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<br /> 1:.... . __�
<br /> +rol ��,.,.-, l. _ -' -
<br /> �� ��
<br /> T�ic �=und'nti s�lfafl hc helci in uu insYitution wltn.�e dc{xi�itA are insured by a fcderal apency, insuvmc�uality, or cntity�
<br /> (IIiCllttl�ll��C-.�:1(Ii.i�.if'1-�:�tdtrr i��:,ucla a�i inttiunlonl i�r in nnv F�cicrul Ho�nc I.,craa B�nk. E.cndcr�h�ll apply the Pun�ls to pny the
<br /> 1•.�:w•.v Itc•�;i�.1.�.;ntlitr ina5r im1 c1�:,e��r.Ln�iu��;rr f��r lu�l�llug nn41,pPlyintr Ihc�unsls,annually analyr.inb thc r.scrow accu�i�it,nE� --
<br /> VL"PI��IYI�IIRi�i Lf.[`Tp4t.(.�Ir,n19,uules�+l.c►xler pays W�rruu�cr Intcresi un tl►e Pur.cis nr►d applicable I�iW��i'i1111S dd:tiClcr tu n�akc:.ucEi
<br /> a ch�raA.H:ax'�v�r.,-l.r�ndar n�ay requirt Borrower to pay u nn�:-time charge fur an i�xleperxient real estatr tnx reporil�i�scr+�icC
<br /> u��d hy L�.:ndcr Irtt��t���nccNon with this ios�n, �nletis xpplicabie few providcs otharvvlse. Unless an agrecment ls i�ur�C ar
<br /> �µ�}dic.�bin M anv r�squ��'�A intcroat to be paid.l.ender sh�ll�wt Ix required ta pay Bormwcr any intcrest or camings un the FundF.
<br /> pormw4r umd I.encl6�r�rnay agroe en writing,how�ver. tha� inteceu shalt bc pWid on thc Foncis. l.ender shu11 give to 19��rrower.
<br /> withnnt chk�rga, on�tannunl accamting of the Furxly, Flmwing c;rodits ard debits to the Furtds and the pury�osa for which e�ch
<br /> dcbit to tbcs i�u�►a�h�w;�►��,++1+:.'C'�:nnr:3s.rr�S1rJttY1���ditior�Al���rsty for ell sums secured by this Security Instn�meiu. �
<br /> If thn FundN h►�1d by Lernier excood the anxiunts permittal to be held by epplicabla IAw.Lender shuli account ta't3umower
<br /> fc�r A�a exG�s�Fun�f4►.in accordunra with the roquirc�nents of ap�licuble Iaw. lf the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> tima is t�nt :suffi�;inttt ca pAy the EsTrow�tems when duti,l.ender may su notifY Borrowcr in writing,und.in such cRSC&►rrower
<br /> 6hxll p�y ta Lrridat�th�t am�wnt n�ecessuY ta nwlce u�the deficiency. Bonower si�aU make up the deficicncy in no rtxnn th�n
<br /> twd��ra mnnthly•{��)�,mnnty,at l�der's sole discretion.
<br /> L1t��i pq��a�en4��in fuU of all sums �ecurad by this Se�:uriry (nstn►ment, Le�eder shall promptly refund to Borrc:vcr any
<br /> of�I�in PmpCn;��sh�ti11�pp�y p yr F�S t�ld by I.e d r t the t�ime of ucqu'isiti n�o sale as a credt agaiatiththe su�mst�securod by
<br /> tt�is Se+�uri.[y In�tnuftnnt.
<br /> 3.Appl6:atlnrX�ot P�ry�ent�s.Unlcss spplicablc law pravidcs Whenvis�,all payrr�nts received b�yaLender unde�para�
<br /> 1 and 2 st►r�ll b�Y epp{iud: �rst.to unY PnWY��nt ct►aeges due under the Note;second,to amou�us ablo under 2:
<br /> tbircl,ta ir►tt�.�fi da�t fourth.to pr+�+nPal due;ard Irst.ta any face charges due under the Note.
