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<br /> • . • �rx�xrs 96— �'�(�,�'i
<br /> 1 . Saller ahall N�y th+� genern]. Rea]. F$�ete tdxAe for the Xeer
<br /> 1993 and nl1 priax yenre. S�R�itx7Et�ttx7��ox�px�tl�cx�x�.t��,,
<br /> � $x�t�{l�x�MNex�,�f1Lx�8Y'71tx�7t71��x�7��,xaD�'x����x7D�aD7Caix�lA�b11�C�f3R�K
<br /> �x��11�111/i1t7C�xS�p�b1��x7RIj]t7���7UjX.�L1W���Caiiiiiylia+j'r7�id'.'t°.'�i�ldo.�::� "v+:►'•='"-."'+�"� '"r=,� ,
<br /> • �qix��x*x�c#fu�xtau�pc�u.t�a�tx�ot�c#�a�c�th�x:c�.�i.yrx
<br /> 2. ��7rxu�ut3x�xa�.�ac�Q��ta�s��sx�u�ksuut�qxa�t�t�c� -
<br /> txxxx��fa��t�Exa���xaa�faclt�Axiooa�suc�ex�ua'�aaex�ez���
<br /> 3. In the evarit tttiat thP �'�a�xer ��ails ta pay uay �ar.ee ox --
<br /> �<`� assessmants, iasurance ,�mem�um�r �►vrtgage payments, repa��.� expsnse,
<br /> �. �� , �� fails ta perfo�rm ar��;:�ott�ar +�s':�: reguired by thie Ind�.aa�ktxe� �hen
<br /> ' �he Sel.ler maY,o��� ��� •�tri�;'::��a1`�.!��:'`�t�:<<�:fation, make such� paym�rc�'��.��t��rrn�l�r --..
<br /> fram the Buyex•r �t�ch �:�.��it 't:�i,,���'��3'�tnmediately clue and pay����.� �� B¢ayez ,
<br /> � ' to the seller: ThQ Buy��:'�s �ai�.w�.re to rep�y khis arcaunt immedia�ely
<br /> �� �i�n Se3.3ta;. s�all co:a:.titiu*e � c�e€�ul,� under thi.s 7ndt�ntuze. -
<br /> A. Tne Huyer agrees n�� t� �►lnce or to allow to xomni.n i�. '
<br /> plecad hy others any �ien� oac er��autabrances upon tha real ar�tit��e
<br /> �ntil the 5e].ler has been pa�.d �.n tull �under thi;s Indsntur�.
<br /> 5. Ths euy�r's obli�q+�tian� .h�r�und�r ar� �oin� and ��v�ra1 �nd
<br /> ��►eh bind� hi• and h�r s�parata •r�tato to �awk� th• puy�esnt• at�d
<br /> p�rinr�a oth�r oblig�tians rwqutr�d h�r�ur�d�r.
<br /> � 6. S�il�r mak�� no wsrrace�i�s concerning th� zonl.r►g ox ath�r
<br /> � ._L,_� � ,.�..., ..__� �.�.,.�. Wy .n oov�rno�n�e]. m�u►�h�rity. _ Buy�r,
<br /> � --- .. i��{11w.{GiVA� Vi- Yts.a� -�eewr- �++��+ • �, r � . ,
<br /> •ceapte As 8uyor's risk tha pve��tibi.lt�y that �uyei: s �'utu�• irit�nasa
<br /> u�� a� ths real astate migh� bro rwstric�sd or pr.ohibi�ed.
<br /> INGU�INCE .
<br /> ' 1 . xhs BuyQr Agren� tio •oei.icxy an� maintsin publ�a li�bilStiy -
<br /> ; in,suranc� ia t�a a�aou.nt ot a,t leetst �300,U0(3.00 �l.ngle .li�ait, by
<br /> � poiiai+�s o� in�uranc� issttm�d�tx� respari�:��i�.e insura�ce �+�wpaai�s
<br /> � ai�thdris�d to•do buri�sss in ��e StA�+�,�:��;,����br�ska�j �ully psots,rxtinq
<br /> � �fi� Bi�yf�t end 5�11*r agaitt�� �tr,y lor�i�•�;��►i�e�_::�� ci��w tb�r��or� .;�.r:,:
<br /> � ,::...
<br /> i�:;' �in �tt�::.t�tznsr cointt�ate�dl i�ith; nr arisin �y r�sl�on a�y thw use �� ; �i��:;;.,;'.
<br /> ' . . �.�rw�l�,,�'�+��ati��,by Btiyer, �a�;��i�,�.�'tc11y prot�e��i'ng tih� �f�y�r a�nd th� ��r�lar ':,
<br /> � � � .�'���ga�.�rip� anY io.s, a�m4��, +��r �plaiae Ari�ing� it� an� r�at�+p�+ �o �1►, �w�r�;
<br /> i' ' , �.: a� tl�� publia, in, upu�.�� or� s.�aut th� r�sal �.dsta��. A��?���.asit��r��' th�
<br /> !� � � � �� � Hqy�� �haii �urnish ta �rl�gr� a CirtSlicats �av���na�r�; ths ��iot tl�at
<br /> _;:�`,;',; � a�tch ir►sut�ncs ha�x �m�i•�;pravu�zed �nd the�t �� is iK fis�.��: fera� and
<br /> e!#�at, �nd f�r�h�r t.�i�,a�'� thaa'eem� cannot b� ��ra�ine�t+�i���,"Nithouti
<br /> _�:`�.�.: r�xeonabl• notiae �o �h�� &�1.�.�x. . �,' ;;+�
<br /> ,,..,.
<br /> 2. �hw Buyer e�gieas�t� aa��rry ahd atainta��l f�re �s�d wx�;�era�qrd
<br /> ��'�' l.nstixwnc� aov�rtq� ou ,tha�x�n+�X •stiat� �tf �ha a►�aotiitt r��;,At l�ii�t'�"'. :,::''°°�.;
<br /> ' eixty.four=thouieand t�����4;000.04 �� s�.�it�r�ard• pa1�:�. �1�s. o�� �:;�.•. : ,.�. ,,,�'��
<br /> � it�sUrwna� iisurd by ��spor��.bla� ir��tfr�ihae anm�+�ni.as atl��oxi�+����id
<br /> � �lo b�t�it►�r� in th� S��a�� o���td�bra�wka�: Seid po].l�fae o� lnsu�ca�nt��e shall
<br /> , aor�taii� loea payabl* +a�:��ta�e� to the �uyer ahd S�l�e�c ae tiheir` 3.r�teresta
<br /> �aa� apprar. At C1oa�.1��,�.; �h�� Suyer eh�li ��rt�io�h ta �he sellar .a
<br /> cer�i�i�atM svictsn;cil�� �ha faat tihat stuah.i�ni�urrsnae }ia�r b+aen proaured
<br /> end ttxa� i� ia ih �u�.�.' #vrae nnd effsat� and gvr�hnx �hat the same
<br /> 1 oatuiot be tertninatec� Withouti reasann�bls i�vttca ta the 5eller.
<br /> I •
<br /> � ...
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