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<br /> ��flxllrCS OQtN Q bGft�i�Of 1�IE�O�l�f..�(lC�iOC�DGIN$��aOdS 5�irSA bC COYCi�d 6�QIIS 5�`U�F--
<br /> . Ias�d�ag. Ali of thc fo�oing is iefemod w in this Secuaty Insuu�narc as tLe"PtopertY-" •
<br /> � BORROWEtt COVEI�ANt'S_t1�t Hmrawer is tawfWiy sdsed af the est�te tieteby rnnveyed aad has tde right w gr�t
<br /> �nd canvry the Prope�ty an�that die Piopeny is onrncambered.exapt far encumb�ances af recad Somuwer w�mncs and .
<br /> � �r�i defmd Eeneralty the title to the!'taperty sg�inu aU ctaims and dans�pds.sv6jece m any enc�mbranees of recad
<br /> 'l7�IS SFC�JRTI'Y I�fS1RE]MENT cambines unifexm.coven�nts for nacionat ase and non-uniform rnvenarits vritb
<br /> � timitdd varia[ians by jur`ssfiic�ian to coauitute a wuf�na scc�uifY in.aruinrnt cavermg ralt pcopercy. - -
<br /> ' UNI£ORM.00VENAN7S. Barower�ad Lender covenant aad ag�ee,as fottows: -
<br /> 1. Pa,�nt d YricipN ad Ltaat:FreMYise�t ad t:ats CMsr=e�s. Hoimwer sT�U pcompttY FaY when due tbe -
<br /> � priu�tipal of iud i�est on tLe debt evidenced Iry tM Note aad any pnepayment and late cAarges due under the Note
<br /> 2. '[�l�s irc'13ures airi.�a�ca Subject to app�ica6k law or ta a writuen w�iver by I.ender.Ba�ower st�atl psy to
<br /> l.e�der.an the dry montldy PaYmena ate due under th�Nota w�W the Not�is paid in fuli.a sum(°F�unds"1'for:(a)Y�Y
<br /> taxes aod assessrt�nts whicd may attain priairy over tiyis Saa�riry Inswment as a lirn an the Property:(bZ Year1Y leasehold
<br /> ' ' ptymeots ar gto�d t�eats a4 tbe Ptnperty, if aay: (c) Y�Y �°�PnP�Y ias�ee�e prcmiums: (d) yeariy flood
<br /> �ce P�'�u�.��Y• te)Y�Y�B�insv�nce premiums�if a�►y;and(fl any sums payabte 6y Borrovrsr to
<br /> Lender,ia acco�x witb the provisions of pa�agraph 8.in Geu of the payment of mortgage insutance ptemiuins. These
<br /> ite�as are pUed"Esc�ow Items." I.eader may.at any tirne.coilea and hold Fvnds in an amount not to excad the maxi�rnum . .
<br /> ...- - -= -- amaui[a leader for a fedeiaity retaud mrxtgage loan may roquire for Borrawer's cscrotiu sccou�e�ader tl�e fedaal Rsa! . �. --- ..—
<br /> - ' Baate Settlement Proced�ues Act of 1974 as amcnded firom ame to wne.12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.(°RESPA"�,anless another '
<br /> _ — ; law th�t appties m the Ftmds sets a lesser amoun�. If so.Leader may.at aay time.oolkct aud hotd Fimds in an arnount not to
<br /> excad tbe ksser amam� l�endet msy estimate die amaont of Tvnds due:on tLe iszcis of currenl data and teasonable,
<br /> -- — ' - esdmstes af expalditames of future Esetnw Iams or othe�wise in acco[danez with applicabie Iaw.
<br />- - The FiunCis shall be held in an institution wlase deposits a�e m.wied by a federat agency,msuuu�e�litY.or entity
<br /> _-� � (includ'mg Lender,if l.ender is sucU an iactitupan)or in aay Federa!Eiane Laan B�nk: Lender shaIi apply the Furids to pay� �
<br /> - the Fscrow I�. Lendec a�ay not cl�uge Basawer for holding and applying the Fimds,annw�Uy analyzing the escrow
<br /> account,os verdriag�Fie.�-�w Items.unless I.ender pays Bormwer interest on ttie Fimds and applica6le taw pem�its
<br /> Lender to mat���d�s�-`�rev�es.#:eadec aia3►�9���wer to pay a one-time charge far an irtdeptndent real _�
<br /> �ttate tau reptti.ti���y#�'�s�r�veth tMs Wen,unkss applicable law provides otl�ecwise. Unless an . -----
<br /> ` ag�eemeru is n�e or applicz6le law seq�inter�st tc►be paid.lRnder st�all not be requited to pay Horcower any interest or �=���_-
<br /> eamings on�he l�nds. Bamwer and I.ec��er may agree in wriung,lwwever.that inte[est shall be paid on the Funds. Lender �=�°_°
<br /> shali give to Bormwer,without chatge.an artnual accaunun8 of tl�e Fvnds.showing credits and debits to tbe Fuads aad the �{,���;
<br /> . - pu�pose for which each debit to the Funds was made. `The Funds are ptedged ag additional security for all suti.��cured by �.�:.:
<br /> this Security Insuument � �:'�°�-T�..