<br /> ,�.�n���;�.F�rrower shall pry all tnxes.assasements, charges,6nes and imp�sttions attrilwtable to the Propecty
<br /> whirh mw�� atli►in�E�r+ty over this Security Instrument, and le�uelwld paymrnts or gmu�d crnts. if any. Borrower�ludl pay•
<br /> thr.sc abU�-0tinns in��i�c mu�u�cr pruvick�.+��:r�r.�.�2.or:f txi Fed'es�h��+*!+,+.er,Rnrmwer shall pay tlxm on time ditnctfy --
<br /> tci tb�pc���n o�.��rrxhpeymenc.Aorrower stul!promptty fumish to Lender al3 n�ariccs of amounts to be pvd under this paragraph..
<br /> If&��m�t�r.:rmnl;�a.�3lcse payments di�roctly.Borinwer s1Wi pcon�cty fumLsh to Lend�r naipts evidaking the payma�ts.
<br /> ponr.�;rcr s4t�St•promptly dischargc any lien which has pnoniy over this Security Inurumept unless Bomawer. (a)agroes in.,
<br /> w•ritin�to tiro pP)�!ai�nt of the obligat�on securod bY the lion in a menner acceptable to Lcnder;(b)contests in good faith the liea�
<br /> by.or da£��xls� a�pinu c�zfoccerr�nt ��f the lien in. legal proceedings which in the I,erder's apinion qxrate to pravrnt th�n
<br /> enG�rcacmm�t of thh:lfen: or lc)secuns fru►n the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfactory to Ltndsr subordirwting tix lien tn
<br /> utis S�u�,ty 6r�ti�atnciu. if Lerdsr dctcrmines that any part of the PropertY is subject to a lien whjch msy atuur+prioaty ovn�a
<br /> tt�is Se�cum ty L��titin�ent.l.endcr may g�ve Bomower a iatice ideotifying the lun.Borrower st�all sutisfy the leen or take one t�r
<br /> �rx�m�f tlxt�+ictinna eet forth abuve wilhin!0 days of the giving of ratioe.
<br /> S. H�wtrd�t�' PtY►perlT Ir�raume. Borrower sha11 kecp the irnprovements aow �aisting or Ixrafta enoctod on n4�o
<br /> Prope:�Y.y i�twmad�gainst loss by fire.haza�ds incltsded within the tsm�"exter�dod cove�e" and any other hazards. iacludutB
<br /> flc►�ds�or,ticact�n�� foc whieh l.ender roquires insunu�oe.This insuranet�shall be mauatii��w��c,�. iec�tn irnder's�5v.tl
<br /> f}{It�.4'11(�EST IDq1l111:6.'lI1R ll64iiI1[.'C CiiilCf{rtV�iuiri25'u'w, iiiwif'iCw° ° `.�-"-"-�-� --- --'=- r
<br /> vvhlc}.�ehr4ltn�i bo unrc�so�r�biy withheld. If Bomower fxils to mazNain ooverage drs�ribod xlwve. i.arkr msy,at I.erx4r.r's
<br /> option�obtuin.oo��tTage to protect Lmdcr's ri�hts in the P�ropaty in aocoidance with Pa�,pra�,ph 7•
<br /> A!I :�nwc�mne policies and rmewds shall be aooeptabk ta[.endtr and shall i.rclud��;a s�andaFd mo�tP,aBe cla►se. La:r�c►e�r.
