for ha�3ing and applying tho�unds,annaatly analyzing tl�ee esc�+aw acoous�t,or
<br /> � vaifying tt��+ow Ite�ns,nNess La�der pays Botroalea'satenst on.tho�oads add applicable!aw permits Lead'e�co a�e snch
<br /> s diaige. Noir�aver,�eoder may nequi�Borrower to�a onc-iune,�harge for an i��t real estate tax re�ma�g.s�iee.
<br />_ used by Le�r in connection with this loan, unless apptica�te Iaw pnnvides otherwise. Untess an agreea�ent is made or
<br />- applicabte lavv tpqaires i�t�rest to be paid,Lender s�a4]xwt be req[cited to pay Borrower any interest or earesi:�o�the Funds-
<br />_ ' Borrower and Ltnder ma��ee in writing,howecer;�3eat interest shall be paid on the Fands. Lender s1ta�git�io Borrower,
<br />.- � wittKwt charge,an annua�accaunting of the Funds,shawing credits and debiYs to the Fnnds and the p�se fnr wlucd�tach
<br /> � de6it to the Funds was ma�e.The Funds are pledgea as additional security for all sams securod by this Soen�ty:b�suument. . �
<br /> If fhe Funds held by Lender eaceed the amounts perniitted to 6e beld by applipble taw.i.ender shalf aecount w Borrower
<br /> for the eaass Funds in aceorclanee witb the requiremepts of applieable taw. If the art�aant of the Funcis heY��y l.end�r at any
<br /> - time is not sufficient to pay thc Escraw Items when due.Lender may so ratify Hoaower in writing.and.,in srclt c�sc Borrower
<br />- sdaU pay to Lender the amount necessary to�nalce dp ttie deficiency. Borrowcr sball make up the defici�rtcy in no more tl�an .
<br />.�.�.
<br /> twelve monthly payments.at Lender's sole discretion_ �
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument. Lender shall promplly refi.��to Borrower any =
<br /> - Futids held by I.ender.If.under paragraph 2 i.l,ender sfialt acquire or sel l the Property.l.ender.prior co the�quisition or sale
<br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by L.ender ss the time of acquisitian or sale as a credit against trie sums se�ured by -
<br />-_ this SecurltyE Instrutnent.
<br /> .,� 3.Applitatian at Payments.llnless applicablc law provides oiherwise,all payments recei��by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> ��� 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounu payable under paragraph 2;
<br />=°� third.to interest due:fo�IItEs.to principal due:suxl las[,w any late charges duc under the Note. '
<br />;"_:� 4.Chatges:Lieqs.�torrower shai!pay a0 taxes,a�sessmen�c.charges. fines and impasitions attributable fo the Praperty =
<br />-_ - wAIch may�:::t,�riority over this Security Tnstrument. and trasehold payments ar graund rents,if any. Bo�rower sha!1�ray _
<br />��;�" ttKSe obligatv�ns in the manner provided in paragrapb 2.or if nca p��d in that manncr.Borrower shaU pay them on Nme direxiy _.
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borrvwer shall pramptly furnish to[timder atl notices of amounts ta be paid under thls paragr�t,.
<br />.`�. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Sorrower s1►all pmmptiy fumish to Lcnder receip�s evidencing Ihe Qaymen�s.
<br />-`'� Borrower shall promptiy discharge any lien which has priority over this Securit�lnstrument.untess Borrawer:(a)agrees in
<br />;.;;; wdting to the payment of the obligation secured by the tien in a manner acceptabte ta Lender:(b)wntests in gooA faith the lien
<br /> °�'� i by, ar defends against enforcement of the lien in. tegaf pracaadings which in thc Lender's opinian aperate ta preveni the
<br />= i enfarcement of thc iicn:ov(c)sccures Era:n 1he holder of the lien an ugreement satisfactory ta Lender subordinating thc lien to
<br /> ' .this Security lnstrument. lf I.ender determine�thae any part of the Property is subject to a lien which rtu�y a±tain priority rner
<br /> • �ls Security lnstrument,�..ender may give Borrower a nrnice identifying thr lien. Borrower sha{{sarisfy thc licn ar take one or
<br /> � r.iore oi the actions set foru�bbove within 10 days af the giving c>f notice. -
<br /> •� . � Fam 3028 9790
<br /> _'. '. c�10�e
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