<br />����,�.-:��_ ff the Funds held by I.ender excad the anwunts pemntted w be Ge1d by applicable law.l.ender shatC��nt ta ��`_
<br /> �..;:�:,, Bortuwer for the excess Funds in accordance with the tequiremeau of applicahle law. If the amount of t6e Fai�s held ti�� �.�„��_
<br /> �-f`:'� I.ender at any time is not sufficient to pay the E.s�row Items when da�e.I.ender may so notify Boaower in writing,and.ai . �»
<br /> � ^ such case Borrowes shall pay to Lender tfie amount necessaz}r to make up the deficieacy. Borrower shall make up th� .�. �`====
<br /> deficiency in nd more than twetve monthly payments.at Lender's sote discnetioa ��'�°�°'=
<br /> � Upon payment in full of alt sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any `��:-;,.�;z:
<br /> `� ��' Funds held by Lender. Tf.under paragRaph 2}.Lender shalt acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition or
<br /> �.`,;�, ',.;�' '_
<br /> � �',= sale of the Properiy.shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums -;;r -
<br /> ''�` ,.�'r ; secureA by this Securiry Instnsmen� ."�.::'.
<br /> 3. AppHcatioe M Payments. Untess applica6le law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under • •��t. ' ±
<br /> ` �ragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:Pust.to anY Prepa}�ent charges due under the Note:second,to amounu g=:�ble under -=••..�=�M:•_.'
<br /> • - paragraph Z:third.to interest due:faunh,to principat due;and last,ta any late charges due urxler the Note. : �;�t- -�
<br /> 4. CMa�es; Lkna Borrowe�shall pay all taxes. assesscnects,charges. fines at�d impositions arin"�.:,abte to the =F;''�';�`
<br /> :i:c�,��,., , � ..,- �-_--
<br /> .,,.;�.• propertyr wi�c�rnay attain priariry oc�t�;~�Security tnstrument,a:�i.�sehotd payments or gmw^r��rents,if any. Borroweg .; ';:_�-;-�;�;:�
<br /> ahall pay[hese nbligad�sia�the mattaec tir.ovided in parngrapb 2,or��nat paid in that manner.�'rrr�wer shaU pay them a� • '_�`' i
<br /> : i
<br />- • '-` time directiy to the pers+�-n�ved paymem. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices ef.e..-nounts to be pa�d un� .. ,: . ' .
<br /> ��- `h�ls paragra�h. lf Borrmw�er makes these paymenu direcily.Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender rec�ipts evidencicr,�. • ° , � :
<br /> y,�3 r: ' �_ .'
<br /> DaY� }} t{�..y..�-r:,^-..
<br /> " Borroaer shaU prompQy discharge u►y lien which has prioriry over this Security Instrument uniess Borrower.(a)agrees. . ����.� ,•.�. z;:�;,,.
<br /> ln writing tn L�e paymem of the obiigaiGiue�s�cured by the lien in a manner acceptable to i.ender,Ebt cantests in gaod faith tt� �t�• , . ,�-=
<br /> • lien by.or defends against enfarcement a5 the lien in,tegal proceedings which in the i.ender's c�irson opernte to prevent tl�e ����::s��,;;;;_��
<br />= enforcement of the Ilen:or(c)secures from the holde�ef thc liet�an ttgreement satisfactory ta Le:sder subordinating ihe liece � t;.,�:;r,;.;-''-°;�=-
<br /> � to this Security lnstrumen�. If Lender detcrmines that zrsy part of thc Property is subject to a lien whicb may attain priority ��SS,n:;;f;?'� . � .
<br /> over this Security lnsdument.Lender mny give Bortower a noticc identifying the lien. Borrowcr shall satisfy ihe lien or talce �'�:' . .
<br /> "', one or more af the actians set fonh above whhin 10 days of the giving ai'naticr. � - `
<br /> ,¢;- ,�:., � , .
<br /> ;;;;�;.. S. Harrrd or Property l�surance. Borrowcr shall kecp the impravcmcm�now existin�ar hereafter erected on the
<br /> . .�> . Ptoperty insured against fvss by fire,hazards included within the term"extendcd covcrago'and any other hazards,including
<br /> ' Aaods or tlooding,for which Lender require�insurance. This intiurance shall be maintained in the amourtts and for the � � •.
<br /> .. . ' �
<br /> ::;�;f., FanD30Z8 9l90 IPagr2uJ6pagrs!
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