<br /> StuJl h�vr: Ua ri�qt tu hold the Qolicies and renGw�als.If I.�nder�tiquires.Bercower shalt�ishnl�9 8�ve ta Lender all recer��r of
<br /> . p�id prranimm�And,m�ewal nouaea.In the eveac c�f loas.�Botrower shatl g�ve prompt ncxict f y iLe du�u�rx+a crurier and GtKxkr:
<br /> LcKlt�z�miny mmkt:�p�uof of k�ss if not m�de promptlY bY�Or�wer. :
<br /> U�{�Liraxi"cr a�Boriower oti�wis�e ngree in wnHng,insuruxe P�ceeds sh�ll be a�►lied to trstoration or rq�ir t?f Ifitr
<br /> n��y�iMn.aniR if the restontion or rtpair�s eoonomically feasible and I.ender's soeu�ic�r�s�tat lea�ened.[f the�catac�c�on cx _
<br /> rcQ�Sr is nnt e�nanntia+lly fasible or Lendor"s security wouW bc lasst��od.the insuau�ce�,tnoeods siWl be apNliod to theo.suc�u
<br /> saured b+���tiai;ecurity Instiument. wt�ett�er or not then due, with any exass paid to Borrowe�. If Bwrow+x al�oddhis thd
<br /> Propert�, prdelne not anawet witfiin 30 days n�wtiet from l.,adtr�t d�e I�ssuran�.�c curict has offemd to seule a clainti;.shm
<br /> Lrndetr•m*y oullt�ci the insurance Qcnooeds. I.ender may use the pnxads!a repair or �tore the Propaty or to p��_aum� . .
<br /> s�eatr�d btyr►hf�,�9curity Ic�strument,wTidlKr or not then due.The 30-dsy period will begin whrn tbc mticx is given. �
<br /> iluLe�Lr.edrx uxl Bomowtr ot}iecwise agrx in writin8, az►Y appliauwn of proceeda to principal slWl not e�r,.�d �or '.'
<br /> pc�ywnn �tlb duu diKe af tl�e monthly payments nfen�ed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or ct�anga the amourit of the prynAcats. If
<br /> ut►drrpar�ro�l��2t the F�opertY is s�uired by Lcnder.Somowu's nght W�ny incuranc�e policia atd ptnceala casultil��Frnm
<br /> drmto�o tc�thn Ptope�ty prior ta the aoqu�sitioa sl+�ll pass to i.ender ta the extent of the su.ms saw�ed by this Savrity In�t:umait
<br /> imms+diKtdy pfi6r to twe saguaition. •.' � t���_ • , " ,
<br /> ' 6i:��►¢i',pr�en'a�{on,Mohtanuc!'�ind Prot�l+i9!a ot ihe PropMy;Borrona''s I.e�e M�lirat�o�= ,.
<br /> Bnr�xnwnr�tu11�r,oaipy.establish..�d ux the Pnoperty as Bo,��.am%er's pnncipal resides�oe�e+�tbin sixty days aRer the e�►e�in�tic►n of
<br /> tlifa Soc+aRiiy Ltiitivmeat and si�st�'�nrinue to occupy the Prts�c,:ty as Horrower's principi�l;residn�oe for�t leagt one e�tar aRa
<br /> UK dMr�.of oa�:up�la�t'y<:unless Lender otherwise�gras in wnhng.which coosent shaU a�be u�►o�My wkhhdd.�r anloss
<br /> extrr►uMrietE c'sin�xi:;<siiwes ex�st which are beyoM Borrower's c�ontml. Bortower slull �wt dasttuy. d�Be or iaiiE►wir the
<br /> Pmptny,;,,dluati+c'�;.'.rope� to dcteri�rate. or o�uanit waste on d�e ProQerry. Borrowcr shal!be in defeiult if any a�orftihrrc
<br /> actin�e:�4r.•qrocxe�ding,w� r civil or criminaE,is begun that in I,onder's good faith judgment could rosult in fod�uiur:nf tho
<br /> Pnr}�.rt,�;.o��ot�iErvvise materialiJ±r.npair the iicn c�ted by t�n:�.Security Ic�stiument or I�and�r's security interest.Hon���rmy
<br /> w►u�a�.��adES�;wlt and reinstate,as providod in paragraph IF��ioy causing the acGOn ar�reeding io bo dismis�ed wcll►��uli�
<br /> du;t� in;,�,rncl�:kc's;�t�d faith determination. pt+o�ludes forfo42ure of the�omower's interes� in the Propaty or othl�r m�rial
<br /> im�nntm�ol:ihe�;�:�c:n cn:atod by this SxuriGy.t�nstcument or I,ender's secyrity interest. Bormu�cr:,Hh�ll also be ip•default if
<br /> ;�;r Dumnwr.s,d��r�:�n,.�oan epplication procesa>��vt materially fefse or initF,+c,atate infonnation or staAtcit�ts 4o Lende�.�(or fi►ilod
<br /> tu pr�asideLess:�''�tuid�anY,mat�''ia!infomiaticsn)in connection with the:l�iin evidsnced bY the Note.includinE,lx►t�not linuted
<br /> tu��no��t�:.��E�td���rning,�k�r•r�.nxer's occupancy of the Prope�ty as a�clncipal r�idrsFos.if this Security Instmq+er�t is on a
<br /> ���;�y��.��?;gh��rnwe,r sha11 r.�m.n",•ii. with al! the provtsions of the lease. if Borrower.:�sstuires fex tide to the 1't�+pecly, tho
<br /> Irssc;}ioki•uK1�:thc fca title s.`wlt not tn�rge unless i.4nder agras to thc merg,xt.in writing.�. .�.
<br /> 7:Ptelrl�ctfa��a�t I.end�,r's RigMs in t��opa'ty.If Borrower faii�;x,�}�rfortn the vovenants and agrocmer�ts cx�ntainod in
<br /> thls�Sei.aaJiq�;?:�utniment, or theeti is a legal.pr.;�,�eoding that may significs�r�;�y atl'oct I.ender's rights in the Property•{s�uch ws a .
<br /> pn�cur.�ti:igir.i�b�nlctuptcy,probaee,for oondetr.anation or forfo;turn or to enfone laws or ngulatior►4).th�n Lencler�'uy do a�xi
<br /> p�y�•{:i�F�::�.�vh�i�ver is na:essary t�pr.�tect the vaiue of the'f'ta;�erty ar+d Lender's rights�n the Propeny. Lerider's•u�tmns m�y
<br /> • .�....�rir�o in �.Yet�)t. UariOR
<br /> i��:t�.a1e:��r}rt¢a��Y sums socured by a lien which has��3�nry aver this Securiiy r����:.—..�.., a,.,.�----o _
<br /> _.��_
<br /> fIXtSO1D1IA�UCtYOfI1Cy5�fees and entering on ur��a�ttty to matce repai�.wicnougn i.c��sm�ay i���.z��o�.�;�. vuvq�iohsy+�• •
<br /> 7,Lcn�e:rddis+►ot have to do so.
<br /> A.+��y aa-�ounts disburxd hy Lcnder under this parngraph 7 �hall Ixxo�►�c additional debt of}3cxrowcr sccunu� �y this
<br /> Socr�liq� Imtx�vment. Unless Bc�rrower and I,ender agree to ather tcmu of paunxnt.th�se nrnour►�.5 shall bear interast frum the
<br /> d�u oL•dlll9l�rscrnent at�he Note rate and shall be payablc, with intcrest, upon notice from [.cnder to Borrawer ro�utst9n�
<br /> pay'rtrPtR.
<br /> 8:;��I�t insunace.If Lend�r requirad mortgage insuram�e as a condition of making the lau►sec�red by U�is Sccurity
<br /> Irt�czu�ir=r����µ'�r shall pay the premiums xcquirod to maintain the nwrtgage insurance in effoct. if. for any rcasan. the
<br /> tn�+rt�u lnsurrrx.�c eovctage roq,uirod by Lende[I�pses oc c�eaxs Qu be in cffecc.Borrowcr shall pay the premiumg rcqui�.�to
<br /> obLuen�xti�eru8o substantially eyuivalent to the n�rtgage insuranc�e previously in effeet,at a c�t substsntisJly equivalent to�the
<br /> a}vt tu Dt+mawu of the�rw�tgagc insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer 3pproval by Le:xk�. if
<br /> Ppp 2 ot• w�+.3ozs sr��
<br />